But when it comes to setting a great example for our kids, we don’t have to kid ourselves. We shouldn’t aim to be infallible in the eyes of our kids (that would give them impossibly unrealistic expectations of themselves) not should we try to be someone we’re not for their benefit (that way lies resentment). We merely have to be the best version of ourselves possible. That doesn’t even mean that you have to overhaul your whole life. It’s just a matter of keeping an eye on the little things…
Every plate matters
Never underestimate the importance of nutrition when raising a child. It’s astonishing how many parents we see whose kids spend their days chugging on a soda bottle and yet they wonder why their kids are out of control. A diet of e-numbers, caffeine and sugar is rarely conducive to good behavior.
Good nutrition is the backbone of good health. Purge your kitchen of unhealthy treats and when the occasion merits a delicious and indulgent snack, make your own, it’s infinitely healthier and more rewarding. This brings us to…
Curb your indulgences
We all have our vices but rarely do we want to pass them on to our kids. When it comes to the first cigarette of the day with coffee or that glass of wine after a hard day at work, be careful about how we present these to our kids. We all-too-often frame our vices as treats or rewards which they can expect in adulthood. As well as finding healthier substitute for our more harmful cravings like substituting cigarettes for ejuices or eschewing the bacon double cheeseburger for a veggie patty, we can benefit our kids by preventing them from seeing satisfaction solely in the unhealthy. Teach them to find joy in good, healthy habits and you can unlock the secrets of healthy living.
Never prohibit when you can educate
When it comes to our vices, one of the worst (but most understandable) things we can do is say “You must never, ever do this!” before taking a deep drag on a cigarette or cracking open a cold bottle of beer. Many of us learn unhealthy habits from our parents and can tend to fetishize bad behaviors and look upon them as an intrinsic part of adulthood. It’s far better to explain the gratifications and the health risks of your vices and allow them to make an informed decision for themselves.
Be kind to someone, every day
In an era where more and more communication takes place online in pseudo anonymity it can seem as though the simple art of just being nice to people is overlooked. Show kids that everyday acts of kindness matter. Be kind to someone every day, whether it’s helping an elderly neighbor get their groceries out of the car or holding the door open for someone walking behind you in the hallway, teach your kids the value in quotidian acts of kindness.
Setting a great example is all about taking advantage of the little opportunities that life brings us every day.