Raising a Happy Child: 6 Effective Tips

happy, child, kids, parenting, life, growing up, fatherhood, motherhood
Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels

Giving your children happy childhood moments can set them up for a successful life. But a happy life doesn’t mean immediate gratification or expensive vacations. It’s not about living in luxury. 

It’s about giving your kids skills that make them live in harmony and put a smile on their faces. Optimistic and happy children are products of optimistic and happy families, regardless of genetic makeup. 

But many parents wonder how to raise happy children in today’s world. Is it about prestigious schools, good food, clothes, or vacations? 

Let’s have a sneak peek at six effective ways to raise happy and healthy kids. 

  1. Be a Happy Parent 

Apparently, you can only give what you have. Next to being healthy, you want them to be happy. A wide array of studies indicate that happiness is a learned behavior. It means your emotional problems are linked to emotional issues in your kids. 

Unhappy parents often bring up unhappy children. 

So, how can you become a happy person?

Giving gratitude is a powerful way of boosting your happiness. It makes you a better person and strengthens the relationship with your children. More so, spend time with people you like, and your children should be among these people. 

Being surrounded by positive energies increases your happiness level. A happy parent means a happy child. 

  1. Don’t Ignore the Power of Toys and Gifts.

A new study indicates that kids get happier when they get material gifts. At 3-5 years, children find it hard to understand or remember events, but they gain a thrill from tangible items. By the time children are 5, they get excited about exploring new ideas and subjects. 

So, toys and kits will keep them entertained and happy. You can purchase Super Wings Mira at alphatoys.com to compliment your child’s curiosities and evoke their cognitive skills. 

And as you choose toys and gifts, pick items that acknowledge their growth milestones. And you don’t have to go broke. Several stores, both brick-and-mortar and online- offer a myriad of varieties at affordable prices.  

  1. Encourage Outdoor Activities 

Running on the grass, playing with pets, digging in the dirt or sand, climbing trees, and swinging are all good for your child. 

Perhaps you should stop being a paranoid parent who shouts at kids when they roll on mud. Giving kids the freedom to enjoy nature gives them immeasurable happiness. 

Several studies show nature scents like cut grass, lavender, and pine trees can improve your kids’ mood. It’s then high time you encourage your teens to do their homework or read a book outside. Outdoor play also boosts social skills, self-control, empathy, and engagement. Your child will relate well with people and other children. 

Children with excellent social skills are twice likely to join college. They’re also less likely to engage in substance abuse, violence and get obese.

  1. Foster Connections 

A close connection with your child will surely make your heart melt. And this is the crave for every parent. Fostering a solid connection makes parenting worth the sacrifices. 

Children who are strongly connected to their parents are likely to be happy and follow the rules. 

Connection means being into your child’s life, but you can do this without being domineering. Learn to snuggle the kid last thing at night and first thing in the morning. Hug often, pat backs, and rub shoulders. 

  1. Ensure Your Kids Get Enough Sleep 

Insufficient sleep makes children less creative, lose concentration, poor brain functionality, and less self-control. Sleep keeps the child’s mind calm and alert. More so, sleep boosts brainpower and minimizes irritable and fussy characteristics. 

Enough sleep plays a crucial role in giving children the ability to understand d and process new information. The school-going kids will, therefore, have an easy time grasping concepts. 

For better sleep, avoid glowing screens and gadgets in your children’s room. Ensure the child is relaxed before bedtime and keep regular sleeping patterns. 

  1. Reduce Screen Time

Less screen time is positively linked to increased happiness in kids. A study revealed that kids who are hooked to screens for long are likely to get depressed and hyperactive. By limiting TV time, your kids’ overall mental and physical health increases, and social and behavioral skills develop. 

Screen time prevents children from playing outside, interacting with friends and family and affects their reading culture. 

The Bottom Line 

Bringing up happy children is a process that needs determination and dedication. It’s a noble calling but can be quite challenging. 

But with these six tips, we hope the task will be less taxing.

4 Ways to Relieve Rheumatoid Pain

Rheumatology is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and therapy of all rheumatoid conditions. In this field, rheumatologists are doctors and will have specialist knowledge of a variety of rheumatoid conditions concerning their patients.

Some common rheumatic disorders include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, lupus, Sjogren’s syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis, scleroderma, and gout, to name some of them.

This article will examine four ways in which we can relieve the pain from such conditions.


The DMARDs most often prescribed by rheumatologists to treat rheumatoid arthritis will include methotrexate, leflunomide, sulfasalazine, and hydroxychloroquine. Their purpose is to slow down the progression of rheumatoid arthritis, which saves the tissues and joints from permanent damage. This is no prevention as such, just the ability to slow the condition down with medication and to relieve it in other ways. Using the medication to slow things is relief to many sufferers and avoids them experiencing the worst symptoms for as long as possible.

Rheumatologists will prescribe prescription medicines and over-the-counter ones can be obtained for mild pain relief.


Warm, moist compresses can be used to loosen up stiff joints. Conversely, an ice pack can be used on inflamed joints. In addition, patients may find that a massage helps them. All these treatments are quick and easy to apply and will provide relief for the milder symptoms. In more severe cases, pain relief will be the best relief.

In addition to the compress, which is relaxing, it is also important to relax mentally and avoid becoming stressed, as this is one sure way of making a rheumatoid condition worse.


Eating a healthy and balanced diet can help with all rheumatoid conditions.

Continuing with Rheumatoid arthritis as the example, foods that should be avoided include fatty ones that are full of omega-6 fatty acids, meats that are fried, grilled, or boiled, gluten, sugars and refined carbohydrates, preservatives and anything that enhances flavour, and of course alcohol.

The best fruits to eat that will help with rheumatoid arthritis are tart cherries, red raspberries, watermelon, grapes, and avocado. In the case of the cherries, their dark red colour is indicative of them having powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties from their flavonoid anthocyanin.

Although diet is not a cure, it can certainly create a relief. Not only by eating foods that help with the inflammation that results from rheumatoid conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, but by avoiding foods that exacerbate the condition. As with anything eaten, moderation of the worst kinds of foods will help almost as much as their avoidance altogether.


As with everything that is good for you, a good diet should also be combined with regular exercise. Contrary to what might seem logical, exercise will make joints better rather than worse. Even in pain, certain exercises can still be carried out that will help. A rheumatologist or physiotherapist will be able to advise on some good ones that are suited to a certain condition.

Exercising together is a good way of forming a support group of people who are in the same situation, who can talk over their complaints and what works best for them in terms of relief. There is nothing like receiving first-hand knowledge and support from a fellow sufferer who knows just how it is to live with the condition. This is on top of the professional health care that will hopefully already be being received from a rheumatologist. There is plenty of help for those who take the time and trouble to seek it out. Also, it is knowing about where to turn for help. A local GP can be the best place to start, as they can then make a referral to a specialist.

So, four ways to obtain relief from rheumatoid conditions. Medication where prescribed, compressions to provide much relief, a sensible diet to provide further relief and not worsen symptoms, and exercise to keep the joints moving.

Online Dating: Should I Go for Young or Mature?

The object of dating in general is to find someone emotionally compatible and/or physically attractive. Someone who can make us feel special and alive. That we are wanted and still have what it takes to please others and be in their close company.

When online dating, should we go for young or mature? That is the question. There are pros and cons for both, but it does very much depend on what you want from a relationship. A mature date can often provide more companionship. Both, on the other hand, can provide passion with varying degrees of experience in terms of how pleasure is shared. Online dating websites such as sugar daddy are becoming a popular choice for those looking for the perfect date.

Greater Respect

Choosing a younger date can mean more passion, but then, choosing a mature date can offer provide greater respect for each other. Someone who has experienced more of life is more adept at judging someone’s feelings and considering them first.

There is more to life than just the physical side, although that can still be with any age group. Sometimes you want more, though. You want to know that the other person has time to talk to you. Time to listen and talk through your feelings. Time to talk about their life experiences and how you can experience them, too.

The term “to be treated like a princess” springs to mind when you think of the luxury you could be experiencing during your dates. Not one that takes place with little money, but a date that each time feels like a special experience and a situation where enjoyment is shared.

Shared Hobbies

The same age group can share in the same hobbies, whereas a different age group or generation can introduce you to new hobbies. Hobbies such as proper ballroom dancing and dining out in style, rather than just eating takeaways and pizzas on a wall down a shopping precinct. You will not know what you are missing until you try it.

Many interests cross-over between young and old. Both sexes will, for instance, be into sports such as rugby. Perhaps for different reasons, but it still becomes a shared interest. Watching a game of snooker alone might seem boring if it is lacking in long pots, but with another in your arms, it puts a different perspective on it. Things that you thought you would never enjoy come to life and seem enjoyable for the first time.

The Opportunity to Travel

Savings take a while to build up and dates with little to spend are not always that much fun. With mature dates, there might well be the opportunity to travel. To see the world outside of your own closed community. To share time away and really get to know how the other half live.

Some young people do not have the confidence to go abroad alone, or even with a group of similar-aged friends, because they worry about what fellow young people will get up to and that they might be led astray into doing something that they would not feel comfortable with. However, with a more mature travelling partner, there is no need to worry about it. You can enjoy different food, travelling to historic sites, and just relaxing and being yourself.

So, some definite advantages with regards to mature dating and things to consider when looking to meet someone of any age where there is romance or companionship in mind. It all depends on whether you are looking for young short-lived passion or a mature kind of respect and all the advantages that go with that. For example, the kinds of luxuries a mature man can provide and the greater desire to want to take care of you that is likely to exist.