Unfortunately and while it is something that you don’t ever want or enter into lightly, divorces can occur as a result of a marriage breakdown. When this occurs it is important to go through the process as calmly, diligently and maturely as possible, making a difficult time that little bit easier for all those involved. It has been found that the average amount of time a person spends thinking about divorce before they go through with it is twenty-four months and twelve days – showing that this is not something that is just thought of on a whim. The majority of people spend eighteen months trying to sort through their problems and see if there is a reasonable fix or way that their marriage can be saved. If nothing can be done in this time, then unfortunately divorce is the answer.
There are many different reasons that couples might want a divorce and none are any less reasonable than others. Some of the factors that contribute to the breakdown of a marriage could be infidelity- perhaps one or even both parties cheated. It could be that they are unhappy and argue too much. It could be that they simply fell out of love, which is something that tends to happen more with couples that got together very young and have since grown up and found that they are very different people with different wants, needs and goals in life. If you are looking to find out more about divorce and some facts and figures, then check out the infographic below.

Infographic by Spodek Los Angeles Divorce Attorneys