If you know that you are unhappy in your job, then you will understand how much of an impact this can have on your life. You may find it difficult to get through the day, and that you just can’t seem to concentrate for more than 5 minutes.
You Can’t Get out of Bed
It is very common for you to go through periods where you just feel miserable or even bored in your job. If you find that this is your daily attitude however then this is a sign that something needs to change. If you are not engaged in what you are doing for a living, then don’t wait too long to make a change. Don’t stay in a role that you feel is completely uninspiring because everyone will pick up on this, and it may even have an impact on your job performance as well.
Relationships at Work
If you have a bad manager or even a bad boss, then this can make you want to quit your job. You may even find that the majority of your relationships are toxic or even dysfunctional as well. If you don’t have the support network you need at work then this can cause you real problems and it may even take its toll on your mental health. You may go home from work every single day feeling stressed, that you are not valued or even that you are not able to enjoy your personal life.
Losing Interest
Sometimes, a job can become stale. You may find that you are no longer being presented with new opportunities and this means that you can’t learn or expand on your skill set. This can be very damaging to your career if you are not careful because it could damage your future employment opportunities and it may even make it more difficult for you to stay motivated in the day.

Sometimes, being told that you are doing a good job can really boost your self-esteem. It can make you feel as though the work you are putting in is being appreciated and that you can boost your own confidence too. If you are never being recognized or if you can’t remember the last time someone took the time to reward you for your hard work, then it may be time to find someone who does.

Your Physical Health
If you know that your employer does not really follow safety regulations or if you believe that your physical health is in jeopardy then now is most certainly the time for you to find a new position. This is especially the case if you are being exposed to asbestos or other chemicals. If this is the case then you may want to consider talking with some mesothelioma attorneys as well to see if you have the potential to make some kind of claim. You do have to remember that no job is worth sacrificing your health for and that it is always possible for you to take control of your career path.