Geez, who needs a time machine for the future when becoming a parent “apparently” yields the same effect? Avery is now over the half-year mark and is becoming more active (and vocal!) every day.
On my 6 Memories post, I anticipated that one of my 7 memories for her 7th month would include her crawling, but it hasn’t happened yet. Seriously, the 8 month post is sure to have a memory of her crawling!

Scooting, military crawling, and forward thrusting while on her hands and knees are all there and fool us into thinking “this is it” every time. Soon, baby, soon.
With my 30th birthday and first Father’s Day behind us now, hopefully the rest of June will be a bit calmer and we can focus on our little girl crawling. Oh, and she’ll be helping me clean up our neighborhood too.
If you haven’t entered to win an awesome Outback baby carrier from Onya Baby, click here and do it now! I wear Avery in our Onya everyday and it allows us both to get quality father-daughter bonding time.
Okay, lets get started…
1. Most of our nights now have us in the living room before your bath time where we play on the floor. Depending on how the day went, you can be really fussy or a happy baby. When you’re happy, I will hold you in the air and let you jump on my stomach or just try to entertain you with toys.
As it gets later, or you just had a rough day, getting on the floor with you does nothing for your temperament. This is when we break out the laser and get Lou (the fat black cat) involved to help us keep you calm. It works well, and “Fatty” gets some exercise.

2. Just recently, you have started grabbing at my face while I’m trying to feed you a bottle. I start to make weird noises and act like I’m going to eat your hand and you laugh every time. It’s cute, and no matter how ridiculously annoyed I am that you won’t take the bottle, I forget all of my frustrations and just give you a kiss on the head.
As an aside, you also grab at anything and everything in your sight; other people’s faces included. You may or may not have grabbed a bottle of beer as mommy was trying to take a drink and spilled it on the both of you. But don’t worry, the beer was safe!

3. We were in our first race together and won 1st place! Sure it was a small race with very unenthusiastic competition, but we rocked it, baby! Thanks to G-Ma, Paul, and Mommy, we had the best spectators out there, and they made the day even more special.
Besides it being our first race, we’ll never forget this day because of how much we stood out from the rest of the cheerful attendees. 🙂
4. You got to experience your first trip to a brewery! The same day we won the 5k, we went with G-Ma, Paul, and Mommy to the Martin House Brewery in Fort Worth as part of my 30th birthday celebration. I had more than my fair share of good beer, and luckily mommy drove us home safely. I did help direct her out of our tight parking spot though!
As you can see, you were thrilled to be there! Even with live music and clusters of people drinking and talking all around you, you managed to sleep quite well.
Actually, when live music stopped is when you seemed to wake up; coincidence? We’ll never know!
5. You had been to Nana and Papa’s pool before, but this past month was your official first dip in the pool. Mommy, You, and I all walked down to our neighborhood pool where you happily splashed around in the baby pool just like it was your own giant bathtub.
You must’ve really enjoyed yourself playing, because you were out before we made the walk back home.
We brought you back again on my birthday and you still loved the water like before. I have a feeling we’ll be making many trips to the pool since you obviously enjoy each time we go; even if you’re “too cool for pool”.
6. Avery, caffeine and you don’t make for good times……ever! Along with all of the other firsts the same day as our race and trip to the brewery, mommy had more than one cup of coffee for the first time since pregnancy and it became apparent that night. Caffeinated boobs are lethal!
You woke up crying more times than you had in a long time, and despite mommy’s many attempts, you wouldn’t stay asleep very long. This, in turn, resulted in starting my birthday earlier than any of us had planned (or wanted), but the day ended up being great. I even got to try out your crib with you in it for the first time.
Since then, mommy has been keeping her coffee consumption to one cup or less per day. Phew!
7. You ate your first solid food! We started to introduce you to solids through baby-led weaning, and at first we felt like you’d never eat what we gave you.
But after several encouraging commenters on the blog, we kept at it and eventually you took your first bites. You also gagged a little, but that was expected, and you didn’t let that bother you a bit!
As I write this, we are waiting on a hair chair mommy ordered since what we were using wasn’t working out, so hopefully we’ll have the new one soon and start feeding you healthy foods once more.
Okay, so I’ve exhausted my “7 things”, but I must add one more thing. You are becoming more vocal about EVERYTHING! Yes, if we so much as think about stepping on foot out of your sight, you’ll turn into hysterics and scream as loud as humanly possible. The sound resembles that of a cat screeching when you step on its tail mixed with a very frustrated baby bear trying to growl. Not a pretty sound.
From what I gather, this isn’t ending soon, so I guess we’ll just deal with it as it comes.
We are hopeful to see some crawling action before the 8th month rolls around, so we’ll keep working with that laser!
At what age did your kid(s) start crawling?
What about when they found their loud voice?
I love this concept, how long do you think you’ll continue a memory a month for? I also love the notion of caffeinated booby milk hahaha. Brilliant stuff and a real pleasure to share your memories.
FYI both of mine started crawling at the end of their 8th month and walking at the end of their 12th, it’s a pleasure and a curse because you long for it to happen then when it does you can’t take your eyes off them for a second. Crawling should be a sport because babies seem to cover an awesome distance in the blink of an eye. I look forward to 8 memories.
Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed this! You know, I haven’t considered how long I’ll actually continue the monthly memories, but my short-term goal is at least 12 months. I have a feeling there’s going to be a lot to remember though, so I’m sure I’ll go past this fairly easily. Ha ha, glad you like the caffeinated boob reference; it’s fun to laugh at now, but can be a real pain in the middle of the night!
I know we’ll have our work cut out for us once she starts crawling/walking, and I fully agree that it should be a sport. Just with her rolling and scooting she’s able to cover more ground than I’d ever expect!
Thanks for reading and commenting! Now I’m going to go look into how to make crawling an official sport……
Enjoyed reading this. The laser pen and cat method is an original way of trying to teach a baby how to crawl!
Thanks, Jonathan! In addition to teaching crawling, cats + lasers = fun!