There might be a reason why your kids hurry their friends upstairs when they come in from school. Sure, it could be because they are smuggling in a dodgy copy of the latest GTA title or a secret boyfriend or girlfriend, but then again, it could be because, style-wise, you’re the most embarrassing dad in the neighborhood! To let their friends see you could be tantamount to years of ridicule on the playground!
To ensure you’re the most stylish (and not the least stylish) dad around, you might want to consider these suggestions.
Wear clothes that are fitting to your personality and lifestyle
Sure, you might think you rock that John Wick-styled jacket and those groovy glasses you wear might be akin to what today’s kids are wearing, but if they don’t suit your personality or lifestyle, then you are doing yourself little favors. When you’re shopping for fashion, be it for men’s glasses, jackets, or anything else, be sure to buy those items that are befitting of who you are. Don’t try to appear too cool or in with the kids, because you might not pull off those trending looks successfully. Explore different looks and brands by all means, but be sure that you are comfortable in what you are wearing before making a purchase.
Wear according to your size
At a certain age, many men tend to put on a few pounds. While a few healthy lifestyle changes can do much to reverse this, it might still be that you aren’t as slim as you used to be. So, don’t try to fit into those clothes in your wardrobe that no longer fit you, and don’t opt for those slim-fit clothes from the mall if you’re a larger gent. Go for your size (or one size up) when you’re shopping for clothes, as you will then look better (and feel more comfortable) in the outfits you choose to wear.
Find out about the latest trends
Don’t rely on those staple pieces that are no longer trending in style. They might have suited you ten years ago, but if you’re looking to up your style game, it’s important to relegate some of your older clothes to the recycling bin. Do your research online, and find out what today’s men are wearing. You can do this on fashion sites, but you might also pick up a few tips by looking at what some of today’s male celebrities are wearing too. And when looking at other people, pay attention to how they are wearing the latest fashion, and not only to what they are wearing. For a few useful tips, check out these fashion trends that are carrying over from 2019 into 2020, and consider adding a few of them to your wardrobe.
Groom yourself well
Of course, style isn’t only about the clothes you wear. To appear stylish, you need to groom yourself too, as your unkempt hair, untidy beard, and unmoisturized skin won’t do much for your overall look in the neighborhood! Check out these men’s grooming tips from GQ, and do what you can to complement the fashion you wear by working on your personal aesthetics.
By following these suggestions, your kids should no longer make every effort to hid you from their friends! Let us know what you think, and please share any of your suggestions with us too.