The demanding jobs and time spent away tend to toughen the relationship-building process between a father and a child. Dads have a different parenting style.; they cannot replace the other parent when the latter is not around. However, fathers need to take their time to bond with their children since this will build an even stronger relationship.

Fathers play a significant role in their families, and good father involvement has been connected to improved social responsiveness, cognitive developments, freedoms, and gender role establishment in kids. So, the following are ways fathers can bond with their children and make a difference in their lives.
Focus on Daily Task
Some examples of daily tasks include washing, getting dressed, and playing. Most fathers tend to think that they have to figure out, at any cost, quality time or spend some special times with their children. But fathers usually spend less time with their kids when compared to mothers. So, don’t feel so much obliged to take them for a vacation on an exotic island.
Don’t get it wrong; it is totally okay to do so. However, what matters more is happening right under your nose, inside your home. You will be astonished to realize that you are good at many things.
Share Your Daddy Duties
Some specific jobs tend to be earmarked for fathers. But it never hurts to allow your children to join you in some of the chores. You can get your children to help you wash your car, build a structure, or even fix the plumbing.
Children tend to enjoy a lot of things that adults would otherwise consider dull or boring. Doing chores with your kids offers you an excellent way to bond with them while also teaching them how to do them.
Exercise Together
In many instances, parents tend to spend their time bonding with kids during stationary activities like watching a TV show. However, exercise offers a unique way for fathers to bond with their kids. Exercise allows your children to experience improved communication, and more importantly, develop and practice teamwork. These two skills are vital in your children’s development.
On the other hand, teamwork is the best way to teach your kids how to come together and work towards a primary goal. Also, as a working dad, you spend most of your time away from your kids, so exercising with them gives you the best opportunity to know your kids better. You will get to understand their weaknesses and strengths.
This will then help you identify what drives your child and encourage good behavior while cutting bad habits.
Bedtime Stories
This is one of the best ways to create a long-lasting memory with your kids. Bedtime stories are usually associated with mothers; however, a recent study has revealed that kids tend to develop more when their father reads them bedtime stories. In addition, dads have been found to initiate a more creative discussion and help improve their kid’s language development.
Dads are usually working late and are not home before the kids are asleep. They are typically exhausted and stresses to face the fifteen minutes of bedtime stories. But as a father, you must acknowledge the secrets mums have when it comes to bonding with their children; bedtime stories. Apart from strengthening your bond, bedtime stores can help you relax.
Communication is Important
From an early stage, fathers need to listen to their children without judging them or trying to fix things right away. The other parent might not be focusing too much on what the children are going through, so it is your duty as their father to establish a strong relationship and develop an effective communication strategy. Your child might want to tell you something that happens while you are at work, so listen. And before you take any action, learn more about the grounds for divorce.
To motivate your child to open up, pick opportunities where you can listen to what they have to say. For instance, you can take them fishing, go to a sports event or take a road trip. When with your children, give them your full attention, stop what you are doing and reflect on what they are trying to tell you.
Be Available
For a long time now, fathers have been the busy bees. The work pressure and fatigue pushes them to come home late and stay away from their children. But as a father, you need to make time for your kids. Kids tend to be more attached to the parent that is with them during their most challenging moments. Be with your children and give them a shoulder to lean on whenever they are down.
Not showing up to an important event in your child’s life can drastically affect their relationship. As hard as it might be, try to attend.
Have Meals Together
Meals are one of the best ways of bringing people closer together. This is particularly true for families with small children. Eating meals as a family has many mental, social, and nutritional benefits. Additionally, children and parents can share their experiences, hopes, dreams, and expectations. Besides, mealtime conversations can improve your children’s language skills hence enhancing their reading capabilities.
Respect your Children
Occasionally, parents talk to their children in the same tone they would speak to an adult. However, it is important to note that, just like adults, kids can feel emotions of hurt and embarrassment. Avoid brushing them off whenever they say something. Doing so only makes them feel sad, offended, and ignored.
So, try to listen to their ideas with attention and respect what they have to say. Regardless of your child’s age, it is essential to make them feel important. Be a good role model; speak to your children the way you expect them to talk to you, and the respect will be reciprocated. The bond between a father and his children can affect the outcome of a child’s life and the relationships that he or she will have. So, spending time together, reading them bedtime stories, establishing effective communication, being available, and eating meals together will help you become a better father. All your efforts will help your children form attitudes that enable them to grow into understanding people.