How to Prepare Your Child for College

Starting college can be one of the most daunting times in your child’s life so you need to make sure you do everything you can to prepare them for going it alone. Here are some ideas of what you can do to help.


One of the biggest challenges they’ll face is organizing their own time. Most children are so used to their parents deciding what, where, and when they do things that they haven’t had chance to develop the ability to do this for themselves. Start to take more of a back seat role in their day in the run up to college to see how they handle the freedom. Most importantly, they will have a large workload at college that they will need to organize into manageable chunks. Their time at school will have given them some practice in this but they need to be aware of the leap they will be making in terms of the workload they will be facing. At college, a lot of self-study is required so they need to be able to motivate themselves with solid goals for their future in mind.

They will also need to learn the importance of staying on top of any bills they have, as well as making sure they find the time to look after themselves by doing weekly food shops for healthy produce and exercising regularly. A lot of people tend to develop unhealthy lifestyles as a result of their new-found freedom at college, so make sure your child is aware of the importance of sticking to healthy routines.

Looking After a Home

One of the most important things to teach your kids before they head off to college is how to cook and clean. If they don’t know the basics of cooking, they are likely to stick to unhealthy convenience foods which could have a negative impact on their health. If you don’t think you have the time to teach them yourself why not invest in some cooking classes for them to inspire them to try making some delicious recipes.

It is also extremely important for them to know how to clean their home properly so that it doesn’t become an unhealthy environment for them to live in. A lot of student accommodation is of a questionable standard so ideally, they need to know how to handle issues like damp. They are also about to live with other students who may live in a much less tidy way than they are used to, so it could be an idea to prepare them for this by teaching them the art of diplomacy when it comes to asking people to do their fair share of housework without offending them.

Help Them to Move

On the day of the move try hiring a van to help them move their belongings, as this can be a stressful time for them. And bear in mind that van insurance can be quite difficult to understand so take your time when you’re organizing it. When you get there, help them to set up their room as it may help them to have your personal touch if they’re worried about living away from home for the first time. Take them to do their first food shop too so that they know where to find the local shops and set a date for the next time you’re going to see them as it is not unusual for them to feel a little abandoned when you leave them to it.

Before your child heads off to college make sure you prepare them by teaching them how to schedule their time, how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and home, help them to move and make sure they know that you’re still there whenever they need you. It won’t be long before it’s difficult to get them to see you at all! For more parenting tips take a look at

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