Healthy Habits That Aren’t So Healthy

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Most of us try to do as much as we can to stay as healthy as we can, even if we are not perfect at doing so. It can be disconcerting then, to say the least, when you find out that the so-called healthy habits you have been practicing forever are not so healthy after all.

There are many things that many of us think are good for us, which could actually be anything but, but if we don’t know that is the case, we could keep on doing them until it causes us significant harm. That being the case, let’s take  look that some healthy habits that may not be so healthy after all:

Cleaning your ears with a Q-tip

Hand up if you remove the wax from your ears using a Q-tip. It’s definitely something a lot of us do or have done, but did you know it can actually be dangerous? When it comes to earwax removal, specially designed sprays or a visit to a professional are the way forward because Q-tips can actually push more wax further inside the ear than they remove, which can cause a whole host of problems including hearing loss. Not only that, but you risk slipping and pushing the Q-tip in too far which could perforate your ear drum! Keep Q-tips out of your ear and stay safe!

Drinking fruit juice

Okay, so fresh fruit juice is definitely a healthier choice than processed sodas, but it is not always as healthy as we think. Fruit juice can contain just as much, if not more sugar as a can of Cola, and it can be pretty acidic too. That means that it can cause erosion of tooth enamel, while also spiking the blood sugar, which means it is not a good choice of daily beverage, Of course, it does also contain lots of vitamins and minerals, so drinking a small portion of fresh fruit juice now and again is likely to be fine.

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Stepping on the scale

It’s good to know how much you weigh so you can keep an eye on the situation, but if you are someone who weighs yourself every day, or even multiple times each day, you might want to reconsider because this is not always a healthy approach.

The fact of the matter is, your weight can fluctuate several pounds in a single day, so you are not always getting an accurate picture of how you are doing, and this can lead to unhealthy obsessions with your weight, as well as the kind of disappointment that leads to you giving up a healthy eating regime, for example.

Weight once a week at the same time of day and you will get a much more accurate picture of your weight, and you will likely obsess about it a lot less too.

Sleeping a lot

We know that sleep is good for us, so a lot of us think sleeping more will be even better. This is, sadly, not the case. Although sleeping late now and again is unlikely to have any adverse effects on your health, if you regularly sleep more than 9 hours each day, you may find that you feel more tired and more lethargic all the time. Anywhere between 7 and 9 hours is the sweet spot of sleep for most adults, so try to stick to that number and you will be healthier for sure.

Being a weekend drinker

Most of us think if we abstain during the week and only consume alcohol at the weekends, we are making a healthy choice, but this can lead to binge drinking, whereby you overindulge on two days of the week. It is much better to spread your alcohol consumption more evenly throughout the week so that you do not end up putting an unnecessary strain on your liver. Of course, if you just have one or two drinks on a Saturday night, that is unlikely to be too bad for you, but if you go crazy on the weekends, a rethink is really a good idea. If you find it hard to moderate your drinking, speaking to a doctor or therapist could also be a good idea.

If you have been practicing any of these surprisingly unhealthy habits, then it would be a good idea to try and break them where possible because they are really not great for you, and the longer you do them, the harder it will be to change, and the more likely it will be that they have a negative effect on your wellbeing.

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