Around 20 percent of Americans will experience a mental health condition every year. In addition, about half will be diagnosed with a mental health condition at some point in their lives. However, more seriously, about 1 in 25 Americans have a severe mental illness such as major depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia.
While many seek treatment, the stigma attached to mental illness prevents many more from asking for help. Stigma occurs when people judge you harshly because of anything that makes you different or a trait that makes you stand out. In the context of mental illness, it happens when an individual is stereotyped, labeled, or discredited due to his mental health.
Sadly, many individuals hold false assumptions and attitudes about those who have mental illness. The mental health stigma is a public health emergency, not just a social one. Discrimination and social stigma can exacerbate mental health issues and prevent people from seeking treatment. However, self-stigma is a problem for a sizable portion of the population. Self-stigma is the negative feelings a person with a mental illness may have about themselves.
Stigma has a severe impact not just on those living with mental illness but also on their families and friends. So it is crucial to measure the individual effect of mental health stigma to minimize its prevalence and impact. The following are significant indicators of the personal effect of stigma related to mental health.
An absence of optimism and apathy marks the feeling of hopelessness. When you feel hopeless, you may stop caring about things that matter greatly to you, such as hobbies, relationships, or even yourself. When someone loses hope, they may lose their sense of security.
Various behavioral and mental health conditions include hopelessness as a symptom, such as depression, PTSD, eating disorders, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and others. To prevent a more serious outcome, it is critical to get help right away. Research shows that many people who are feeling hopeless can recover their optimism and mental health through therapy.
For example, individuals suffering from hopelessness may find relief through cognitive behavioral therapy. The patient’s negative beliefs and preconceptions in CBT are challenged and changed. The focus is on empowering patients to become their own best therapists.
Self-doubt is characterized by skepticism about one’s worth and talents. It’s an attitude that prevents you from reaching your full potential and being confident in your abilities. One of the numerous things that might make a person doubt oneself is the stigma attached to mental health issues. Your inability to take praise from others and your unwillingness to give yourself credit are signs of self-doubt.
You can take steps to reduce self-doubt, such as starting each day by looking at the mirror and saying three affirmations to yourself. Avoid comparing yourself to others, as doing so might lead to feelings of inadequacy. You’re special because you’re unique and have your gifts. If you’re having trouble motivating yourself, surround yourself with positive individuals who can support and encourage you.
Mental health stigma impacts not only you directly but also the people who care about you and stand by your side. People with mental health problems often face significant social stigma, which can make it difficult for them to seek help.
People who struggle with mental health stigma strongly often do not want to be labeled as weak. If other people discover that they are getting help, they feel ashamed. As a result, they choose to remain incognito until it is too late. This is consistent with a survey finding that 58 percent of students were hesitant to seek treatment for mental health issues at school.
Do not be put off by the labels that have been assigned to you; instead, use them as motivation to get the help you require. For instance, dealing with the social stigma surrounding drug use may be challenging. However, getting assistance from experts at a drug rehab in Riviera Beach County is essential to resolving the issue.
People who struggle with the mental health stigma are rarely in the limelight. As a result, you may lose out on a promotion or other professional opportunity. Isolation negatively affects relationships, maturation, and, ultimately, professional advancement. Do your best to come out of your shell and prove your worth to your coworkers and employer.
Self Help is Essential
Recovery relies heavily on your efforts at self-help. Finding help requires first looking inward. To get started, you must first practice self-awareness and self-control. To better understand the causes of your mental disease, it helps to gain insight into your mind. Think about the things that could set you off, such as your environment, stress, the actions of others, or even global events. Then, recognize the signs and learn to seek assistance when you need it.