Focus On Key Factors Regarding Your Health

If your New Year’s Resolution was to be healthier then you may be looking to find new ways to do this. It can be a bit of a minefield trying to navigate the world of health and wellness. Take a look below for five ideas that may help you. 

sliced fruit circles in water, cucumber, kiwi, lemon, summer, health, hydration,

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The key aspect of being healthy is watching what you eat. This may sound simple but there are a lot of hidden nasties in food products, even in ones you deem to be healthy. There was a scenario not so long ago where a salad contained large quantities of salt, therefore the salad wasn’t very good for you. You should be aiming to consume one of each of the key food groups with each meal. These include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, dairy, fruits, and vegetables. If you struggle to eat these or are on a special diet meaning you can’t, then you might want to look into taking a multivitamin or supplement to help your body get what it needs. 


As well as eating a well-balanced, healthy diet you need to also make sure you are drinking water regularly. You should aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, this equates to around two liters. This is just the minimum recommended amount, if you drink more than that then that’s great. Water helps keep your body and mind hydrated, without it you can end up with regular headaches, dizziness, and lack of concentration. 


It is essential to your health that you attend regular checkups with your doctor. This not only ensures you are fighting fit but stops any unwanted health problems sneaking up on you. If you regularly suffer from sinus infections and flare-ups then you might want to mention this as there could be some treatment available. Believe it or not, some remedies help sinuses in the form of what you eat. Take a look at foods for sinus infection here, it might be worth a shot to get rid of it and prevent it. 


Next, take a look at how well you are sleeping. You may not know it but the amount of sleep and the quality of sleep you get could be affecting you day to day. You should be aiming for around six to eight hours each night to function well. You can of course function on less than this but it is not sustainable. If you regularly wake up and have disturbed nights then this might be something to look into. It may be something as simple as your mattress being old and lumpy. 


Finally, if you are wanting to be your very best self then take a look at the type of lifestyle you lead. If you are inactive, smoke, or drink then it may be worth changing this up a bit. It can be very tricky getting up and about, especially if you work long hours at home or in an office. Remember, you can enjoy everything in moderation. If you are having one glass of wine a week, then this is much better than enjoying one or two each night.

Tips For Helping Your Child With Their Homework

As a parent, you have a lot on your plate that you regularly accomplish without issue. However, the one task that catches a lot of parents off guard is having to help with your child’s homework. Most children view their parents as a fountain of infinite knowledge, which often leads to complications when you have no idea about what they are studying. The homework process is only made worse by the fact that your child would rather be doing anything else.

Homework does not need to be a chore, however. Let’s look at a few ways you can help with your child’s homework so you can put it in the rear-view mirror as quickly as possible.

Catch Up

Schooling has changed a lot since the current generation of parents attended. This means that many of the processes you learned will be out of date, which doesn’t help your child. You will find that math is a completely different animal entirely.

Instead of trying to learn these new methods alongside your child, try to get ahead of the topic before you lend them a hand. The adult brain is equipped to learn new things much quicker, and there are plenty of places online which can help you with getting better at math. It doesn’t take long, and you will find it much easier by giving yourself this head start.

Turn Off Distractions

The hardest part of any homework assignment is finding the motivation to sit down and do it. There is a lot in your house that can distract your child, all of which is far more appealing than doing more school work.

If you want your child to sit down and get their homework done, you are better off removing all of these distractions before you start. This way, they have no option but to finish their homework before doing the things they enjoy.

Take An Interest

Every parent acts as a barometer for what is normal in a child’s life. They will no doubt hear about how boring their school work is from their peers, which is why it is your job to change this narrative.

Asking your kids questions about their school work gives them the confidence to talk about their subjects in a non-pressured environment. This may give them a newfound enthusiasm for their school work, especially if they see you taking an interest.

Talk To The Teacher

It doesn’t matter how long you spend sitting at a table with your child. Nobody knows what your child needs to achieve except their teacher. Every teacher approaches their job differently, and this may be why your child is struggling with concepts that you think they are good at. It may just be that their teacher is looking for them to tackle their problems from a different angle. Therefore, you may find it beneficial to talk to your child’s teacher to learn more about what they expect.


Doing homework with your child shouldn’t feel like a chore. Take our advice, and you’ll be able to successfully help your child so you can move on and enjoy the rest of your free time together.

9 Must-Have Items for Kids in an Emergency Kit

When it comes to emergencies, you never know what might happen. That’s why it’s crucial to be prepared for anything! If you have kids, it’s especially important to ensure that they are safe and well-equipped in case of an emergency. In this blog post, we will discuss the nine must-have items for kids in an emergency kit. 

children standing outside, kids, rain, playing

Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash

A First-aid Kit

First and foremost, a first-aid kit is an absolute must for kids in an emergency situation. This will help them deal with any minor injuries they may sustain. Make sure to include items such as bandages, gauze, antiseptic wipes, and more in your first-aid kit.

A Flashlight

A flashlight is another essential item for kids in an emergency situation. For example, in case of a power outage, your child will need a way to see in the dark. A flashlight can also be used to signal for help if necessary.

A Whistle

A whistle is an excellent way for your child to signal for help if they are lost or in danger. Make sure that your child knows how to use the whistle and that it is easily accessible in case of an emergency.

A Cell Phone

If your child has a cell phone, make sure to include it in their emergency kit. In case of an emergency, your child will be able to use their cell phone to call for help. Be sure to include a charger in their kit as well so that they can keep their phone charged and ready to use.

Photo by McKaela Taylor on Unsplash


If your child takes medication on a regular basis, be sure to include it in their emergency kit. In case of an emergency, they will need to have their medication with them to stay healthy and safe. Include general medicines like liquid paracetamol.

Food and Water

In case of an emergency, your child will need to have food and water with them. Therefore, include non-perishable food items such as granola bars or nuts and a water bottle in their kit.

A Blanket

A blanket is a great item to have in an emergency kit as it can be used for warmth or shelter. In addition, if your child gets lost, a blanket can also be used as a signal for help.

A Change of Clothes

In case of an emergency, your child will need to have a change of clothes with them. This is especially important if they are lost or stranded in a difficult situation. Include items such as a jacket, pants, and a hat in their kit.

A list of Emergency Contacts

Include a list of emergency contacts in your child’s kit. This way, they will be able to quickly get in touch with you or another trusted adult if necessary. Be sure to include phone numbers, email addresses, and social media handles.

As you can see, there are many essential items that your child should have in their emergency kit. By including these items, you can help to keep your child safe and prepared in case of an emergency.