All posts by R.C. Liley

I'm an ex-mutual fund accountant who left the cubicle world to be a stay-at-home dad to my beautiful little girl, Avery, who entered our life on 11/15/13 and handsome little boy, Wes, who joined our family on 11/19/17. Also happily married to my wife, Kelley, as of 8/17/07. Sorry ladies... :) Fitness and nutrition is of the utmost importance in our family and we strive to reflect this in our daily life. I always prepare our meals at home and only go out if it's a special occasion, and even then I tend to not get much. Food should be fun and a joy to eat, not something quickly consumed from a fast food chain or scarf down before the next meeting. I have come from strictly logging high miles to train for the next marathon to keeping exercise varied and focusing more on strength. I still enjoy going for a run when I can, but nothing crazy, and I prefer hill sprints while pushing my daughter, Avery in the stroller. She loves it and I get a great workout! I want to show the world how to appreciate their body and feed it real, wholesome food while moving more throughout the day. In doing so, everyone would be healthier, happier, and we'd all live in a better place as a result. I blog mainly about my life as a stay-at-home dad and frequently include reviews, participate in campaigns, and share my thoughts on fitness and nutrition. If you ever have any questions or thoughts to share, please reach out as I'm always open to listening or helping others however possible. That is, when I have free time since Avery is and my wife are the number one priorities!

Happy Mother’s Day! Letters to my Wife & Mom

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you wonderful Moms out there!

If you’re not a wonderful Mom, this doesn’t apply to you, but hopefully that’s not the case. It’s well known I’m not giving flowers for Mother’s Day (or ever), but I’m good at creating handmade cards for special occassions, just like the one I made Kelley last year.


Well, I guess “good”, is giving myself too much credit, huh?

This year I opted to type my letter and nix the whole “thumbs up” cut-out.  This not only saved me time since I was writing with toddler pulling on my shorts (not kidding) and needed someone to push her toy plane, Tilly, as mentioned in the letter to Going Mom.

At the time of this being published, my wife and I should be done with our runs and hanging out with my mom and Avery at Brewed where copious amounts of coffee will be consumed. I’m sure Kelley and I will be the winners of the race happy to be done so we can relax and enjoy spending time with each other on Mother’s Day.

Speaking of, I’m cutting this short and will leave you with the letters I wrote to my wife and to my mom. So much better than words from a mass produced card!



I’m standing here, at my “work station” with our crazy little girl at my feet demanding my attention as I write this. Oh, hold on….

Okay, had to make Tilly go takeoff, I’m back now.

Anyway, there are times when I feel like I could go absolutely insane from these things. You know the feeling since she does it to you too. But, despite the madness, when all is said and done, I unquestionably love it!

If it weren’t for you, none of this could be a reality, and I am forever grateful to you as a beautiful, magnificent, and loving mother and wife! You’re my best friend with whom I can share all my thoughts and feelings, and although I admit I don’t do it enough, I feel instant comfort when I’m in your arms.

You’ve rocked at being a mom and are still going strong with giving Avery the best stuff ever. I know it will come to an end eventually, and I support whatever choice you make, but the sacrifice you have made will live forever in our healthy little girl.

I could go on raving about your awesomeness, but Tilly needs to takeoff for the sixth time, and I have 3 half books piled up to read. Basically, I love, I love our life, and I appreciate you as a mother to our beautiful girl and as my stunning (sexy vixen?) wife.

Happy Mother’s Day, dear, I love you forever!


I’m writing this at the same time as Kelley’s, with Avery dancing around me for my utmost attention. You know, just like I was. 🙂 Thank you, by the way, for always giving it to me!

You’ve always been there for me, even when on your own and going through so many stressful times. To have a mother like you is rare, and I love that you are now giving all of your love to Avery without hesitation. She has the best G-Ma ever and it makes me smile seeing you two together. Even when she’s tugging at your hair.

I found this picture from after high school graduation and since it’s not being used here, hopefully you will have a place for it at work or at home. It makes me think of how much we’ve all changed, but never made us distant from each other. Again, thank you for always being there for me and now for Avery. No one could ask for a better mother than you, especially one that puts up with my crap!

Sorry for the lack of gifts, you deserve so much, but instead I ask you watch our kid so I can run. Which, by the way, thank you for that!

I hope you have a very Happy Mother’s Day, and we spend it all together enjoying each other’s company.


Do you create a lot of handmade gifts or prefer to buy your gifts?

Our Toddler’s First Green Smoothie

I’ve been blending fruits and veggies into a pre-dinner green smoothie for my wife and I for years. But, besides Going Mom giving Avery a tiny sip from her glass, I never made one exclusively for her. Well, that just changed.

Thursday morning had her swarming around me doing the sign for milk but fussing and running away from me when I pulled out a bottle. Toddler confusion!! It only gets worse, huh?


We had bananas, and I know she loves eating them sliced and topped with NuttZo……

…but I wanted to get her hydration needs fulfilled plus add a little extra nutrition. What better way to do that than a green smoothie?

Diligently working my way around the toddler obstruction in the kitchen, I gathered organic kale, carrots, green banana (these are great for gut health from their resistant starch), NuttZo, unsweetened almond milk, and a couple packets of stevia for sweetness.


A few minutes later, and we had ourselves Avery’s first green smoothie! What took a few minutes, felt like forever with Ms. Impatient, and she was grabbing at her sippy cup before I could hand it over.


That’s a good sign, right? I love that she’s up for drinking whatever, even if it is dark green! To avoid spillage, I made the hand-off for her little hands to better grasp and she got right to it.

Yeah, so we need to work on how to use straws, but the main point is that she was downing her first green smoothie! I had some too, and you could definitely taste the kale, but it was anything bad, I was quite pleased with the outcome. I’m thinking she was too.


Success! Another Avery first and another meal option opened up! I ended up replacing the straw lid with her regular sippy cup lid to avoid a mess, but a mess happened regardless. She’s use to walking around the house with water in the cup and we don’t think much of it when a little spills out….different story now.


I decided green smoothies may not appear in her sippy in the immediate future, but it’s great to know she’ll drink them. There was one problem though….I made a giant batch of the smoothie and had a lot left over. Even after drinking a glass myself, there was plenty more, and the thing about fresh food is, it doesn’t last that long.

So I did what anyone would do, I turned the green smoothie into green bread. I measured not a single ingredient, but with coconut flour, stevia, peanut flour, and baking powder, I created something similar to my Green Coconut Carrot Bread. In my microwave omelete cooker, of course.


Now we have a few batches of green smoothie bread which turned out a lot better than I thought. It’s sliced and ready for eager little fingers to snack on next time she’s demanding something…….which is always!


Unless she has a Catch-Me-Kitty to keep her occupied, that is.


It’s the day before running the longest I’ve ran in a very long time, 13.1 miles. Kelley is running the 5k and G-Ma will be with Avery watching and cheering us on. We have rain in the forecast, so I’m interested to see how that will turn out.

I’m planning on running in my Soft Star Dash RunAmoc Shoes, but mine are the ones with bullhide leather soles which equals zero traction on wet surfaces. Only time will tell, I’ll be sure to update you early next week.

Until then, I have two lovely women, one my mom, the other my wife, to celebrate Mother’s Day with after the race. We went to an awesome coffee shop called Brewed almost a year ago and will go back to treat the deserving ladies. Hope Avery doesn’t make us regret waking her up so early just so we could run!

The Dad Network

Do you have green smoothies on a regular basis? If so, do your kids have them too?

Do you have a favorite recipe or just throw things in and blend like I do?

How About Five Puns For A Top Daddy Vote?

Friday’s are awesome, and Friday’s with puns are awesomer full of even more awesomeness! So I have a deal for you, I’ll give you 5 puns and only ask for one thing in return; a vote on the Top Daddy Blogs website.

I’ll make it easy for you, just click the button below and BAM!, your vote is in and I sincerely thank you!

Click to vote for me @ Top Daddy Blogs // Dad Blogs Directory

This button is also on my sidebar and at the end of every post, so if you are so inclined, I’d love it if you clicked it once a day or whenever you visit. Maybe I’ll have more puns lined up for the future in return. Deal? Please?

Now, we have to go off the honor system here, so I’m assuming that you have clicked the badge above or will soon if you scroll down for the puns. And, under this assumption, I deeply thank you and express my Top Daddy gratitude.

Although they are now my Top Daddy enemies, these dad bloggers are also asking for votes. Since I’m such a nice guy, here’s a link to their accounts on the website.

Mike Smith – Sunshine Dad

Gary Mathews – Skipah’s Realm

Kevin (aka Spike) Zelenka – Double Trouble Daddy

There are many other great dad bloggers on there, but these are the guys I communicate with most and they’re all cool enough to earn my vote!

1. When egoists meet for the first time, it’s always an “I” for an “I”.

2. How do you define a will? Hint: It’s a dead giveaway.

3. The little old woman who lived in a shoe needed money, so she sold her sole with no strings attached.

4. I have a photographic memory, it just never developed.

5. Poisoning America’s national bird would be ill-eagle.

Hey, I never said they’d be out of this world knee-slapping hilarious, but hopefully you got a chuckle out at least one of them! Don’t worry, as a pun-loving dad, there will be plenty more to come on this blog.

I’m not expecting to do a lot of blogging this weekend as I have 13.1 miles to prep for on Sunday, Mother’s Day, and then it’s spending time with my lovely Mother and wife…..Avery too!

Have a great Friday!

How did you like the puns?

Did you click the badge to vote for me? If so, THANKS!

Any plans for Mother’s Day?