All posts by R.C. Liley

I'm an ex-mutual fund accountant who left the cubicle world to be a stay-at-home dad to my beautiful little girl, Avery, who entered our life on 11/15/13 and handsome little boy, Wes, who joined our family on 11/19/17. Also happily married to my wife, Kelley, as of 8/17/07. Sorry ladies... :) Fitness and nutrition is of the utmost importance in our family and we strive to reflect this in our daily life. I always prepare our meals at home and only go out if it's a special occasion, and even then I tend to not get much. Food should be fun and a joy to eat, not something quickly consumed from a fast food chain or scarf down before the next meeting. I have come from strictly logging high miles to train for the next marathon to keeping exercise varied and focusing more on strength. I still enjoy going for a run when I can, but nothing crazy, and I prefer hill sprints while pushing my daughter, Avery in the stroller. She loves it and I get a great workout! I want to show the world how to appreciate their body and feed it real, wholesome food while moving more throughout the day. In doing so, everyone would be healthier, happier, and we'd all live in a better place as a result. I blog mainly about my life as a stay-at-home dad and frequently include reviews, participate in campaigns, and share my thoughts on fitness and nutrition. If you ever have any questions or thoughts to share, please reach out as I'm always open to listening or helping others however possible. That is, when I have free time since Avery is and my wife are the number one priorities!

WIAW #11: No-Bake Mini NuttZo Pumpkin Cake

Baking can be such a hassle. Especially when you have little ones running the kitchen. Crazy kids plus a hot stove/oven NEVER mix! So, feeling creative for Avery’s breakfast, I decided to make a delicious and healthy cake that I didn’t need to bake. Wham, and I just rhymed; score!

NuttZo No-bake cake

I grabbed one of my 24 cans of Organic Farmer’s Market Pumpkin (Thank you, Amazon!), some NuttZo Power Fuel, peanut flour, and unsweetened shredded coconut and got to work. It turned out to hardly be “work” since 5 minutes later, our NuttZo Coconut Pumpkin Pie was born.

Avery was tugging at my shorts and whining for the first bite, so after I took a few quick pics, I fed my ravenous daughter.

I thought maybe, just maybe, there’d be a little leftover for me to savor, but that hope died fast. Unlike a typical pie, I found it easier to just roll into balls to feed her. At least that way I had messy fingers I got to lick!


If there was time, I’m sure chilling it would make for a cleaner finger food, but as Jack Bauer would say, “There’s no time!”. It does cut pretty good even at room temp though.

Wanna give it a go for yourself? Do it!

Mini No-Bake NuttZo Coconut Pie

by RC Liley

Prep Time: 5 Minutes

Keywords: raw appetizer breakfast dessert snack nuttzo

Ingredients (Serves 1)

  • 1/2 Cup Pumpkin Puree
  • 2 Tbsp NuttZo (or other nut butter) at room temp
  • 1/4 Cup Peanut flour (Can use coconut or almond flour or even protein powder instead)
  • 2 Tbsp unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 packet stevia or 10 drops liquid stevia
  • Pinch of sea salt


Add all ingredients in a bowl and stir well to combine.

Form into a small cake, roll into balls, or just leave as is to eat with a spoon.


Powered by Recipage


On to the main part of the post now, my eats!

Thanks as always to the wonderful Jenn from Peas and Crayons, for creating this fun link-up for foodies everywhere! It was great then and continues to be an awesome linky now!

what I ate wednesday, WIAW


Breakfast – One of my many leftover cups of black coffee from Starbucks that I picked up on Mother’s Day.


Lunch – Steamed veggies with eggs and raw broccoli on top. Then some Greek yogurt with purple sweet potato, NuttZo, and homemade banana bread. While watching Avery not take her nap!
Dinner – Shredded chicken with black garlic and steamed broccoli and a little spicy kimchi mixed in as well.
And don’t tell Avery, but I made another batch of the no-bake NuttZo pie for myself to have as a nighttime treat.


Yeah, I’ll be making more of that for the both of us for sure! Have a great Hump Day!

Do you like no-bake recipes or prefer to always cook your meals/snacks?

Ever buy things you use a lot in bulk on Amazon or another site? It’s a must in our home!

Brilliant blog posts on

Soft Star Shoes Child Rambler Review: Growing Happy Feet

Soft Star Shoes have become a family favorite in the ‘Going’ household. First, I became a proud ambassador, then I reviewed their RunAmoc Moc3’s, then they sent Avery the awesome pair of Child Ramblers that I’m reviewing today, and I have a review of their Dash RunAmoc shoes coming soon!

All of this, plus Going Mom just received the coolest Mother’s Day gift from the coolest husband ever; a pair of Soft Star Shoes Solstice Sandals. So, yeah, we’re rockin’ the Soft Star life over here and our feet couldn’t be happier!

Soft Star Shoes has a neat design-your-own area for their adult and kids’ shoes, but I went with their Flamingo/Nutmeg color combo since my wife and I liked the colors and figured they’d go with more of the clothes Avery has.


Before they wear shoes, kids have a natural movement pattern and are able to move around freely. Giving feet freedom is important since the early years of a kids’ life is when their body is rapidly changing.

Shoes that allow freedom for feet to grow and develop naturally is of the utmost importance, and that’s exactly what Soft Star Shoes provides. Check out their informative link with healthy footwear tips and research-based info on why the right shoe is so important for your little one.

The Ramblers have a minimal design that allows feet the freedom to move around, are slip-resistant, handcrafted in the USA with high quality materials, and flexible without arch support that forces feet into a “molding”. How flexible, you ask? This flexible…


And their rubber soles allow for play on all types of surfaces, indoor or out, without the need to be concerned about slipping.


The ease of putting them on your child will depend on two big things; their age and the current weather. At Avery’s age, she does everything she can to NOT help you get her dressed, and if it’s hot/humid outside, that only makes it worse.

Thankfully, the elastic ankle closure on these makes it easier to get on and off than most other shoes we’ve tried. Once they’re on, they stay snug but comfortable. She never complained about having them on, even for extended periods. I’d like to think it helps that she looks up to (literally) and wants to wear Soft Star Shoes like her Daddy.


The Ramblers fit her feet quite well with a little room to grow. When she is ready for bigger shoes, Soft Star has plenty of sizing options including baby (0-12 months), child (1-5 years), youth (5-12 years), and adult (12-150 years). The fact that she keeps them on while in her stroller on the way to the playground says a lot, trust me!

Soft Star Shoes and Stroller 2

When playing, Avery can easily run around and even kick the soccer ball without issue.

The shoes we tried before these would all be off in a minute, so it’s obvious these are her favorite, even if she can’t say it yet. Hey, actions speak louder than words, right? And she knows what shoes to grab when getting read to lift weights with daddy.

She sure does make me proud! After wearing her Ramblers outside in the dirt, mulch, and grass, as well as inside our home, they still look brand new. No threads coming undone or huge scrapes, even after climbing up and down the concrete at the playground.

Avery on playground with SSS

She tripped on the cracks in those rocks more times than I can remember, but the shoes still stayed on and showed no signs of wear. We love Avery’s Soft Star Shoes, and besides being difficult to put at first (you figure it out fast), these are the only shoes we use now. Avery seems happy to roam about to discover new things in her Ramblers, like how sticks taste.


Or just what in the world Daddy is trying to show her now….


The soft natural leather, non-toxic colors, and hardy but flexible soles make for an awesome shoe for kids or adults and will ensure happy feet stay happy.


A big thanks to Soft Star Shoes for sending our precious girl these lovely shoes. I can’t recommend these shoes enough, and think their entire line has something for everyone. Check out their site and get your family’s feet ready to play hard, play safe, and keep it natural this summer.

After you find your perfect pair, make sure to take plenty of pictures and enter their monthly Fan Photo Contest to win $50 towards your next shoe purchase.

Now, excuse me while I test out my Dash RunAmocs with Avery.

soft star shoes

Have you heard of Soft Star Shoes?

Do you have any of your own?

Try out their Design-Your-Own feature and let me know what style and colors you like best.

A Half Marathon In My Garage On Mother’s Day

Our original plan to start Mother’s Day off with a half marathon and 5k race followed by coffee and brunch and Brewed never happened. Guess that’s what I get for writing and scheduling a post ahead of time.

Due to inclement weather with tornadoes, heavy rain, and lots of lightning, the even organizers figured running in the stuff may not be the best idea. If only they would’ve called it off before I was half-way there, hydroplaning on the highway, that would’ve been nice.

With the torrential rain and lightning already rearing its ugly head at 5am, we had already nixed the plan of having G-Ma and Avery come watch Going Mom and I run. My wife was sure the race would be canceled, but since I didn’t see anything posted, I said I’d just go alone and come back to celebrate Mother’s Day after the wet run.

As I was driving through nasty weather thinking how much it sucks inside a car and how much more it will suck when running 13.1 miles, Kelley called to tell me they finally called it off. Actually, it’s now going to be next weekend on Sunday, the 17th. So, I turned around and picked up Grande black coffees at Starbucks for the 3 of us. And then I stopped again and made use of my free refills with the Gold Card to make a total of 6 coffees.


This is the only way I can justify paying for coffee since it brings the cost down to only $1 per Grande. Not bad, eh?

When I arrived back home, I found my mom and Kelley asleep on the couch in the living room. We never woke Avery up, thankfully, and I’ve learned to never wake a sleeping lady……especially when they’re pregnant!

Since they went back to sleep, it would only make sense to join them (I only slept 5 hours) and get a little more rest, right? Wrong! When I have a certain thing to do in my head, I have trouble letting it go. Since the rain and lightning wasn’t letting up, I decided to make use of my indoor rower and row the half marathon distance in my garage.

13.1 miles / 21.08 km is a half marathon, and I ended up rowing 90 minutes with a distance of 22.2 km, or 13.8 miles. Talk about a sore butt! I listened to a great Ben Greenfield podcast to help the time pass while staring out at the rain which ended up not being that bad. I know being fueled by NuttZo (as the shirt says) helped keep me going since I had nothing to eat or drink before or during the stint.


All three lovely girls woke up and greeted me just before I was finished, and Going Mom took a few finishing action shots for me. Right after, I stood in the rain to cool off as we all sipped guzzled our coffees. I made Mother’s Day NuttZo Oatmeal for the girls by request which was better than what we would’ve had at Brewed anyway.


The secret, besides the obvious delicious and healthy addition of NuttZo is, add a crap-load of blueberries!


This was the smaller bowl for my mom, but Kelley would send it back for more “bluebs” if I seemingly skimped on tiny tart fruit. Hers looks more like this….


With bellies full of coffee and oatmeal (perfect combo for a rainy day), I gave my Mother’s Day gifts to my wife and mom.

Accompanying the personal letters I typed to each of them, I gave an old photo to my mom of her and me after my high school graduation. She had dyed blonde hair, I had earrings, and we both had 13 years back.


We have more to give my spectacular Mom, but need it to come in the mail first. Although she liked her gifts, she deserves so much more than I could ever give. Raising me alone was not an easy feat, but she did it, and she did it well. I’ll just forget about those times we had fast food. 🙂

For Going Mom, I gave her a new pair of sandals from Soft Star Shoes which was received with great delight. Score one for me!


I got the size right and a color she loves. Not an easy task a style-impaired guy such as myself. They looked great on their website, but even better in person, and absolutely wonderful being worn by my wife.

Besides the pair of sandals, I also pulled a few strings to get her a pair of these water mugs…


Yep, they’re from the Baylor Health hospital Avery was born in. Kelley has been drinking religiously from the same one ever since Avery was born on 11/15/13, and we aren’t even religious!

After e-mailing and talking to a nurse on the phone, she said she’d give me two new ones for my wife. Avery and I made the trip up there one day as I took a trip down Memory Lane and voila!, we have two new mugs! Good, because the original is cracked and had water collecting inside.

After visiting and playing with Avery a while longer, G-Ma had to leave while there was a break in the storms. We said our farewells and she was on her way.

Avery ran around the house and threw things at our feet until it was nap time. Going Mom nursed her to sleep where, at one point, she was in a flying bird position.

Sleeping Bird Avery

How that’s comfortable, I haven’t a clue, but that’s how she slept for a while. Kelley and I relaxed together to enjoy each other’s company over one of my home brews.

Homebrew Cheers with Kelley

I love her, obviously, and am so happy to share this life with her. Sharing beer with her is just icing on the cake good because, beer and love.

The rest of the day had storms come and go, but we were able to fit in a walk with Avery with only a little be of rain. Now I just need to make it through another week and prepare to run 13.1 miles next Sunday. Hopefully the weather will hold out this time!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day!

Are you stubborn/determined when it comes to having your mind set on something like finishing a race?

Do you like cards or handwritten letters when giving gifts?

How was the weather for you on Mother’s Day?