When you’re moving home, your number one concern is going to be making sure that all of your belongings make the journey from point A to B as safely and securely as possible. A reputable moving company can certainly help with that, but it’s also important to be aware of the extra demands that certain possessions bring with them, as well. Here, we’re going to look at some things that need just a little extra prep.

Safes, pianos, and other big gear
Not all professional moving companies come prepared with the equipment needed to move, load, and secure the heaviest possessions that might be in your home. This could be a safe, piano, or something else. If you have really large, heavy objects, then you might need to look at hiring a moving trolley, as well as some means to secure it inside the vehicle.
Fragile bits and bobs
A lot more moving companies are going to be prepared to move items that are fragile. A lot of people use homemade options like stuffing them with towels, but moving and packing supplies from teams like Packing Materials and Supplies tend to be a lot more reliable. Click here for the best shipping service to Korea from Singapore.
Your most valuable possessions
There are some goods that you might want to ensure have no risk of getting lost in the pile. As such, you might not want to move your most valuable goods with the rest of your items, at all, but make a special effort of transporting them yourself. As such, while the move is going on, you can completely remove them from the shuffle by hiring a storage space from sites like Storage and keeping them there while you sort the rest out.
Any vehicles
If you have a single car, you can probably drive it from point A to B quite easily yourself. However, if you have more than one vehicle or are driving the moving van, you need to consider how you make sure your wheels are waiting on the other side, with the help of teams like Shiply to take them for you. Work with a team that is experienced specifically in moving the type of vehicle that you aim to bring over. A company that has only transported cars may not be the right choice for moving a motorcycle, for instance.
Your kids
They might not exactly be “possessions” but your children need a little extra attention all the same. If you’re worried about them getting under your feet, then it might be wise to have their grandparents or some other trusted family member or friend take your kids out for the day while you arrange the move.
Before you book any moving services, make sure to take an inventory of everything you own, and see if you can identify which items need a little extra prep-work before you pack them up, too.