All posts by R.C. Liley

I'm an ex-mutual fund accountant who left the cubicle world to be a stay-at-home dad to my beautiful little girl, Avery, who entered our life on 11/15/13 and handsome little boy, Wes, who joined our family on 11/19/17. Also happily married to my wife, Kelley, as of 8/17/07. Sorry ladies... :) Fitness and nutrition is of the utmost importance in our family and we strive to reflect this in our daily life. I always prepare our meals at home and only go out if it's a special occasion, and even then I tend to not get much. Food should be fun and a joy to eat, not something quickly consumed from a fast food chain or scarf down before the next meeting. I have come from strictly logging high miles to train for the next marathon to keeping exercise varied and focusing more on strength. I still enjoy going for a run when I can, but nothing crazy, and I prefer hill sprints while pushing my daughter, Avery in the stroller. She loves it and I get a great workout! I want to show the world how to appreciate their body and feed it real, wholesome food while moving more throughout the day. In doing so, everyone would be healthier, happier, and we'd all live in a better place as a result. I blog mainly about my life as a stay-at-home dad and frequently include reviews, participate in campaigns, and share my thoughts on fitness and nutrition. If you ever have any questions or thoughts to share, please reach out as I'm always open to listening or helping others however possible. That is, when I have free time since Avery is and my wife are the number one priorities!

A Mani-Pedi Treat & Bounce House Feat

I know, the moment she reads the title to this post, by wife will shake her head at the fact I just said “mani-pedi”. Honestly, I feel slightly weird every time I say, but I still do. It’s just easier than saying the full words, “manicure and pedicure”. Plus, it is in this online dictionary.

Mani-Pedi’s aside, my aunt Tammy, uncle Paul, and Grandma from Pennsylvania came down to visit my mom and have an early 60th birthday celebration with her. Kelley, Avery, and I didn’t see them every day they were down, but we met up on three on separate occasions. I’ve found that I’m spending too much time blogging and not enough family time which creates way too much stress, so I’m breaking up each outing into three parts; this post is 1 of 3.

Uncle Paul is the only brother out of the four kids my grandparents had on my mom’s (G-Ma’s) side, so he knows a thing or two about what ladies love. That’s why he treated all of the ladies, my mom, Tammy, Kelley, and Grandma, to a lavish mani-pedi treatment while he, Avery, and I went to the same bounce house Avery has been to a few times. Credit to my awesome wife for setting up the hand and foot treatment for everyone!

Before we did anything, we all met at a new restaurant called Mod Market for lunch.

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This was our first time to see them since they arrived, so there were plenty of pictures. Of course I had to get one with Grandma! She was here when Avery first entered the world!

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Then over to Paul and Tammy for more picture-taking love.

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It’s crazy to think back to when I was just a little boy and they would pick me up from the airport when I flew up to PA during most summers. #TimeFlies

After lunch, the ladies were off to have their hands and feet given the deluxe treatment while Paul, Avery, and I went to see Avery accomplish a feat at the bounce house. In the past visits, I’ve had to mostly just carry her up and around everything and she could hardly bounce. This time, she was able to crawl up and into most of the inflatables and took off on a bouncing frenzy!

I still had to carry her up climbing obstacles and go down the slides with her, but I’m not complaining, I love these things!

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There were more complicated houses that I took her through as well, and once again, I’m pretty sure I had more fun than she did. Probably didn’t help with the way we exited…

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Just a little push here and you can do the rest, right, Avery? Aannnnddd….

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Oops, wrong. I made a quick recovery and busted out in dance urging her to join in.

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Despite the picture, she actually rocked a few dance moves and had Paul quite impressed. But then I had to go and ask her to do high knees which she always does when we say the word, and she busted hard flat on her face. Crying, no, screaming, soon followed and that marked the end of the bounce house. She had a busted lip with a little blood dripping down from her tears (or was that snot?) so I made a quick clean-up at the bathroom before taking us home.

The crying continued the whole ride home, but Paul and I were able to carry on a conversation without having to raise our voices…….too much. The girls were still enjoying their treatment so Paul and I just spent more time sharing stories while simultaneously trying to calm Avery who was, yes, still crying. Then, lo and behold, would you believe something got her to settle down? She wanted nothing to do with Daddy, but Great Uncle Paul worked his magic!


Yep, as long as he held her, Avery remained a happy camper. She even showed him the trees in our backyard. Or was it the dog? I can’t remember. He tried to set her back down a few times but she wasn’t having it, he must hold her all the time!

Luckily, with three grown boys of his own and a long-time high school math teacher, I’d say he has just a little bit of patience, so he kept her happy until the ladies arrived. It didn’t help that we had passed the normal nap time, or at least I’m using that reason to explain her aversion to Daddy.

After a short chat with everyone, they left to go explore more of the surrounding area and we attempted to get Avery to take some kind of nap. The nap never happened. Maybe if Paul stayed to take a short siesta with her we would’ve had more luck.

Our first outing with the family was quick, but it was great to see them as usual. For our next place, and what you’ll see on my next post, we visited a somewhat nearby craft brewery, Revolver Brewing. It was an hour away, I was a grump (sorry everyone), and I’ll fill you in on the details soon.

Do you have family out of state that you are close to?

Do you get to see them on a regular basis?

Is saying “mani-pedi” acceptable for a guy? For anyone?

20 Month Photo Session: Rocking The Ponytail

My wife started putting Avery’s hair in a ponytail not too long ago and it’s the cutest thing to see. Parenting bias aside, you can’t can’t argue with her tiny top tail paired with that precious face.


I mean…..amiright? That was the only still shot we got out of this constantly growing and non-stop crazy girl. I think her hair looks a little like Cindy Lou Who from How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

Today we are back at it with our family from PA. This time, instead of a brewery, we are checking out a new vodka distillery that’s close-by. The name of the vodka is TreyMark and, get this, it’s made with black-eyed peas as the main ingredient!

I’ve found that I have been growing a little tired of beer and enjoy sipping my libations rather than drinking in volume. Needless to say, I’m excited and hope we all have a great time as my mom continues her 60th birthday celebration with friends and family!

Now, on to the 20 month photos. I don’t have much to say, but I think “crazy”, “cute”, “hair”, and “poor bear” sum it up quite well. Check them out and tell me if you agree.


Peek-a-boo with her bear.DSC_1472

More peek-a-boo or….DSC_1462

….oh, yep, eating his face.


Just stretching the legs. Gotta keep all limbs flexible as a toddler!


Hey, I see the camera!!DSC_1479

Ahh, she loves her bear.

Oh wait….ahhhh, she loves the arm on her chair.

Annnddd apparently no love for the bear.

So, would you agree with my four words of summation? Seriously, that poor bear never catches a break!

Ever try a vodka or another spirit distilled differently from the mainstream? If not, would you?

Does your kid have a favorite stuffed animal that they love to abuse but also love?

Acting and Reading “The Bear Snores On”

The Bear Snores On” is one of our favorite books to read right now. Avery loves reading it at bedtime, nap time, and any time really. One day I acted out the story as Going Mom read aloud and Avery got a kick out of it.

The Bear Snores On book amazon

This video doesn’t do the original act justice since she is concerned about looking at herself on camera, but at least I look cool trying to show off my acting skills, or lack thereof.

I’ll just go ahead and apologize for having to watch me in full corny dad mode in the background. Hopefully I didn’t turn you off from the book, it truly is fun to read with your kids. Acting is optional.

We have family visiting from Pennsylvania and today we’re all going to a local brewery, Revolver, about an hour from our house. We’ve had the beer before and it’s great, but never visited the brewery, which I imagine is even better!

With my aunt, uncle, and grandma down to spend time for a little early celebration for my Mom’s 60th birthday, I’m sure we’ll all have a blast. I’ll be sure to fill all readers in on our adventures in a future post, but for now it’s less online time and more family time!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Have you read The Bear Snores On?

What about another “Bear” series book like “The Bear Wants More” from Karma Wilson?