3 Innovative Ways of Strengthening Your Family Bond and Promote A Healthy Lifestyle

Every father-child relationship is unique and should be treasured. Every father needs to strive to build a relationship with their children from infancy. Creating that spark and connection with your child might not be an instant hit; it can take time to familiarize and understand each other. However, it is worth the process as you will get to experience the best gift life has to offer. 

Each child is different. So, you do not expect to have the same experience with every child you have. Their preferences and personalities will guide you and you will relate with them. Even though you will be firm and strict as you teach and discipline them, you need to ensure that you have fun and create memories with your children as they grow. 

While choosing the bonding activities, you need to be mindful of the age and attention each child needs. Here are some innovative ways you can use to improve your daddy child relationship:

Healthy Exercises

Leading a healthy lifestyle as a family can be challenging. It takes discipline and effort to be able to bring everyone to work towards the same goal. You can take this opportunity to engage your kids in different physical and nutritional exercises that will not only help them but create a special bond between you and the children. 

You can take it upon yourself to teach them how to prepare healthy meals or work on specific workouts and exercises to boost their physical, mental, and emotional health. There is no joy in having an all-around and healthy child and creating memories while achieving it. 

You can also organize healthy competitions to build your relations and the competitive spirit in the children. It will teach the children valuable skills that will help them in future. In addition, you will also get to create memorable moments that will last a lifetime. 

Bonding Over Your Favorite Sports and Hobbies

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By considering the children’s favorites and hobbies, you can schedule a specific time to engage with and bond with them. Of course, you need not limit yourself to sporting or physical activities, but you can utilize quiet sessions like yoga or book reading sessions to intensify your connections. 

It might also develop the sharing culture where you can share different book titles or ideas that will benefit your livelihoods, like financial or wellness books such as the Nova Science Publishers books. With this exchange of ideas, you, your children, and the bond will immensely grow. 

Learning Various Skills

It is always an exciting period to learn new skills or gain further information. But, you can make it even more special by doing it with your children. Identify an activity that you have been longing to do and will strengthen your bond. Activities like fishing, learning how to play musical instruments, or even hiking and biking will give you an excellent opportunity to spend time with them. Try not to limit your boundaries; you can travel far and wide and widen your lines of thoughts and test their influence on your relationship. 

The inspiration for strengthening your daddy bonds must always stem from happy and creative thoughts. Try not to be self-centered; think of the overall benefits in the children, and it will be a success.

No Time To Keep Fit? There’s No Excuse Anymore With These 3 Practices!

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The most common concern of the modern dad is trying to keep fit and healthy, but when you don’t have the time, it is one of the most frustrating aspects of your life. Obviously, you’ve got kids to look after, work to do, and everything in between, and finding time to exercise is pretty much impossible. So what is the answer? Try some of these! 

One Solid Workout a Week

It’s important to exercise, but it’s also important to remember that if you do a lot, you have got to recover, in which case, finding an hour in a week to do a solid workout is all we will need. One of the best things you can do is go to an exercise class, but even better, go to a martial arts class. There are plenty of classes that have real-life uses, such as a Jiu Jitsu knife defense class. It is also a good idea to try some high-intensity training if you don’t like martial arts classes. You can do this easily at home, but if you really want to put in the effort, go to a gym and have someone spot you. Again, this is an hour of your time, and when the body is completely depleted of energy, it takes roughly 7 days to build back up. 

Super Slow Training

We have to get out of the mindset that it’s about quantity rather than quality. If we do a super slow workout, this takes a lot longer for us to recover from, and is something that we can do in the comfort of our own home. There are many and advocates of the super slow approach, such as Doug McGuff and his program Body By Science. The idea of doing exercise really slowly, and making it as intense as possible, sends that all-important signal for you to get stronger. You can do it with your body weight, but you could also do it with resistance bands if you are trying to incorporate some equipment if you cannot get to the gym. 


One of the best things you can do to get you stronger is a solid course of isometrics. It has gone out of fashion, but it’s one of the best ways to actually stimulate your muscles and strength to grow without needing to go to the gym. Isometric training is about tensing certain muscle parts, and when you think about it logically, it’s about the equivalent of those moments in the gym when it gets really intense. And it’s those few seconds that actually stimulate your muscles to grow. Trying isometrics by tensing your body is a fantastic way to stimulate muscle growth. You can incorporate it as part of a comprehensive exercise routine if you have the time, but this is fine all by itself. The great thing about isometrics is that you can do it anywhere. When you are waiting for food to cook, or you are in the car, tensing a part of your body for a matter of seconds is all it takes! 

If you are trying to stay healthy, you’ve got to learn how to keep fit, but there’s no excuse anymore!

Always Tired, But Getting Enough Sleep?

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Pexels. CCO Licensed.

Feeling exhausted? There are some obvious reasons as to why you may be feeling this way such as not getting enough sleep or doing lots of physical activity. But what if you’ve been sleeping enough hours and not been doing too much physical activity? Why do you feel so tired all the time? This post explores some of the possible reasons as to why you may be suffering from fatigue. 

Chronic stress

Stress can wear the body and mind down, making us feel exhausted. The stress hormone, cortisol, prepares our body for fight or flight situations – it makes our mind more alert, our muscles more tense and our blood pressure faster. You can prevent stress from wearing you down by finding a way to relieve this stress. This could be through exercise, laughter, listening to music, taking a hot bath or meditating. 

Too much processed sugar/caffeine

Both sugar and caffeine provide us with an energy boost. However, this energy boost is followed by a comedown, which can make us feel twice as tired as we did before. Eating some candy or downing a coffee may perk you up momentarily, but could make you feel worse after. You’re much better off downing a glass of water or eating fruit, which will provide a more gradual release of energy without the comedown.

Eye strain

Staring at a bright screen all day can give many people eye strain – which can result in sore eyes, a headache and increased feelings of tiredness. Periodically taking a break from bright screens can prevent this. Taking measures to reduce UV light from the screen can also make a difference – this could include wearing UV glasses or using software/apps that reduce the UV light. 


You may feel exhausted if you have low levels of iron, vitamin D or vitamin B-12. Low testosterone can also lead to exhaustion as detailed here at Men’s Revival. It could be worth seeing a medical professional to diagnose if this is the problem – medication or treatment could be what you need to return your energy levels to normal.

Medical disorders

Certain medical disorders such as diabetes and thyroid disorder can cause increased tiredness. If you can’t seem to find another cause, it could be worth seeing a doctor to see if you may be suffering from one of these disorders. There will usually be other symptoms other than tiredness that can help a doctor to diagnose your problem.

Poor sleep quality

You may be sleeping enough hours, but are you getting a good sleep quality? If you constantly wake up in the night or have a lot of dreams, you may not be getting into a deep sleep. There are lots of possible causes for poor sleep quality. You may have a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea – if you tend to snore or gasp in the night and you sometimes wake up with a headache, this could be the problem. It’s also possible that your bed may not be comfortable, causing you to toss and turn. Too much light, too much noise or an uncomfortable room temperature could also cause poor sleep quality.