I enjoy giving and getting “crap” every year, but not to the point where I’m having digestive issues from the severe stress of not having bought a super popular Elsa from “Frozen” doll like everyone else is getting this year. Okay, so Avery has no clue about cartoons or movies yet, but hopefully you get my drift.
If you’ve so much as thought about shopping at an online site, it probably seems like your brainwaves fed into your computer’s internet cookies and businesses are using your e-mail address to solicit potential business before it’s too late and you’re totally screwed and all of Christmas is ruined! Or something to that effect. 🙂
The above ad is one of the numerous e-mails littering my inbox with desperate attempts to catch those who procrastinated and are desperate to purchase gifts for others. I think this, along with all of the countless pleas by companies to win your last minute shopping business is PATHETIC!
True, I buy things for friends and family every Christmas, but I simply cannot stand the constant marketing claiming they have what you need to make this Christmas special as they twist your arm into feeling guilty for maybe not having bought enough or nothing at all for that 2nd cousin.
What if, now hear me out here, we quit worrying so much about getting things (read, crap) for others and maybe just give them some of your time? Yeah, like sit and talk, have a meal or just a drink with them and enjoy the moment. In the grand scheme of things, that time you spend together will last a lifetime. The item you rushed to buy? Probably not as long.
Make no mistake, I’m not claiming to be perfect or saying I’ve always done this myself, but I plan on doing it now. Like I said, I’ll buy things that have meaning, make it if/when I can, but also focus more on time as a wonderful gift. Unless you have very materialistic friends and relatives, they might appreciate it more than anything you can buy.
If you must buy something, buy a gift card to a nice coffee shop or restaurant and specify that it’s to use for you and that person or a group of people together.
You get it; focus less on the stressful rush to buy crap, and more on time with those you care about. As a super-major-gigantic plus, spending time instead of money is affordable for anyone. That is, unless, you have little ones that just started walking. Then you might have less time… 🙂

Yeah, every day is something new that requires Going Mom and I to figure out a solution. But it’s so worth it and I love seeing Avery walking around everywhere and discovering new abilities. Well, maybe not the outlet plug covers and never mind the fact that she’s constantly running into my legs and appearing out of no where behind me. They’re a lot quieter when on their feet as opposed to their hands and knees making a constant pitter-patter to announce they are coming!
So, this Christmas (and all other holidays/birthdays/special occasions), spend a little quality time with those you care about and don’t worry so much if you didn’t buy some material item.
Please, don’t let these stupid commercials claiming they have the deals to make this a “special Christmas” get to you. A REAL special Christmas is being together and enjoying time.
Have I mentioned to focus on quality time with loved ones? 🙂
Do you fall victim to the last-minute ads/shopping?
Have you tried just offering your time instead of purchased gifts?
I totally agree with you about the commercial pressures that are part of Christmas. My wife and I decided that we each get each other one main present and also organise a day out for each other. We both value spending time together more than a lot of the sorts of gifts that can be wrapped up.
Time together always beats a material item, and I purchased several outing events for my wife and I to go to and gave them as christmas gifts. We are both excited to go. It’s always great when you and your spouse can agree on things like this, otherwise there could be trouble!!