Are you preparing for the arrival of your first child or even children? If so, it’s crucial that you get the house in order and cleaned up. If you don’t do this, then you’ll find that there will be a lot of dangers present in your home that could lead to a catastrophic accident. Of course, it’s not just about injuries and incidents. It’s also about making sure that your house is easy to maintain and handle without tremendous levels of effort. This can be quite difficult with kids, but there are ways to prepare for the changes that they bring.
You might think that you can complete some of the work along the way. While this is a possibility, it’s also best get some of the heavy liftings out of the way immediately. Particularly when you realize that there are major home changes that could help you and indeed your family a tremendous amount. So, let’s look at some of the dangers, the questions and the considerations that you will have when keeping your home safe and cleaned up for kids.
Think About Flooring

One of the biggest changes that you can and perhaps should consider is the flooring of the property. You might currently have carpet and believe this is the best option for a home with kids. There are a few reasons why this isn’t the case. Let’s start with the mess. Kids are known for making a mess, often completely by accident. This is where the help of a deep Carpet Cleaning company can come in useful, as they can keep your floors clean and safe if they’ve taken a particularly messy beating. As a result, carpets can certainly be used when there are children around, although there are certain types of mess that you need to be particularly attentive to.
Muddy footprints, spills and when they’re young, issues with sick can lead to your floor looking like a disaster zone. With carpet, it becomes a nightmare to clean and there will be stains that you’ll never fully remove. As well as this, kids are going to drop crumbs. There’s no way to avoid this and these can get smushed deep into the under layers of the carpet. That can become a feeding ground for the dreaded carpet beetle. You might be thinking, wait, isn’t this the worst case scenario?
It is, but it’s still one that you have to consider. The far better alternative is laminate flooring. With laminate flooring, you can keep your home beautiful and clean with far less trouble or issues. Laminate flooring marks can be quickly wiped away and immediately will look clean and brand new once more. There are no issues with crumbs either as rather than being hidden, they can be swept or vacuumed up easily.
You might be worried about issues with laminate and falls. However, laminate flooring has two distinct advantages. The first is quality guaranteed non slip surfaces. Since this is often a guarantee on the product, if a slip or fall does occur the company could be held legally accountable. You would still need help with a personal injury claim but this can be reassuring for parents worried about this type of incident.
As well as this, while you might think that laminate flooring is going to result in a hard hit during a fall. However, laminate flooring actually provides a surprising amount of give. Unlike hardwood this acts like a cushion for a fall and is also a lot cheaper.
Clearing Up The Clutter

If you are looking for ways to avoid the issue of bumps and bruises, then you might want to consider getting rid of the clutter in your home. It’s not just the child’s welfare that we’re thinking about here. You could also end up tripping up over toys for kids or even extra pieces of furniture. Aside from this by keeping the level of clutter under control, you can also keep your home looking neat and tidy even with kids.
If you are having issues with clutter, you might want to think about investing in some storage containers. These are cheap and easy to set up in minutes. As well as this, they come in a wide range of different styles and designs. That means they can fit in any room or interior area of your home.
Alternatively, you might also want to think about storage options outside of your home. This can simply be another monthly bill and the options on the market are surprisingly affordable. In fact, you can save more by opting for more space which is useful if you have large amounts of furniture.
Age Issues

You do need to think about dangers in the home that are specifically related to age. An example of this would be the stairs. When you have a small child who is starting to crawl, it’s absolutely essential that you install a gate across both ends of the stairs. By doing this, you can make sure that there are no falls here that can actually be fatal at an early age. You’ll then need to decide when it’s time to remove this precaution. While some parents think it’s time to remove it as soon as the child starts to walk, it’s perhaps best to leave it on until they are sure of their feet. As such, a stair gate will typically be necessary until the little one is two or three. This is just one example of danger and a solution that is age specific.
Another would be dangerous materials. After a certain age children will know not to consume dangerous or even deadly materials such as bleach. It’s crucial that you know the right age when children begin to understand dangers like this. The typical accepted age is around ten. By this age, children are aware enough to protect themselves from these types of threats.
Don’t Forget About DIY Jobs

Lastly, one of the issues that a lot of parents forget is repairs around the home. Repairs such as a loose floorboard or even nails sticking out the walls that haven’t been taken care of could present a danger for your children. That’s why you should make sure that these issues are taken care of immediately. Don’t wait around for an accident to happen.
We hope you find this advice useful when cleaning up your home in preparation for having kids.