All posts by R.C. Liley

I'm an ex-mutual fund accountant who left the cubicle world to be a stay-at-home dad to my beautiful little girl, Avery, who entered our life on 11/15/13 and handsome little boy, Wes, who joined our family on 11/19/17. Also happily married to my wife, Kelley, as of 8/17/07. Sorry ladies... :) Fitness and nutrition is of the utmost importance in our family and we strive to reflect this in our daily life. I always prepare our meals at home and only go out if it's a special occasion, and even then I tend to not get much. Food should be fun and a joy to eat, not something quickly consumed from a fast food chain or scarf down before the next meeting. I have come from strictly logging high miles to train for the next marathon to keeping exercise varied and focusing more on strength. I still enjoy going for a run when I can, but nothing crazy, and I prefer hill sprints while pushing my daughter, Avery in the stroller. She loves it and I get a great workout! I want to show the world how to appreciate their body and feed it real, wholesome food while moving more throughout the day. In doing so, everyone would be healthier, happier, and we'd all live in a better place as a result. I blog mainly about my life as a stay-at-home dad and frequently include reviews, participate in campaigns, and share my thoughts on fitness and nutrition. If you ever have any questions or thoughts to share, please reach out as I'm always open to listening or helping others however possible. That is, when I have free time since Avery is and my wife are the number one priorities!

The Obligatory Texas Kid in Bluebonnet Pictures

It happens every year. Texas families drag their little ones all over to take bluebonnet pictures in patch close by. We see several families stopped on the side of the highway, rain or shine, in hopes of taking a brilliant photo of their kids in our state flower.

I used to laugh at these families, actually, I still do, but now that we have Avery, we too are seeking that perfect patch of bluebonnets to set Avery in. You see, stopping along side a busy highway simply doesn’t sound safe, mainly because it’s not. Plus, there are many fields of bluebonnets located safely away from any busy roads that are much better. Like , for instance, some random strangers’ front yard.

Yeah, so we’re not perfect, but we were in Nana and Papa’s (Going Mom’s parents) very nice and quaint neighborhood this weekend and decided to stop for pictures in one of their neighbors’ bluebonnet patches. We’ve never talked to or even seen these neighbors, and nothing bad happened in the process, so all is okay, right? Hey, still better than off the highway, or in the middle of a lightning storm like we’ve seen plenty of times in the past!

There’s actually a Facebook page dedicated to Texas Bluebonnet Sightings that has plenty of places for those eager to snap photos of their families smack dab in the middle of a patch of flowers.

We didn’t have the best setting on our DSLR for the lightning that day, but Avery makes any photo a trillion (because million is soooo 90’s) times better. But first I had to figure out the best placement of our child…


After Kelley found a good spot, I set Avery down and let me wife go to town with the pictures. Meanwhile, Avery went to town on the bluebonnets. Psssst, Avery, that’s illegal to do to our state flower!


Can’t say I didn’t try to tell her…..


Kelley took as many pics as she could with our difficult (as usual) subject, but I’d say they’re still cute.

Avery in Bluebonnets

I only had to set her down a handful of times and take one quick break to spin her around in hopes of a smile.


After that, Kelley took a few more photos and we called it a wrap.



We had a great time at Nana and Papa’s after the photoshoot, and Avery received a lot of new books by Sandra Boynton (we’ve come to enjoy this author), some cute clothes, and a psychedelic stuffed animal moose.

I’ll share more about our time at Nana and Papa’s soon, but right now I need to get some sleep. The Walking Dead is taking over our lives and keeping us up later than we need to be. But it’s just so good!!

Do you have an annual picture tradition like many Texans do with their bluebonnets?

Are you a fellow Texan who participates every April?

Teaching Daddy How To Use the EGO Power Plus Mower

Oh, hi there! I’m just enjoying the weather and prepping my, errr. I mean Daddy’s EGO Power Plus Lawn Mower to mow the lawn. As you can see, I’m properly dressed in non-matching yard work attire with my pink Ramblers from Soft Star Shoes. Thanks, dad……


Mommy and Daddy have been really busy lately and haven’t made time to learn how to use this fine piece of battery powered machinery. I’m not sure why they’re so busy, but something about watching The Walking Dad. I don’t know what’s so great about that, I walk with Dad every day and it’s nothing spectacular.

Anyway, I’ve taken it upon myself to learn how to operate the EGO so I can explain it to Daddy. Turns out, this mower, while highly futuristic and cool looking, is quite simple to use. Not to mention just fun to look at it’s fine lines…..and buttons!


Obviously, the coolest button of them all is for the LED headlights! How many other push mowers have those? Seriously, I don’t know, I’m asking.

ego power plus mower

Daddy looked lost when I turned the lights on, so I had to show him a few times. First, they are off….


….and then, viola, you push this button and they’re on!


It doesn’t take a button scientist to figure that one out, geez, Dad!

Now that we have the lights figured out, all you need to do is simply push the 56-volt lithium ion battery, only the most powerful battery in the industry, into its compartment until it clicks securely in place.

ego power plus cordless lawn mower

With the handles unfolded, you take the key to…..what?….yes, that one, Dad.


Ahhh, just look at the provided instructions, Dad, they’re pictures so you should catch on rather quick.


Got it? Good. Once it’s running, just start pushing!


What? Seriously?! No, not over the pavement! Push it over to the grass, you know, the stuff lawn mowers cut.


See that green stuff, Dad? That’s the grass. Do I need to do the first run through for you?


Here, I’ll start since you look confused.


Your turn now. There you go, Dad, good job!


See, that only took 20 minutes for the front and back. Gotta love that 20 inch deck! Now, how about you push me on my tricycle with the extra time we have?


Phew, teaching parents is hard work! I might be exhausted, but I’m still cute.


Disclosure: The EGO team sent Daddy their powerful, battery powered, and 20% less noisy-than-gas mower to review free of charge. All thoughts and opinions express here are his (or my) own. I like the lights!

Five Fun Puns & A Visual Reason for Good Health

Since yesterday’s post was purely my serious side, I thought I’d lighten things up with a few puns for Friday. If you’ve been following my blog and/or social media pages, you’ve probably caught on that I love puns. Corny or not, told by me or someone else, they make me smile and that’s what matters.

Bonus points when the ones I tell make others smile. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case, but I never let it stop me or get me down. I only hope Avery enjoys by corny jokes as she gets older. She’ll eventually reach the age where it’s embarrassing, which means I’ll probably just increase my joke telling. That’s what dads do, right?

Before I share my five fun puns for today, here’s a picture that encompasses my intense determination and motivation to hold nutrition, and therefore health, to the highest standards in our home.


Probably no surprise, huh? Of course there’s my mom (G-Ma) and all family from both sides, but these two girls are the ones I feed daily and make sure I feed them right! Plus, with their smiles, I couldn’t imagine having anything but the best for all of us when it comes to nutrition and our health in general.

To accept sub-par food to go into our bodies would be failing the ones near and dear to me. And how could I ever let this little girl down?

Avery Smiling in Grass

Okay, I’m getting caught up again, sorry. But can you blame me? I don’t think so!

Now here are my five fun puns compliments of Pinterest. Have a great Friday and weekend!






Love that last one! Okay, love them all, that’s why they’re on here!

Here’s another pun-tastic post I published several months ago if you’d like to keep the laughing (or ugghhh-ing) going – Going Dad’ Top 10 Pinterest Picks: That’s Punny

Do you have a picture that gives you motivation to stay healthy and feed your family nutritious food?

Are you a pun-loving person like me or do you despise them?