All posts by R.C. Liley

I'm an ex-mutual fund accountant who left the cubicle world to be a stay-at-home dad to my beautiful little girl, Avery, who entered our life on 11/15/13 and handsome little boy, Wes, who joined our family on 11/19/17. Also happily married to my wife, Kelley, as of 8/17/07. Sorry ladies... :) Fitness and nutrition is of the utmost importance in our family and we strive to reflect this in our daily life. I always prepare our meals at home and only go out if it's a special occasion, and even then I tend to not get much. Food should be fun and a joy to eat, not something quickly consumed from a fast food chain or scarf down before the next meeting. I have come from strictly logging high miles to train for the next marathon to keeping exercise varied and focusing more on strength. I still enjoy going for a run when I can, but nothing crazy, and I prefer hill sprints while pushing my daughter, Avery in the stroller. She loves it and I get a great workout! I want to show the world how to appreciate their body and feed it real, wholesome food while moving more throughout the day. In doing so, everyone would be healthier, happier, and we'd all live in a better place as a result. I blog mainly about my life as a stay-at-home dad and frequently include reviews, participate in campaigns, and share my thoughts on fitness and nutrition. If you ever have any questions or thoughts to share, please reach out as I'm always open to listening or helping others however possible. That is, when I have free time since Avery is and my wife are the number one priorities!

How Not To Start Co-Sleeping With Your Toddler

Picking up from my last post about the 4th of July 5k, we took off right for G-Ma’s right after receiving our medals and drinking free beer. The beer was good, but I guess I’ve lost me desire to have beer for breakfast.

We were invited to our neighborhood friend’s house to swim just like the last Fourth of July, and we were ready for a dip after that hot run. First, my mom had a chore for me to do which she knew I’d be a sucker for. I love anything that can be called a “workout”, and moving brush from her house to the Caldwell’s fire pit was the task at hand. I made several trips and ran back after dropping off a load (that sounded bad!). It was enough to have the floodgates of sweat flowing down my face and entire body. Time for the pool!


Glad to have my beautiful girls along to cool off in the water!


Avery could still care less to pose with a smile for either of us. But get her alone and…


I don’t know. She’s confusing. As is most toddlers I assume.

We swam, passed Avery around for us all to get in a great upper body workout, and finally went back to my mom’s to eat and attempt a nap. Surprisingly, the wonders of Going Mom’s nursing and loving comfort worked to get the wild wired child to nap.

We kept her up late on the 3rd to see fireworks, woke her up a few hours earlier the next day for the 5k, and took forever until just one nap. Parents of the year here! After nap time, we lounged around and entertained Avery the best we could until it was dark and time for fireworks. Then we went back down to the Caldwell’s to watch the sky light up with bright-colored explosions all around.

My mom’s house is out in the country where fireworks are allowed and neighbors all around apparently felt like they need to throw down hundreds of dollars to celebrate our independence. Fine with me, the light show was brilliant! Unlike last year, Avery watched as they lit up the sky, but she only seemed fairly amused, and only at first.

Tiredness was obvious, but I thought she’d be more into watching the fireworks than she was. We told ourselves “next year” last year, but now we’re saying it again for 2016. At 2 1/2 years old, I’m sure she’ll love them then, right?

Not long after watching the explosions all around, Avery’s crazy-tired mode set in. She was running off into a dark field as Kelley and I took turns chasing and holding her. G-Ma helped restrain the mini deviant as well. It was well past her bedtime (again), and with hardly any sleep and a lonnnngggg day, we took her back to get ready for bed.

Kelley took a bath with Avery since outside everything feel nasty and we were down wind of the giant bonfire. As I mentioned in my post about being scared for the Fourth, we did not have a portable crib this time. Instead, we laid a queen mattress on the floor where Kelley planned on sleeping with Avery.

We’ve slept with Avery before, but that was when she was only months old, and that one time I tried in her crib

Testing out the crib on my birthday.

If you are wondering, it didn’t work. Not in her crib, and again, not for Kelley at G-Ma’s this past weekend.

We followed routine and I read a book before telling my tired wife and daughter good night and I went to another room to read before going to sleep. It was quiet for a couple hours, but just as I finally shut my eyes, I woke up to Kelley holding a screaming toddler and not sure what to do.

Avery had been screaming for a while and nothing my wife offered would console her. Not even the magical boob! I came in to lay on the other side of the floor mattress to keep Avery in between, but she just rolled around scaling over our bodies and falling off at least 4 times. Each time was accompanied by louder screaming and streams of tears.

Not being able to calm our child was upsetting, and Kelley hated not having a solution. She eventually told me to go back to the other room thinking Avery wanted more of her own space. I went back, but sat awake listening to the crying ensue.

Avery kept this up for 4 hours straight. Constantly thrashing around, screaming loudly, and not giving any indication of what she needed. Was it sunburn, bug bites, hunger, thirst, too much change in sleeping arrangements, firework overload, over-tired, teething, or just toddler?

Whatever the cause, I ended up falling asleep on the mattress with them, and Kelley said she watched as our overly exhausted girl sat, got quiet, and slowly fell over to give in to sleep.

So, things not to do when deciding to co-sleep with your toddler for the first time in a long time (or ever) is….

  • do not keep them up late the night before you have to wake them up early
  • do not expose her to an new atmosphere (it had been 6 months since our last visit to G-Ma’s)
  • do not do it on a night when fireworks are going off all around you for hours on end
  • do not let them drink coffee in the late afternoon….or ever

Well, we didn’t let her drink coffee, but really, you should not do that if you want to sleep.

Later that day, Avery woke up bright-eyed and bushy tailed and immediately started chatting away like nothing was wrong. We downed copious amounts of coffee shortly thereafter as G-Ma entertained Avery with a little screen time.


After several cups, I suggested we do a little workout video which my mom was up for. So we did Cardio Challenge as Kelley kept Avery somewhat restrained in the room with us. But Avery had to join in right after we were done.


I followed up with a few sets of bench press…



….and Avery did her own moves on the stability ball.


She then proceeded to do bear crawls hugs.


Then G-Ma offered to play with her, but she was not impressed with the dog toy football.


She did, however, take the ball and give it to Reno, G-Ma’s highly anxious dog, who was in a ball in a cat bed.


So thoughtful of her. They played around a little more just to get that good love from G-Ma before we went back home.


Crazy, tiring weekend for sure, but we are all glad we experienced it together. Guess we earned a new parenting badge this 4th of July! Not sure what we’ll do about sleeping arrangements next time, but we have a trip to Colorado next month to see Kelley’s parents, Nana and Papa, so we better figure it out soon.

Kelley found a crib rental service up there which sounds like a good option, but hopefully Nana knows a neighbor who can let us borrow a crib. $15/day for a crib seems too high for my liking! Ha, get it, “high” and “Colorado”….”elevation……no? Whatever…

Do you have any co-sleeping fails to share?

Any successes?

What about tips….please?

3rd Place in our Fourth of July 5k Race

We made it through the Fourth of July weekend, but what I feared most became a reality. The good news is my wife and I kicked the day off with a bang by placing in our Fourth of July 5k!

The night before the race, we brought Avery up the road in our neighborhood to see the local fireworks. It was past her bedtime before they even started and we were getting eaten by bugs, but I’d say she still had a great time.

Okay, maybe “great” is an exaggeration, but it was officially her first time to see fireworks since last year I don’t think she was too aware. Either shame on us for keeping her up so late when we had to wake her up extra early the next day or….no, never mind, just shame on us.

G-Ma met us at Martin House Brewery, where the race was being hosted, to hang out with Avery as Going Mom and I pushed our legs to the limits in the hot and humid weather. The race started at 8am and it was already sticky with most of the participants sweating from just standing around.


Isn’t my Mom beautiful? I can’t believe she’s turning 60 at this end of this month! Oops, was I not supposed to share that with the blogosphere? Sorry, Mom, I love you!

Before the start, we took turns posing together for pictures with Avery. Any picture with these three lovely ladies is one to cherish forever.


Avery wasn’t sure of what to make with Daddy not having a shirt on, but not like it’s anything new.


By the time we took our family picture, Avery had enough of the posing. She was probably pissed we woke her up so early too.


Kelley snapped a shot of my true fashion sense wearing brown and black. But hey, I was excited to race in my Soft Star Shoes Dash RunAmoc since the last race never panned out. Don’t I look proud?

soft star shoes

After a quick warm-up jog, singing the National Anthem alongside 200+ already sweaty runners, and anxious to run, we were finally off. Kelley and I gave each other a good luck kiss and I dashed in the grass to pass slower runners and walkers.

Actually, I had to go off road a few times in order to pass people, and the Dash RunAmocs performed better than expected. With the Bullhide Leather Sole, I was worried traction would be an issue in the grass when I jumped to the side, but I never slipped once. The rest of the race was on a gravel trail, and they felt light with just enough protection from the rocks.

G-Ma was too occupied with an energetic toddler to ask her to take action shots of us racing, so I just have snippets from the Movin’ Pictures. As you can see, they are not paid for, just what you can find online, but I think they’re good enough.

July 4th 5k_RC Running 2

What if, one day, it was cool to buy pictures with the word “Proof” across the entire image? I’d be ahead of the game then!

July 4th 5k_RC Running

The shoes were great with their minimal weight and maximum performance. As long as it’s not wet (leather soles and water is like walking on ice), these are awesome. I do have other RunAmocs with a rubber trail sole which feel great when running too, but I like using those for lifting in my garage more.

The race itself was quick but the heat was punishing all of us. But that didn’t stop Going Mom from keeping on course and maintaining composure. I even have “proof” of her solid performance.

July 4th 5k_Kelley Running

Both of us have hardly put enough running training in lately, be we have been rocking intense workouts with the barbell and kettlebells which gave us a great foundation to keep us going strong. And, as a result, our strength training paid off; we both came in 3rd place in our age group!

It may not seem like anything spectacular to some, but I’m proud of the both of us and think it was a great way to kick off the Fourth of July!

July 4th 5k_Couple Results

Out of 261 runners, we came in 13th (me) and 59th (wife) place overall. I was hoping for a sub-20 minute run, but I’ll take 20:26. Plus, maybe that’s a positive sign that I’m doing better at my ultimate goal of gaining strength/weight.

Our favorite brewery, Martin House, had free beer for all runners. Kelley and I had a few drinks while sharing some much deserved beer with G-Ma while waited for the Awards to get our medals and take a photo. Of course, Avery had to be in there with both of us. Still rockin’ her “no smile” look.

Avery & Mommy_4th of July 5k Award Photo Avery & Daddy_4th of July 5k Award Photo

After taking advantage of free craft beer (#winning), and talking with other runners, some who were quite interested in my brown Soft Star running shoes, we took off to G-Ma’s house. This is where we spent the night what I was scared of happening, happened.

Lets just say that sleep was very rare that night. Of course, our sweet angel did take a nap on the way home the next day.

Avery sleeping after July 4th

What a stinker. Details of the rest of the day and tiring night are coming soon. Until then, have a great day!

How was your Fourth of July?

Did you run any races or kick back and enjoy the day in relaxation?

Working on Animal Sounds: Avery & Daddy Episode 4

Here we are again with another episode of Avery and me vlogging it up in style! And by “style”, I mean a yogurt face toddler and her dad who’s doing good just to have a shirt on for the camera. You’re welcome.

You might’ve noticed I dropped the “Vlog” part of the title to shorten it a little. Obviously, it’s a Vlog, so no need for redundancy. Oh, and I have plenty to share about our Fourth of July weekend full of 5k fun and co-sleeping before fireworks were done, so be on the lookout for that story soon.

My wife and I praise Avery for always responding when we ask her to make a certain animal sound, but a lot them sound the same. I know in her head it’s different, and we’re proud of her efforts, so I just wanted to a record it here.

You’ll have to pardon my corny intro, it’s just part of being a Dad. Right? Right?  Plus, I thought I played it off pretty well actually. Call me biased, but…..well, just call me biased.

Hope you were able to hear her animal sounds good enough. I blame the fact I’m using the built-in audio/video from my laptop, so can’t expect high quality anything. But hey, she’s a cutie! And I bet you didn’t know a pig and a mouse sounded so similar, huh?

There will be more animal sound videos in the future, so stay tuned. Until then, hope your Monday is off to a great start and everyone’s fully recovered from the Fourth of July….if you’re in the U.S. that is.

What animal sounds are your kids making or did they make as a toddler?

Be honest, did you like my “caught off guard” intro?