You don’t have to spend the whole winter huddled up indoors on the couch. There are plenty of outdoor activities that are perfect for the winter months. Here are just a few great outdoor activities to try in the winter.
Skiing and snowboarding are two of the most popular winter sports. Not only does this activity enable you to climb mountains and take in breathtaking views, but you also get the adrenaline rush of travelling down these mountains at speed. Of course, you can set your own pace – while some people try to see how fast they can go, others prefer to take things slow and enjoy their surroundings. Either way, it can be a great workout on the leg muscles and the heart. Ski resorts are the best places to go to enjoy this activity, as well as soaking up the buzzing ski culture that accompanies it.
Ice skating
Ice skating is another popular outdoor activity to try in winter. While there are plenty of indoor ice rinks that can be used all year round, an outdoor rink in the winter could allow you to skate under the stars in the evening. Ice skating can be a graceful form of dance or a competitive racing sport – you can choose what you get out of it.
Many of us have enjoyed sledding as a kid. On a snowy day, it can be a great outdoor activity for getting some thrills. It’s cheaper than skiing or ice skating and you can give it a go practically anywhere providing there’s snow and a hill. There are many household items that you can use as a sled if you haven’t got a specialized sled. Alternatively, you could try making your very own sled if you feel you’ve got the DIY skills.
Ice fishing
Love fishing? A great activity to try in the winter months when the water is frozen over could be ice fishing. There’s a whole new art to this type of fishing, which can make it a fun challenge for even experienced fishers. To help be successful, it could be worth buying some ice fishing gear. There are plenty of guides online that can teach you tips.
Foraging is a way of collecting free ingredients from nature which can be used in cooking and cleaning. While spring and summer are popular times to forage, you can also find lots of ingredients to forage in winter. These include berries, nuts and seeds. There are winter foraging guides that you can read online to help you identify edible ingredients, as well as teaching you various recipes in which you can use these ingredients. It could help you to save some money in the winter, while also bringing some freshness to your food.