I joke around a lot, but this is not one of those times. We usually have enough cloth diapers to last a good 3 days, but after 2 days, the diaper pail is almost overflowing. It smells good too. Okay, that is me joking around.
As a stay-at-home parent, I know I need to stop the whining, so that’s what I’ll do….kinda….maybe after this post. Maybe not. Ahhh, who am I kidding? Like I have any clue what’s in store for the near and distant future; I’m sure I have plenty more whining to do.
For our third installment into the world of Vlogging, it’s just Avery sitting with me as I rant about her multiple poops so close together and her moodiness. The unimpressed look on her face throughout the video pretty much sums things up.
These Vlogs make it easier for me sometimes since Avery likes to be included (forget her glum look in what you just watched), so we’ll keep doing these. Please, for those reading, let me know what you’d like to see from us. And no, Gary, there will be no more maiming…..I hope. We did record a couple videos with Going Mom reading to Avery, so be on the lookout for those soon.
Avery still has bouts of cuteness and continues to work on her dance skills, but I miss having a full day of happy Avery. Until then, I’ll cherish any time no crying is involved, like here…..
Wouldn’t having a poop schedule to refer to reduce a parent’s stress ten-fold? I think so!
Oh my looks like the poor kid has a case of the Monday blues! And they are pretty crappy!
But what a cute little bird tweet she does!
To bad on the runs for little Avery hope she gets..ummm…stopped up for your sake. As for vlogging ideas, how about Avery eating a crap load of cotton candy on a rainy day. Just think of all the indoor activity and fun you two would have. It would go viral! You can thank me later!
P.S. thanks for the shout out
I’ll keep that in my mind…..minus the cotton candy….for now.