How Do You Know If You Have The Flu?

In recent weeks and months, the knowledge of knowing the symptoms of flu have become a top priority. Since the pandemic occurred, we have come to know why this is so important. The novel Coronavirus is part of the flu virus family and the symptoms can sometimes seem like they are the same. So you can see the danger in not knowing what the real flu is like and what a cold might be, or allergies or heaven forbid, the virus itself. There can be a number of confusions occurring because you can feel fine for 14 days and then suddenly, your ‘flu’ symptoms get worse when they should be getting better. So let’s look at the clear and distinct signs of flu.

flu, sickness, pandemic, covid, virus, health

Where does the flu start?

The flu is primarily a respiratory virus, so you’re breathing should immediately be affected right? Well, not all the time. The flu virus can affect other parts of your body first, such as aching muscles. Your body can feel hot and fatigued, yet you might not be sneezing yet, not have a running nose or watery eyes. The reason for this is, your extremities might be kept warm. So if you’re wearing layers such as gloves, a hat or a scarf, it can feel like you just have a fever. However, give it time and you will begin to breathe slower and shallower, as the virus begins to attack your lungs.

The external signs

The clear and present signs of flu are as follows.

  • Running nose, which develops into very thick yet still watery mucus that drips from your nose.
  • Watering eyes, it can feel like your eyes are sore, sensitive and cannot stop blurring your vision.
  • You might also start to cough up throat mucus. If you have the flu, it will be green, while normally, it is beige.

A runny nose is not the same as a dripping nose. A running nose is purely a liquid that runs down your nose, onto your top lip. A dripping nose is, so full of mucus and the virus, that it uncontrollably drops from your nose onto your clothes or the floor.

Allergies can confuse

Another thing that confuses people, is colds vs allergies. As we have talked about, the cold is not as severe as the flu but it can seem like allergies. However, the key difference is a change in body temperature when you have a cold as opposed to allergies. If you have a runny nose, watery nose and a cough, this could be allergies. If you have all of these and a fever, then it’s the cold, which is the onset of the flu.

Still unsure?

If you’re still unsure, do a little more research. Go online and read more on the subject, but one easy way to know is, when you next go to a pharmacy or supermarket, pick up a flu medicine and it will have all the symptoms on the box along with the chemicals used to fight the virus. Better yet, consider getting a flu shot before flu season kicks in. Search for phrases like “flu shot near me” to find a convenient location or connect with a doctor to get your shot. 

The flu is a horrible virus and not as light as a cold. You should be able to tell when you have it now, the symptoms will be more severe, you will have less control over your fluids and it will take about 4-5 days to get over it.

The Importance of Hearing Protection for Your Entire Family

Hearing protection is something that we rarely think about buying for our family. Unless you regularly go to concerts, you’re probably not going to think about buying any kind of hearing protection since it’s generally not needed. However, hearing loss can happen even from something innocent such as watching TV loudly, listening to music at a high volume or even using something like a blender.

Fortunately, hearing protection is easy to obtain and will help protect you and your family from any potential hearing loss.

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Understanding decibels and hearing damage

It’s important to realize that sound levels are the main culprit when it comes to hearing loss. For example, sounds at or above 85 decibels are likely to cause hearing loss if you’re exposed to them for a long time. This could be around the level of an ambulance siren or even using an electric drill.

Without protection, these kinds of sounds can quickly damage your hearing. It won’t be immediately noticeable, but you might notice something like ringing in your ears. The longer you’re exposed to these situations without hearing protection, the worse your hearing will get. Other examples of loud noises that could damage your hearing include planes taking off, a concert or even riding a motorcycle.

Is your hearing damaged already?

You might experience temporary tinnitus when your hearing is damaged for the first time. In some cases, your hearing might return to normal and you won’t really notice anything. Unfortunately, it’s very difficult for our bodies to determine if we actually have hearing loss or not since it happens very gradually. The only way to tell if you have hearing loss is by visiting an audiologist and having a hearing examination.

However, there are a couple of symptoms that you should look out for. For instance, if your family tells you to turn the volume down on your TV or music player, then it could be because your hearing is a little worse than theirs. If you find it difficult to have a conversation when there’s a bit of background noise, then it’s also a sign that you could be experiencing a light form of hearing loss.

How to protect your hearing

You can protect your hearing by simply wearing hearing protection. It’s a cheap and effective way to keep your hearing in good condition and it doesn’t take much effort. Simply buy some over-the-counter hearing protection such as earplugs or earmuffs for your family and keep them stored somewhere until you need them.

Alternatively, you could use custom hearing protection solutions. These are often molded to the shape and size of your car canal to provide maximum protection. These aren’t necessary unless you’re regularly exposing yourself to loud noises. For instance, if you work on a loud construction site then you may want to have the best hearing protection possible. However, if you’re only occasionally going out to a concert with your family and friends, then simple hearing protection is perfectly fine.

Maintain the Perfect Balance with Your Aging Parents

With the changing times, it has become more difficult to be able to give the proper care your loved ones deserve. It is a common issue that is being faced by a lot of people today as the work schedules have become busier, which does not leave with much time at your disposal.

However, with the help of Senior Home Care institutions like the one on this site, you can provide your elderly with the needed care. If you have been looking for a way to learn to strike a balance between your work and caring for your elderly parents or grandparents with Senior Home Care, then in that case, read on.

1. They Receive Professional and Round the Clock Care

One of the best benefits of getting your loved ones in a Senior Home Care is that they receive round the clock and professional care at all times. Most of the time, it is not possible for everyone to know everything there is to know about caring for the elderly, and sometimes that can confuse even the best of us. And also, it means more stress for you at work. Hence, it is always better that you get them to a place that will guarantee good care and will leave you free of any kind of worries or anxiety about them so that you can concentrate well on your work. Establishments like those owned by Clover Group Buffalo will give you piece of mind by ensuring your aging parents have quality care for physical health and meaningful social connections for mental health.

2. Better Quality of Life for Them

If you get your parents or grandparents the comfort of a specialized care home that is suited to meet all their needs and requirements, then that would mean a better quality of life for them. They will also feel at ease and in a comfort zone.

Also, with age, they require more rest, and peace and quiet, which they may not get in a bustling household of kids and busy life. Thus, it is always better that they live where all their comforts are taken care of.

3. Engagement in Home Care Activities

Living in a Home Care may seem to be very cold and distant to most people, but in reality, it is not. According to the care professionals at, these institutions always have some or the other kind of participating activities going on for the amusement and engagements of all the residents of the place. And being involved in them keeps them happy and active.

Not only that, people who are of the same age group and similar mindsets also develop strong bonding and friendship, sharing their life stories with each other, which lasts them as long as they do.

4. Comfort of a Home

Last but not the least, they do not have to fret about being in an unknown and different environment. Home cares are very warm and the best is done to provide care in a homely aura as much as possible. It keeps them secure and feeling looked after.

The Takeaway
Thus, it could be seen that there are a lot of positive aspects of Senior Home Cares. They are possibly one of the best places where you could settle your loved ones if you would want them to be feeling safe and well guarded and cared for at all times.