Stepping up to the mark as a father is not easy. Some dads are thrown into the role without really thinking about it. It seems to be common that babies are being born due to an ‘accident’ between the parents. So, often the dad doesn’t have a choice. Every child is a blessing, and even though some might not be planned, they should all be seen as a blessing. The moment you saw your little baby we just know your heart would have melted. But then it turns into a rock solid ball of stone again, and dads seem to take a back seat when it comes to parenting. Some dads turn into a ball of mush and can’t help but do everything for their little baby. But for some, being a dad is just totally alien, and not something that comes naturally. It’s just like some moms. Everyone expects moms to be this super mom right from the get go, but it’s not always that easy. So, we’re going to talk to you about becoming the dad that your kids need you to be, so that your family can have the best life possible.

The Provider
This is the one role that men like that take on wholeheartedly. Just like mothers have the natural instinct to be a mom, fathers have the natural instinct to want to provide. It’s like an unwritten rule. Plus, the family is going to rely on you until your partner can return to work, which should be after nine months to a year. Even after that, your family needs you to be the provider. Raising a child is just so expensive, especially as they get older. So being career driven and money driven is going to give you and your family the best life possible. Always make sure you’re looking out for a career that will help you to achieve that, rather than settling for a job that doesn’t!
Healthy & Happy
Everyone wants to be happy and healthy, and you’ll no doubt want to be around for many years to come to see your children grow up into their own adult life. However, dads are notoriously terrible at speaking about their health and well-being. Issues as simple as hearing issues are ignored for years because they don’t want to face the problem. Sound like you? Or does it now, if you’re struggling to hear. A hearing instrument specialist will find the best solution that’s compatible to your lifestyle, so you don’t have to be paranoid about people judging you for having a hearing aid! Any other health issue that you have that you keep ignoring, get to the doctors about it!
Hands On
Being hands on is so important. If you want to build a bond that means your kids can come to you for everything, you have to be involved with everything. Don’t be the dad that just sits back and waits for it to be play time. Cook their dinner, wash and dress them, take them to school meetings. The more involved you are, the stronger the relationship.