Men have a tendency to put off visits to the doctor more than women. In fact, a study by Bupa found that 8 in 10 men prefer to endure an illness rather than see a doctor – only seeking help when symptoms become ‘unbearable’.
Putting off a visit to the doctors can be dangerous. Small health problems can evolve into big health problems. Something that might have been easy to treat had it been caught early could end up becoming more tricky to treat at a later stage. This is why you shouldn’t put off treatment. It’s also a great reason to consider taking out TPD Insurance to cover you should anything become so severe that you are unable to work. This type of insurance provides you with funds so that you and your family can still maintain your lifestyle should you become totally and permanently disabled and can no longer work.
Of course, there are various reasons as to why men put off a visit to the doctor. Below are just a few solutions to some of these reasons.
Don’t have the time?
Some of us will put off a visit to the doctor’s because it takes up too much time. Booking an appointment can often be a hassle and you may end up having to take time off work to go to an appointment.
While it’s true that it can be time-consuming, your health is something that you should prioritize over commitments such as work. Nowadays, there are flexible ways to see a doctor such as appointments over the phone, video call appointments and even private visits to your home or workplace. Such options could allow you to more easily fit a doctor’s appointment into your day.
Don’t have health insurance?
Healthcare treatment can be expensive. If you haven’t got insurance to pay for it, you may be concerned as to whether you can afford it.
Generally an appointment won’t cost you much. If you’re really struggling financially, there are free and cheap walk-in clinics in some cities. When it comes to expensive procedures, there could be funding options such as taking out a zero-interest medical loan or shopping around for discounts with the help of an advocate. All in all, there are lots of options for making treatment affordable without insurance (although it’s worth noting that taking out health insurance is the best option!).
Don’t trust your doctor?
Most doctor’s know their stuff, but there will always be a few bad eggs. For some people, a bad experience can cause mistrust.
It’s important to not lose trust in all doctors – sometimes it could be a case of finding a new better suited doctor for your case. You can research into local doctors online by checking out bio pages such as this one for Dr Hooshang Poor. In some cases, it could be worth paying more to see a specialist – if your local doctor was unable to diagnose your stomach pain, it’s possible that it could be a rarer condition that is better suited to a gastroenterologist.
Too nervous/embarrassed?
Some medical problems can be embarrassing or may require unpleasant treatments. Getting over this embarrassment and fear is important – it’s important to remember that doctors have seen it all and will treat any problem sensitively and professionally. You can always request to see a male doctor or look into alternative treatments if it’s a real issue. If you have a phobia that is stopping you from seeing a doctor, it may be necessary to look into therapy (there are therapists that specialize in phobias such as this one).