It’s difficult to get adequate sleep when you’re suffering from anxiety. Your body is tired, but your mind is alert, and you can feel your heart racing, which is why you are unable to sleep. Then you’re jolted awake by a terrifying thought or panic attack, and you’re back to square one. Because there are fewer things around you to distract you at night, it’s normal for people to suffer from anxiety more at bedtime, and if you’re looking for some advice on how to get better sleep, you’ve come to the right place! Here are some tried and tested methods of getting more sleep when you’re feeling anxious at night.

Try a white noise machine
Anxiety can often manifest itself at night as a result of fears or worries that surface when all is calm and you’re laying in the dark. Consider getting a white noise machine to help relax your thoughts into a restful slumber to help eliminate this stage and trigger your anxieties. This trick is commonly used on babies and is a terrific way to block out any irritating sounds, such as traffic outside, while also allowing your mind to relax. If your anxiety is caused by a dread of darkness, you could get a white noise machine with a soothing light to help you sleep peacefully.
Find alternative calming methods
Today’s medicine has allowed us to find many ways to calm anxiousness and panic, especially at night. If you don’t like the idea of taking sleeping pills, why not try something a little more alternative such as CBD oil? It won’t get you high, but it will relax you enough to fall into a peaceful sleep and get the rest you so desperately need. has a range of CBD products for different needs, so it’s worth checking out!
Write down your worries
Another reason you may be experiencing nighttime anxiety is that you have a lot on your mind. Maybe you’re experiencing trouble at work, or you’re concerned about a family member or friend. Before you go to bed, write down whatever your worries are. Many people have reported feeling relieved after using this method, which allows them to fall asleep easily. This technique is also quite useful if you’re worried about forgetting something crucial the next day – write everything down before going to bed!
Consider hypnosis
Hypnosis is a tried-and-true method of altering one’s mentality, and it can also be a very effective technique for dealing with anxiety. You can download a variety of free anxiety hypnosis apps right to your phone. Put on some headphones that you can sleep in (if you don’t want to wake up your partner) and play the tape once you’re comfortable in bed. Some people have even noted that they’ve never gotten to the finish of a hypnosis tape because they fell asleep in the middle of it, but it doesn’t matter. Listen to hypnosis tapes to occupy your mind and learn how to handle your anxiety subconsciously. Don’t dismiss it until you’ve given it a shot!