The Stages of Drug Recovery

mixture of pills in a pile, drugs, over the counter, prescription, opioid,

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Drug use is a serious problem that has devastating effects on many people’s lives. However, it’s not impossible to recover from drug addiction and live a sober life. People who have successfully recovered from addiction will tell you that the process takes time, patience, and determination. Many have had success by visiting an Iboga treatment center, or similar drug treatment center, to help address the root cause of their issues and make the necessary changes for a healthier life. It’s important to remember that there are several stages to the recovery process outlined. They are as follows:

Emotional withdrawal.

This is the first stage of recovery, and it’s also the most important. This stage can be difficult because you will have to deal with some strong emotions that may be overwhelming at first. You might feel like giving up on recovery, but this will only make things worse for you in the long run. If you’re having trouble dealing with your emotions during this time, consider seeking professional help from a counselor or therapist specializing in addiction treatment and recovery support services.

Psychological withdrawal.

Psychological withdrawal symptoms may include depression, anxiety and other mood disorders. Depression can be severe enough to cause feelings of hopelessness and even suicidal ideation. Anxiety is also common, with people often experiencing extreme panic attacks that can mimic an actual heart attack or stroke.

Psychological withdrawal symptoms are usually the first to appear after drug use has stopped. They can range from mild irritability to full-blown psychosis. Mental health professionals typically treat these conditions with therapy and medications such as antidepressants or antianxiety drugs like Xanax (alprazolam).

Physical withdrawal.

Physical symptoms of withdrawal can be very uncomfortable, but they are usually short-lived. The most common physical symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, chills, and goosebumps. These symptoms occur because the drug you have been taking has altered your body’s chemistry, and you will go through a period of readjustment. Drugs can also cause the body to lose water and electrolytes (minerals like sodium) during use, known as dehydration. Dehydration can lead to further health complications, such as seizures or organ failure if it is not treated promptly in the hospital


Detoxing is the process of removing drugs from your body. Detoxing can be dangerous, so it’s important to get medical supervision during this time.

Detoxing can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on how much and how long you’ve been using drugs and alcohol, what kinds of drugs you’re taking, and what they do to your system.


Rehabilitation, through services similar to Sober Living Homes,  is a treatment program that helps you learn to live without drugs and alcohol. Rehab can also help you deal with stress, emotions, and addiction. It’s an important part of recovery because drug abuse changes how your brain works, making it harder for you to overcome addiction.

If you decide to get treatment, many different types of rehab programs are available. From going to see specialists at a certain time each day or checking in to an inpatient drug and alcohol addiction treatment center like The Recovery Village Indianapolis, you can find the support you need. The best type depends on how long you’ve been using drugs or drinking alcohol, what kind of substance dependence problem(s) you have (like opiate addiction or alcoholism), whether or not there are co-occurring mental health disorders involved in addition to the substance use disorder (like depression), and other factors specific to yourself.


Recovery from drug addiction is a long and challenging journey. It can be especially difficult for those who have been abusing substances for years, but with the right medical support and treatment options, it’s possible to recover completely from addiction and lead a healthy life.

The Best Addiction Treatment Facilities in San Diego

Addiction is a devastating disease that affects millions of people around the world. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, it’s important to seek help from an addiction treatment facility as soon as possible. Fortunately, San Diego has some of the best addiction treatment facilities in the nation. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at what makes these facilities stand out from the rest.

Types of Treatment Available

The first step in choosing an addiction treatment facility is understanding the types of treatment available. Many facilities offer both residential and outpatient programs as well as individualized treatment plans tailored to each person’s unique circumstances. Depending on the level of care needed, some facilities offer medication-assisted treatment (MAT), which combines behavioral therapy with medications such as buprenorphine or methadone to help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings for drugs and alcohol. In addition, many facilities also provide aftercare services such as sober living homes and recovery coaching to ensure long-term success in recovery.

Comprehensive Care

The best addiction treatment facilities in San Diego offer comprehensive care for their clients. This includes physical, mental, and emotional support services that help address all aspects of addiction and recovery. These facilities also provide education on healthy lifestyle choices and relapse prevention strategies to ensure long-term success. In addition, they often offer specialized programs such as family counseling and aftercare plans to help clients reintegrate into society after completing treatment.

Advanced Technology

The best addiction treatment facilities in San Diego also use advanced technology to improve the effectiveness of their treatments. For example, many of these facilities use virtual reality therapy to simulate real-world situations so that clients can practice coping skills without actually being exposed to potential triggers outside of a safe environment. They also employ evidence-based therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) to help individuals identify patterns in their thinking and behavior so that they can make positive changes in their lives.

Holistic Approach

Finally, the best addiction treatment facilities in San Diego take a holistic approach to treating their clients’ addictions by utilizing a combination of traditional therapies and alternative healing modalities such as yoga, meditation, art therapy, equine therapy, nutrition counseling, massage therapy, acupuncture, and more. This combination helps create an individualized plan tailored specifically for each client’s needs so that they can effectively reach their goals of recovery during their time at the facility and beyond.

Facility Amenities

When looking for an addiction treatment facility in San Diego, it’s important to consider the amenities offered at each location. Many facilities provide 24/7 medical staff supervision and access to psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, life coaches, nutritionists, yoga instructors, massage therapists, art therapists and more – all designed specifically for individuals struggling with substance abuse issues. Additionally, most facilities include recreational activities such as swimming pools or fitness centers for relaxation and exercise during downtime.

Cost & Insurance Coverage

It’s also important to make sure that the chosen facility accepts insurance coverage for their services before committing to any program. Most addiction treatment centers accept major insurance providers such as Blue Cross Blue Shield and Cigna Health Insurance; however if insurance coverage is not available then payment plans may be offered instead. Additionally many centers offer sliding scale fees based on income level or waived fees altogether if necessary; this information should be discussed ahead of time when making a decision about where to seek help with addiction issues.

Addiction is a serious problem that requires professional help for successful recovery. Fortunately, residents of San Diego have access to some of the best addiction treatment facilities in the nation that provide comprehensive care using advanced technology and holistic approaches tailored specifically for each individual’s needs. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction issues—don’t wait any longer; seek help today at a San Diego treatment facility.

Benefelence the Elephence and the Wonderful You – Children’s Book

Reflect on the way you’re living today and going about your business.
What if the Wonderful You lived it too? What do you think you’d witness?

Benefelence the Elephence and the Wonderful You is a unique, magical, and fun story that will entertain, engage, and enlighten readers of all ages. It’s a beautifully presented adventure and activity book that teaches readers how to use Wonderful Words to meet challenges and spend more time being true to our Wonderful Selves.
The Story

Traveling through a shimmering world tethered to a cluster of bright balloons, Benefelence (“Bene”) visits a family in crisis. Everyone has a problem! The dog ran off with the boy’s shoe, the daughter wants to play but has homework, the mother discovers the cat stuck in a tree, and the dad is working way too much. What are they going to do!?

Bene shows the family that sometimes being Wonderful simply means being calm and kind with your misbehaving puppy, patient and wise with your homework, reliable and resourceful with your stranded cat, or balanced and rested with your work life.

Thanks to this simple yet effective thought exercise, each family member gains a new perspective on their situation, and in choosing to be Wonderful (by selecting and thinking about one or two Wonderful Words), they prevail over their respective challenges.

In a joyous celebration, Bene rewards everyone with special balloons to commemorate the various ways they were wonderful with their situations.

As the sun begins to set and the eventful day draws to a close, Bene imparts a few final words about the importance of trying to be wonderful, and the positive effects it can have on the self and the world.


Being Wonderful is when we connect our actions to our true values. Wonderful Words are the words that represent those values. Benefelence the Elephence and the Wonderful You encourages using these special, Wonderful Words as tools to help us spend more time being our Wonderful Selves.

Readers tend to love the book’s positivity, message, variety and usefulness. They also comment on the beautiful artwork, playful rhyming voice, and fun activities and extras. Notably, parents and teachers often comment on the uniqueness of the book’s premise and approach, and find that it often prompts conversation with the little ones they read it with.

“My daughter would ask me about what the words meant. The Wonderful Words glossary page was helpful for both of us!” – Parent of 5 year old

“this is a wonderful and much-needed way to introduce children to mindfulness” – Teacher, Parent and Grandparent, Literary PhD, and Private School Founder

Audiences will turn the pages to see how the family deals with their problems, enjoy the beautiful artwork and bouncy rhyming text, and explore the many activities such as the picture find hunt, the illustrated and rhyming glossary page, the drawing activity, the crossword puzzle, and the removable ‘Bene award.’ The last of these is intended to give the reader a way to appreciate someone else in their lives who they feel deserves to be recognized for being wonderful.

With gratitude,
Todd H. William,

Todd H. William has always been fascinated with the concepts of mindfulness, healthy living, purpose, psychology, philosophy, physics, and pretty much everything in between. He’s been a teacher, designed and implemented best-in-class award-winning business intelligence systems for corporations, composed and performed music, written screenplays, and designed, built, and prototyped a variety of novel multidirectional wheels. He’s constantly writing, and when he’s not, he’s trying desperately to remember all the ideas that he needs to write down before he forgets. It was his work on a gentle prioritization app, combined with his commitment to achieving good mental health and a satisfying work-life balance, that helped spark the idea to write Benefelence the Elephence and the Wonderful You, his first children’s book.

The Amazing Artwork
Ilya Fortuna is an illustrator and game creator based in Ukraine. He enjoys working closely with authors and game developers to bring their words and stories to life in vibrant images. He is a graduate of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts, and served as the illustrator on many children’s books, including Marvelous Machines, which was the focus of a successful Kickstarter campaign. Ilya has re-skinned his own game, The Adventures of the Water Knight, for the Cartoon Network. His artwork appears in the successful game, My Lands, and he has created or contributed artwork to many other games, including Cowboy vs UFOsBrave AstronautAdventures of Water Knight, and Slumdog Billionaire (2048).

Book and Contact Details
Title: Benefelence the Elephence and the Wonderful You
Format: Large Print Square Paperback and ebook 29 pages
ISBN: Paperback: 978-1778094224. ebook: 978-1-778094217
Ages: 4–400
Author: Todd H. William
Illustrator: Ilya Fortuna
Publisher: Dizkorce
Publication Date: November 10, 2022
Price: Paperback 9.99 USD. ebook 2.99 USD.
Contact Email:
Links (also available in many other marketplaces such as .ca, .uk, .au, etc.):
Suggested Tags: Mindfulness, Picture Book, Words, Balance, Kindness, Patience, Resourceful, Virtues