How To Take Control Of Your Health This Spring

There are some aspects of our health that we cannot control. However, by making a real effort to stay fit and healthy as you age, you can reduce your chances of dealing with complex health problems further down the line. 

group fitness instructor workout session, health, aging

Photo by Gabin Vallet on Unsplash

With that in mind, here are some simple yet effective ways in which you can take control over your health this spring.

Identify bad habits. 

Bad habits have earned their name for a reason – and by continuing to participate in them, you may be causing significant damage to both your physical and mental health. As such, now is the perfect time to take a close look at your hobbies so that you can put a stop to those that may be harming you, such as smoking. 

Address problems sooner rather than later. 

Many people are quick to dismiss signs of sickness, such as aches and pains, in the hope that they will go away on their own. However, this is rarely the case, and you may require medication or other healthcare support to return to your usual self once again.

As a result, you should ensure that you do not put off going to the doctor – even if you’d rather be anywhere else. Doing so gives you quick and easy access to the support you need and could also help when it comes to detecting certain diseases or complications while they are still in their early stages. 

Take pain management seriously. 

Pain can impact your day-to-day life in many ways, whether caused by a sports injury or poor posture. For example, it may stop you from exercising, which means you are no longer on track to meet your fitness goals. As such, you must take pain management seriously and rely on the relevant support services when you need them. For example, you could visit a chiropractor to help relieve pain in different areas of your body. 

Drink more water. 

Drinking more water is one of the easiest – and yet most effective ways to take your health into your own hands. This is because staying properly hydrated supports many different functions within our body, including the regulation of our immune system, making it easier to fight off sickness and infection. As such, you should drink 1.5-2 litres of water a day.

Get more sleep. 
Long, sleepless nights could be a sign that you are not as healthy as you think you are. As a result, you must focus on getting the downtime you need to thrive in your daily life. There are many ways in which you can approach this issue. For example, many scientific studies have found that going to bed at the same time every night can ‘program’ your body so that you automatically begin to feel tired at this time. This could make it a little easier to drift off. You can also make it easier to fall asleep by avoiding using your phone for a few hours before bed, as this can help you wind down.

Building A Better Relationship With Your Parents As You All Get Older

As you grow up and start a family of your own, you can find that your relationship with your own parents changes. You may find that you’re less reliant on them than you were when you were younger, and may even experience some challenges as you face your own parenting struggles.

But change doesn’t have to be a bad thing, and getting older gives you a great opportunity to get to know your parents differently, so you can enjoy more quality time together. Learn some of the ways you can build a better relationship with your parents as you get older to help bring a new dynamic to your relationship.

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Resolve issues you’ve been experiencing

Families are complicated, and over time, things can build up between families. You may have even experienced some serious issues that have led to a lack of communication or poor relationships over the years. But if you want to enjoy a relationship with your parents going forward, you may need to take steps to resolve these issues and find a way to forgive and move on. It’s not always easy, but if there’s a chance to save your relationship, it could be worth a try.

Be there to provide help and support

As your parents get older, it’s them that may need taking care of. Being there to provide help and support is important, and whether that’s physical or emotional support, you should pay attention to your parents’ behaviors and ensure that they get the help they need. Now that you’re more self-aware, you may be able to recommend support for issues they might be experiencing such as depression, addiction, or PTSD treatment for veterans. Your parents may be reluctant at first, but you should persevere to help them get the help they need as they get older.

Plan quality time together

Once you have your own children, time spent with your family can often revolve around the kids and keeping them entertained. But if you can, try to spend some quality time with your parents where you can be adults together and make some wonderful memories. This one-on-one time can also help you notice any changes in their health and wellbeing that may need some support, that could go unnoticed in a big family setting.

Spend time enjoying some of their hobbies and interests 

Now that they’re no longer taking care of you, time with your parents can be spent enjoying some of their hobbies and interests. Take the time to find out the things that they’re interested in and plan some fun activities together that will help you create some special memories and learn more about your parents.
As we get older, our relationships evolve and change, especially the ones we have with our parents. You may need to learn how to communicate with elderly parents or take on caring responsibilities, but you will also find that your relationship changes in positive ways too as you get to know them in different ways. Focus on building a better relationship with your parents to help you enjoy your time with them, and who knows, they could still have a lot to teach you about your own parenting skills too!

Perfect Plan for Frosty: A Unique and Imaginative Children’s Book

I had the opportunity to have a book created for both of my kids and they both loved seeing their names and faces in their very own book. The entire process is quick and easy, just send in several clear pics of your kids (they make up almost all of my phone’s picture storage!) and they will get right to work. The story might be the same, but it means so much to each kid as they read through and see themselves, literally, in different careers. Each of my kids just love keeping their book nearby and randomly looking through the pages and I will bet all of the kids in your life would enjoy their custom made book too. Read on to learn more and find where you can have one or ten made for your little ones.

A uniquely personalized book that actually stars your kid

A great way to open up a child’s imagination is by inserting them into their stories. Imagitime uses Artificial Intelligence to illustrate any kid realistically into a storybook using just a few photos. They’ve launched their first book – “Your Perfect Plan For Frosty”, which is sure to delight children.

Here’s a brief introduction by Imagitime to this wonderful book.

“Detective, Astronaut, Chef, Athlete or something else? What will your kid suggest Frosty to be? Take the child on an adventure where they see themselves in awesome professions trying to inspire a cute polar bear who has the funniest objections to everything. But above all else, let them learn that enjoying their childhood is just as important as dreaming big.”

Each book is custom-made to order, offering a unique memento and experience for the children who receive them. It is available in Paperback as well as Hardcover.

For more details, check out