All posts by R.C. Liley

I'm an ex-mutual fund accountant who left the cubicle world to be a stay-at-home dad to my beautiful little girl, Avery, who entered our life on 11/15/13 and handsome little boy, Wes, who joined our family on 11/19/17. Also happily married to my wife, Kelley, as of 8/17/07. Sorry ladies... :) Fitness and nutrition is of the utmost importance in our family and we strive to reflect this in our daily life. I always prepare our meals at home and only go out if it's a special occasion, and even then I tend to not get much. Food should be fun and a joy to eat, not something quickly consumed from a fast food chain or scarf down before the next meeting. I have come from strictly logging high miles to train for the next marathon to keeping exercise varied and focusing more on strength. I still enjoy going for a run when I can, but nothing crazy, and I prefer hill sprints while pushing my daughter, Avery in the stroller. She loves it and I get a great workout! I want to show the world how to appreciate their body and feed it real, wholesome food while moving more throughout the day. In doing so, everyone would be healthier, happier, and we'd all live in a better place as a result. I blog mainly about my life as a stay-at-home dad and frequently include reviews, participate in campaigns, and share my thoughts on fitness and nutrition. If you ever have any questions or thoughts to share, please reach out as I'm always open to listening or helping others however possible. That is, when I have free time since Avery is and my wife are the number one priorities!

Our ‘Going’ NuttZo Tasting Party!

You taste a lot of deliciously healthy varieties of NuttZo, obviously! This weekend, the Going Family hosted a NuttZo tasting party for our neighborhood to delight the taste buds of both kids and adults.

My party hosting skills could use some work, but I was pretty pleased with my layout. One lucky neighbor was going to be randomly drawn to win their own jar of the Smooth Original NuttZo and I was creative enough to use an empty NuttZo jar for the drawing. Going Mom made fun of me for putting a red bow on the prize jar, but I thought it was a nice touch. What do you think?


People starting showing up and although I was excited to share the edible happiness of NuttZo, I was still a little nervous. Big thanks to my wife for helping to keep the mood light.


For days, I was driving myself crazy trying to think of elaborate recipes to create for the party, but thankfully my wife kept me in check and told me to keep it simple. Duh. It is a tasting party for a product, not a cook-off, so simple it was! But that didn’t stop me from taking things seriously, just look at that intense face of concentration!


Each attendee received a colorful bowl in which I scooped several varieties of NuttZo one at time for them to try. I offered an organic honey almond granola for as a topping for that extra crunch.


There were three NuttZo flavors for tasting; the Smooth Original, Crunchy Power Fuel (my favorite), and Crunchy 70% Dark Chocolate. G-Ma was excited to try them all with Avery!


As if it was even a question, yes, there were seconds…..and thirds.


Avery, our little NuttZo pro, probably had the most out of everyone combined! She can’t say no to NuttZo!


As you can see, Going Mom enjoyed her samples too. Oh man, she’s “Going” to kill me when she sees I posted this pic!


Overall, I’d say NuttZo was well received by our neighbors. Although, one little girl, Zoey, seemed hesitant about the 7 organic nut and seed butter spread, but her dad said she’s not a big fan of peanut butter in general.


She’s a sweet girl, so I didn’t pressure her too much. Plus, I applaud her efforts at trying to hide her feelings with a cute smirk and referring to me as “Mr. R.C.”.

The brand new jars were all severely depleted, as they should be, after the tasting party neared an end.


We only had one thing left to do, pick a winner for the NuttZo jar giveaway! Drum rollllll….


Congrats to Jason, and his two little girls, Natalie (pictured) and Zoey! His wife, Jennifer, had to work, but I know the entire family is excited. I handed out coupons to everyone and Jason said he was excited to pick up another jar to have a work for a healthy snack.

Skip the chips and keep a jar of NuttZo and spoon around for a healthy snack. You can eat a whole bag of chips and still feel hungry, and it’s easy to add up to 500 calories of processed food fast! But NuttZo, full of healthy omega fatty acids, protein, and deliciousness, will keep you satisfied after just 2 spoonfuls. What more do you need?


I’d like to thank everyone who attended, my wife for helping out so much with hosting and cleaning around the house, and of course, the entire NuttZo team for providing the jars for tasting as well as the giveaway. I’m honored to be an ambassador for such a great company, and love that they are big supporters of Project Left Behind which helps small orphanages around the world.

On behalf of our Going Family (rocking our personal NuttZo shirts), we appreciate everyone for their support and for sharing the #NuttZoLove! Now go try some NuttZo and #LLYMI! That’s “Live Like You Mean It” in case you didn’t know. 😉

P.S.: If you’re questioning the higher price of NuttZo, here’s a good article that might help you feel better about skipping 2 trips to Starbucks and grab a jar of NuttZo instead.

Assassins in Our Back Yard!!!

That’s right, our yard is overrun with assassins. No, not with copies of the Assassin’s Creed video game, but assassin bugs. Or, Reduviidae, if you will.

Going Mom first discovered our little assassins last weekend and quickly posted this picture on Facebook asking for any help to figure out what they were.

Assassin Bugs in Tree

They look like some sort of creepy ass spider (or is that all spiders?), but we were then educated with the fact that these little guys are not spiders, but just very creepy ass bugs. The biggest giveaway is that they have 6 legs as opposed to their eight-legged look-a-likes.

Apparently, there are over 135 recognized species in North America alone, and many more all over the world. So, you just might want to check your yard for the predatory bugs. Especially since their bites are said to be quite painful they use long their long mouth parts to repeatedly stab victims.

Assassin Bug Killing Prey

That said, their victims are usually annoying pests that will eat up any fruits and veggies you have planted. So, barring that you don’t poke at them and get bit, they’re rather beneficial to have around your garden.

Assassin Bug Meme

Pest killers and garden defenders aside, my wife is still utterly freaked out by the petite predators, so I did what any loving husband would do. I posted a picture on Facebook and tagged her with this message…..

I know, I deserve a husband of the year award, right? My post received many responses from creeped out friends, and I Kelley even went so far as to say “I hate you.” I guess I deserved that. I just find it funny, and she agrees, that she can watch the gore on The Walking Dead with no problem, but these little bugs spike a fear in her I don’t see often.

Here’s a closer pic of what I posted, because I know you wanted to see it better.


Awesome, there’s a nest which means more to come!!!

So anyway, we have assassins in our back yard just hanging out on one of our trees. I’m not sure how long they’ll be there, but if they are going to kill the things that kill our plants, they’re welcome to stay as long as we don’t become victims to their repeated stabbing assassin ways!

Plus, we have other things to worry about inside the house right now. Possibly another type of assassin? An ewok?

Avery in Mommy's Robe

Nope, just Avery draped in Mommy’s robe. But, if she were holding a mini scythe, she’d closely resemble Death.

Well, I’m hosting a NuttZo tasting party for our neighbors today, so better get ready. It’s nothing extravagant with a lot of recipes, just tasting different varieties of NuttZo. Which, I think is the best way to really get a taste of something, right?

I’ll let you know how it goes soon! Have a great weekend!

Do you have any assassin bugs in your yard?

Have you seen them before, or worse, been bit/stabbed?

EGO Power+ Mower Review: Cut The Grass & Gas

Disclosure: EGO sent me their Power+ Mower to review on Going Dad. I was not compensated for this post, and all thoughts and opinions are strictly my own.

The Going Family received our EGO Power Plus Lawn Mower about a month ago, and we’ve used it every weekend since.

ego power plus cordless lawn mower

Right out of the box, it’s basically ready to kick some mow your grass! No gas, oil, or air filter that you’ll frantically check every time the pull-string motor doesn’t start. Those of you with gas mowers, you know what I’m talking about; I was there too. Just a clean, battery powered mower with plenty of power and convenience.


It’s everything we wanted in mower, or is it? Avery helped me look it over and even helped with the mowing, here’s what we have to say.


Looks and Lights

A blogger friend of mine said it looked like something Luke Skywalker would use to mow his lawn (if it was more than just sand), and I agree. It’s futuristic bright green battery cover and LED headlights set it apart from other push mowers. I can’t find anything I don’t like about the looks of the EGO and think Avery agrees too.


One of Avery’s favorite words for the time being is “lights”, so it comes as no surprise to see her fascination with the LED’s on the EGO. She’ll push the button to turn them off and on forever until one of us stops her. And who can blame her? Those things are cool!

ego power plus mower

But they aren’t cool without a purpose. One day, I found myself spending time with Avery and my wife while it was light out and wound up running out of daylight before I could get started mowing. Luckily, there was no need for concern since I had super bright LED’s to lead me on my grass cutting path and help me dodge the stinky “dog bombs” in our back yard.

Cutting Power & Noise

Unlike the typical cordless mowers that seem to struggle just to propel their blades against air, much less your lawn, the EGO Power+ Mower is impressive. My first time to use the EGO was also the first mow of the season where we scalp the grass using the lowest setting. Our yard wasn’t terribly overgrown or anything, but there were many thick, patchy areas on their way to overgrown status.

There was slight hesitation when the 20″ deck went over the really thick areas or made contact with the dirt from our uneven lawn, but it forged through and scalped just as well as any gas mower I’ve used in the past. The cut is clean and even across our yard too, which I’ve owned many mowers that do a crappy, choppy cut which makes an overgrown lawn look elegant.


Now I use a higher setting which is a breeze to adjust with just one handle that glides effortlessly from the lowest, 1.2″ to the highest setting, 3.5″.

The noise level on this thing is nothing like that of gas mowers (30% less, as a matter of fact), and found it easy to talk over the mower if needed. Sure, you’ll know when the motor is running, but it’s a welcome sound compared to the loud, relentless drone of a gas mower. Avery never once seemed timid from the noise and had no problem chasing after my wife while she was mowing.


Ahhh, yes, probably the most complained about aspect of cordless mowers, the battery!  Well, no complaints here. Even after the first mow on the lowest setting and with the lights on 50% of the time (due to Avery pressing the button), the 4. 0Ah 56-volt Lithium-Ion battery was still showing green with plenty of juice left.

ego power plus cordless lawn mower

It takes me about 30 minutes to mow the front and back with the EGO, and without recharging, am able to almost finish mowing again the following week. The light finally turned red on me after I finished the front and had made a few rounds in the back. But no worries, the battery charger has the battery fully charged and ready to finish the job in 30 minutes or less.

I was happy to set it on the charger and go for a quick walk around the neighborhood while waiting. To go along with the futuristic looks, I feel like I’m handling a mini nuclear reactor each time I slide the battery on its nuclear charging station. It’s fun to pretend, right? I mean, for the kids…..


Functionality and Storage

You know those mowers with handles that fold down using thumb screws in a pivot that quickly bends out of shape? Yeah, EGO’s design team knows that sucks, and made adjusting the handles a cinch. First, there’s a lever on the side that allows you to quickly fold or unfold for storage or mowing action, respectively. Once you select the angle, the handle is extended using the bright green clips on each side.


The down side is there are only two handle angle settings for mowing, and it must be fully extended for use. If you try to lower the handles while the motor is running, it will start to shut down until you extend them again. Trust me, I tried.

I’m 5’10, my wife is 5’6, and we were both able to easily mow despite the lack of height and angle options. Even Avery doesn’t seem to mind.


The only time it gets annoying is when I’m trying to turn while next to the fence line or do a 180 degree turn in the narrow area on one side of our house. It’s not even close to being so annoying that I wish we had something else though, and as long as I don’t try and throw it like Thor’s hammer, everyone comes out just fine.

Once you’re done mowing, just undo the clips, push the handle down, and fold it using the side lever to set it to storage mode. Then, my favorite part, you store it vertically! This is the best way to store a mower and don’t know of any others that do it so well. Having a home gym in my garage means space is precious, so this is a welcome feature and absolutely LOVE IT!


Wrapping It Up and Where To Buy

The EGO Power Plus Lawn Mower has a lot going for it. With it’s cool looks, light-for-a-mower weight, highly powerful 56 volt battery with insanely quick recharging speeds, and easy storage, there’s not much to complain about. My biggest issue is the one length setting which can make maneuvering in tight places a pain, but like I said, it’s not a big deal to me. Being able to adjust the length would still be nice though.

I have no problem mowing our entire lawn on one charge, but if you have a bigger yard, you might want another battery for non-stop mowing. Or just wait the short 30 minutes for a recharge and go back to finish what’s left. The best thing to do is start with one and see if you really need an extra battery. I can’t say enough about how pleased I am with the power on this mower, and love not ever worrying about gas or changing the oil and filter. Cars are enough.

The mower comes with a bag or inserts for mulching or side discharge. I used the bag for the first mow and it worked just as a bagged mower would without issue. But we are firm believers in mulching since letting fresh grass clippings rest across the yard allows important nutrients to be retained in the grass for a better, healthier lawn. Whatever you choose, EGO gives you the accessories needed to easily adjust to your liking.

Overall, I’m convinced this exceeds that of a gas mower and will end up saving money and tons of stress in the long run. The EGO Power Plus Mower currently sells for $499.00 at The Home Depot which I consider a fair price considering the long term savings. It also comes with a 5 year limited warranty which is one of the best I’ve seen. The season is just getting started, so if you’re in the market for a new mower, consider going “green” with EGO and experience the #PowerBeyondBelief.

Here’s an informative info-graphic showing Gas vs. Electric mowers when it comes to saving money and keeping our planet clean too.


Don’t try and save a $100 now and regret it later, I suggest giving EGO a home in your garage, it won’t take up much room, and be happy with your eco-friendly mower. Thanks to this mower, I can finish mowing in no time and get back to other things like being a husband and daddy to my two favorite girls! Now if only I could get Avery away from the thing….
