I’m not sure I could even get into that pose, much less hold it for more than half a second, but here this kid is doing it with apparent ease. They even have classes at yoga studios specifically for babies/toddlers and parents. I’ve seen it around before, but still hard to imagine things actually going as well as they portray on their site.
Look up the definition of yoga and, well, never mind, I’ll do it for you…
After observing my wife attempt to have a yoga session at home with Avery joining in, Toddler Yoga brings to mind another word.
Come to think of it, cooperative toddler fits into this definition too. Not always, but c’mon, you know it’s true.
With the end of my squat every day routine, I mentioned that I’ll be bringing some of my workouts inside. With the help of fitness DVDs, I will be able to workout while simultaneously keeping Avery entertained and maybe even joining in.
She still tends to walk in front of me or try to climb my back during certain exercises that could result in injury (for the both of us), but when it’s just us two, she’s usually pretty good. Maybe because she’s around me all day, but Avery is always more clingy to her Mommy, which makes it very hard for my wife to do the same workout videos.
The other day, feeling the need to relax and calm down, Kelley chose to do the yoga video we have. Great choice when relaxing is the goal according to the definition, but what about that extra variable….our toddler.
Yep, there she is, sitting on Mommy in the Corpse Pose. Probably not a pic you’ll see on any yoga studio’s website trying to promote their Toddler Yoga class. Avery did get off to strike her own pose like Mommy for a bit.
Using Kelley’s sweatshirt as her personal yoga mat, I’d say she was doing pretty good. At least they both look relaxed. But then…..
….. as evidenced by the mischievous smirk on her face, her cling-o-meter was reading low and something had to be done fast!
How’s this, Mom, is this in your way? Not that it mattered, under Mommy was NOT clingy enough.
There we go, back to the Corpse Pose; perfect opportunity to sit on Mommy again. Hi!!
I was beginning to wonder if Kelley was still in the Corpse Pose, or actually suffering from lack of oxygen. Obviously, I was extremely concerned since I still took pictures. No worries, I had Avery check her breath for me.
Phew, she was still breathing!

I missed several shots of Avery doing the Downward Dog Pose, but I’m sure I’ll get the chance again. She actually did that one pretty well, so I’ll be sure to share once we capture it on camera.
Have you ever tried doing something relaxing with your little tot(s)? Success or failure?