Responsibility is one of the most valuable lessons a parent can teach to their children, especially in this day and age. The planet that we call home is in trouble, with waste and pollution all around us. While we may have become more aware of the impact that we have on the Earth, we must ensure our children know of this too. After all, before long, the world will be theirs to take care of, just like it is now ours. Living an eco-friendly lifestyle can seem complicated, but it’s actually quite simple. With that in mind, here are seven easy things that your whole family can do to go green.

1. Make A Meal Plan
Reducing waste is a big part of living a green lifestyle. While material waste is definitely an issue, food waste is becoming a huge problem in many places around the world. Thankfully, this is one that is very easily solved. All that you have to do is only buy groceries that you know for certain you will eat. By creating a weekly meal plan, you give yourself a list of all the food products that you need for the week. You can create these meal plans as a family so that everyone is happy.
2. Bring Your Own Bags
When you go shopping, make sure that you have your own bags before leaving the house. While single-use plastic bags used to be commonplace, they are slowly being weaned out of grocery stores and supermarkets. Many shops now charge for such bags, while others refuse to stock them at all. Tote bags are much more eco-friendly, as they can be used again and again. If you buy a few plain ones and some fabric paint, you could allow your kids to decorate them.

3. Ditch Single-Use Items
Being a parent isn’t easy. As well as working and looking after the children, there are household chores that need completing. While it can be tempting to eliminate the washing up by using paper plates and plastic cutlery, the waste this produces just isn’t worth it. Before you buy stainless steel knives and forks, however, you should learn everything you need to know about bamboo cutlery. This cutlery works just as well as steel but is much better for the planet.
4. Grow A Vegetable Garden
Starting your own vegetable garden will benefit the entire family. Learning about where food comes from and the process of growing it is incredibly beneficial for children, as is the fresh air that they’ll get every time they help you with the gardening. Plus, you won’t have to travel to get fresh vegetables. This is incredibly convenient for you, but it also means that you won’t have to drive, which limits pollution. If you don’t have a green thumb, you could buy from other growers.

5. Turn Off The Electronics
Kids these days tend to be in front of screens longer than they are away from them. While this can harm the health of your child, it also contributes to pollution. Because of this, you should set limits on how long your children are allowed to watch TV and play their consoles. Once this time is over, you should turn off those electronics at the wall and unplug them from the outlet. Simply leaving these devices on standby will continue to use electricity, costing you and the planet.
6. Use Natural Cleaning Products
The cleaning products we tend to find in supermarkets and grocery stores are far from healthy. In fact, they contain incredibly harmful chemicals, which can damage the environment and your health. Before you send your kids off to do their chores, therefore, you should make your own cleaning products. There are many natural ingredients that you can use for all sorts of cleaners, including lemon juice and vinegar. These clean just as well, but aren’t nearly as dangerous.

7. Take Walks To School
As tempting as it may be on cold mornings, you should avoid driving your little ones to school. If at all possible, you should instead walk with them or ride bicycles together. This is a great way to exercise and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time. If the distance or weather makes walking or riding impossible, then consider carpooling instead. This would mean that fewer cars are on the road, which would benefit the environment in a big way too.
Going green isn’t nearly as difficult as most people think, so follow the advice above and start making positive changes with your family.