9 Signs of Human Trafficking and What to Do if You Spot It

Human trafficking is a real problem throughout the world. It destroys a countless number of lives and families. When a person is forced to perform sex acts against their will, they are victims of sex trafficking. Perhaps you’ve wondered what you can do about this global issue or asked, “What can I do to be more aware of trafficking, and what do I do if I suspect someone is a victim of human trafficking?” Here are some warning signs to look out for and what you can do about it.

1. A Controlling Adult

This person can be a “sponsor,” guardian or any other title. The victim will rarely be alone and will say very little when their handler is around. This person also monitors the victim’s communications, spending and whereabouts. You can offer to reach out to a sex crime lawyer on their behalf.

2. Works in the Sex Industry

Everyone who works in the sex industry is not a victim, but those who are in this industry are more likely to be a victim of sex crimes. It is much easier for these individuals to be pressured into performing sex acts.

3. Owe Money to an Employer

Victims of labor trafficking sometimes owe money to their employer because the employer is exploiting the victim. Oftentimes victims are underpaid and not paid the wages they were promised.

4. Work in Isolated and Dangerous Conditions

Laborers who are isolated from their support system are more easily exploited. Not only are working conditions dangerous, victims do not have the proper safety equipment to do the job and living conditions are often deplorable. You can report this to the National Human Trafficking hotline.

5. Express a Want to Leave Sex Industry

Strippers, prostitutes and other sex workers that disclose to you that they would like to quit the sex business but don’t think they can for fear of retaliation or losing their life could be a trafficking victim.

6. No Control Over Their Identifying Documents

If someone doesn’t have control of their ID, passport or visa, they may be a victim. Traffickers will remove identification from their victims to make their escape difficult and as a way to coerce them into illegal activities.

7. Signs of Physical Abuse

Far too often trafficking victims are physically abused. Their traffickers aren’t concerned about a victim’s well being, and abuse is a tool used to keep victims in line. If you notice bruises or other abrasions, ask if they need help. If they do, you can notify local law enforcement.

8. Scripted Responses

When conversation seems rehearsed and unnatural, there may be a problem. Victims are instructed to attract as little attention to themselves for a reason. That’s why knowing what to say is important to victimization.

9. Underage Prostitute

Minors who are in the sex industry are victims of trafficking according to the law. So if you spot an underage prostitute there is definitely trouble afoot.

If you come across a person you think is benign trafficked, you can call the NCMEC, notify law enforcement or contact an attorney. You are not powerless in this fight.

What To Do When Your Headspace Goes Totally Wrong

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We like to think that modern civilization is more civilized. But the way it treats us as human beings can be pretty dreadful. 

Can you imagine our ancestors having to deal with politics, working lives, and the nature of the universe? They didn’t. Instead, they focused their energies on the here and now, using the resources they had available to them. Neither the past nor the future was a burden to them. Their lives were exclusively about surviving the present. 

Things are different today, for obvious reasons. The average person is living in a situation that is massively divorced from evolutionary history. In many ways, the primary challenge of living in modern society is resisting all its temptations and getting back to a natural state. We have to do daily combat with junk food, monotonous jobs, and toxic philosophies. 

It’s no surprise, therefore, that your headspace can go wrong from time to time. There are so many assaults on it – and some of them are invisible to your conscious mind. 

In this post, we take a look at what you can do when you feel your mental health deteriorating, and how to pull yourself around. 

Stop Seeing Life As A Journey

The idea that life is a journey seems pretty intuitive. So intuitive, in fact, that many of us just take it for granted. But it’s an example of how bad philosophy can really muck with your head. 

You might be approaching the next big birthday and looking at your life, wondering what you’ve achieved. Reaching thirty, forty, and fifty are major milestones. But if you still haven’t got a house, marriage, or career, you can wonder what your life is all about. How could you have come so far on this “journey,” and still not arrived at any destinations? 

The trick here is to change your view of your life. It’s not a journey. You’re not going anywhere. You’re just existing. Try to focus on the quality of your experience right now. And if you’re not happy with it, look for tools that are in your power to improve it.

Talk To Somebody About It

When your headspace goes totally wrong, it’s often worth talking to somebody about your experiences. According to an American Addiction Centers review, just having somebody there to listen to your feelings can massively improve your mood. You don’t have to continually feel negative or as if the world is against you. There are people out there going through similar things who understand the angst. 

Never Quit

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Lastly, never quitting is a feature of people who live the most successful lives. Top entrepreneurs and business people never give up on their dreams. They’re always fighting for something. 

That approach to life might sound exhausting – and it is. But it’s also extremely empowering. It’s a way of saying “I’m in control of my destiny, and I decide where I wind up.” 

When you take this stance, you’re not passing the circumstances of your existence over to a third party. You’re directing it yourself. And that can alleviate feelings of depression.

Discover Key Ways To Keep Your Health On Track Working At Home

During the pandemic, more people than ever before began to work from home. This was the only concrete way to ensure that social distancing could be maintained and to keep everyone safe. It’s worth noting that the pandemic isn’t behind us just yet and you could still be leaning into a home run business model. If that’s the case, then it’s important to know some of the key ways that you can stay healthy working from home. There are definitely some issues here that you need to be aware of.

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Screen Trouble

If you are working from home, then you’re probably going to be staring at a computer screen for a large portion of the day. This in itself isn’t a massive issue however it can still cause health issues. The main problem with staring at a screen all day is that it can impact your eyes. You might find that you experience eye strain a lot more if you are constantly staring at your computer. This could lead to severe headaches or simply cause you to feel tired throughout the day. 

There are a few ways to deal with this issue. For instance, you might want to think about investing in some blue light glasses. This ensures that you won’t be impacted as much by the intense light that shines from a laptop screen or a similar tech device. You could also think about the environment where you are working. It’s not recommended that you work in a dark room as this is going to make the impact of a computer screen light far more dramatic. 

One of the most common health issues that you definitely need to be aware of when working from home is RSI. A repetitive strain injury is caused by typing for long periods typically without breaks. While RSI will start off a minor pain, it can get more severe over time. It might impact your productivity levels at first before quickly leading to pain that’s severe enough you won’t be able to work at all. That’s why it’s important to know how to handle RSI the right way.

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If you are keen to avoid this health issue, you should think about ensuring that you are typing with the right posture. There are great guides online that will tell you the best ways to avoid issues here. 

You might also want to think about investing in some new furniture and technology. Ergonomic furniture is a great option as it will make it far easier to type. Sit-stand desks can be the perfect example of this. It will ensure that you are able to change your typing position if you do feel pain starting to develop. 

If you are already suffering from something like RSI, then you might want to think about pain management. You will probably need to take meds for your condition. We recommend that you think about using ibuprofen. A lot of people wonder about the ibuprofen vs paracetamol debate. Ibuprofen will generally be the better choice as it will allow you to reduce your inflammation considerably. This can be just what you need to keep your pain under control.

Remaining Still 

Finally, you might need to think about how you can avoid the health issues that are associated with staying still for too long. Research suggests that sitting down for long periods and doing next to nothing could be just as damaging to your health, if not more so, as smoking a carton of cigarettes a day. As such, you should think about how you can keep yourself moving through the day. You might want to explore options like desk yoga. This is a great way to keep active even when you are working from home. 
Alternatively, it could just be a matter of ensuring that you are taking regular breaks and walking around through the day. Even if you are working from home, you should make sure that you are taking trips out to places like the park. A walk around an area like this could do you a world of good.

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We hope this helps you understand some of the key ways that you can keep your health in check when you are working from home. It’s important to realize that just because you are working from home doesn’t mean that you are less vulnerable to health issues. There are plenty of problems that do need to be addressed here and if they’re not then they will ultimately begin to impact your quality of life.