All posts by R.C. Liley

I'm an ex-mutual fund accountant who left the cubicle world to be a stay-at-home dad to my beautiful little girl, Avery, who entered our life on 11/15/13 and handsome little boy, Wes, who joined our family on 11/19/17. Also happily married to my wife, Kelley, as of 8/17/07. Sorry ladies... :) Fitness and nutrition is of the utmost importance in our family and we strive to reflect this in our daily life. I always prepare our meals at home and only go out if it's a special occasion, and even then I tend to not get much. Food should be fun and a joy to eat, not something quickly consumed from a fast food chain or scarf down before the next meeting. I have come from strictly logging high miles to train for the next marathon to keeping exercise varied and focusing more on strength. I still enjoy going for a run when I can, but nothing crazy, and I prefer hill sprints while pushing my daughter, Avery in the stroller. She loves it and I get a great workout! I want to show the world how to appreciate their body and feed it real, wholesome food while moving more throughout the day. In doing so, everyone would be healthier, happier, and we'd all live in a better place as a result. I blog mainly about my life as a stay-at-home dad and frequently include reviews, participate in campaigns, and share my thoughts on fitness and nutrition. If you ever have any questions or thoughts to share, please reach out as I'm always open to listening or helping others however possible. That is, when I have free time since Avery is and my wife are the number one priorities!

Blogger Opp for a Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Wagon Giveaway

This is a Blogger Opp for a Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Wagon Giveaway. Retail value $79.99 hosted by Heather Jones from “Mommy Only Has 2 Hands“.


Please, if you do sign up, make sure to say Going Dad sent you! 🙂

Team up with Heather from “Mommy Only Has 2 Hands”  to give a reader this fun wagon which is great for walks around the block or fun in the backyard, please sign up here.

*The blogger that refers the most people will receive a free hosting page plus additional entry options on the giveaway form.

WIAW #7: Homemade Pizza Crust Fail

I blame the kid. Surely my homemade pizza crust would’ve turned out perfectly without little grabby hands reaching up and pulling the parchment paper as I tried to knead the dough. Or maybe I’m just trying to point the blame on something else other than my lack of pizza crust making skills.


Regardless, my wife graciously ate my thick, non-fluffy wannabe pizza crust creation for dinner and even said she liked it. With a little help from goat cheese, balsamic vinegar, and green onions, that is.


She’s a keeper, that’s for sure. Of course, I knew that a long time ago; hence the whole marriage thing. 🙂

Despite my crust making fail, I did make the frittata recipe I never made a reality. I couldn’t stop thinking about it after writing it down and sharing it last week, so a few days later, I made it!


Check out my post with the recipe and step-by-step tutorial if you’d like this in your kitchen. And I know you do! Click here —-> NuttZo Cinnamon Banana Frittata Recipe

All I know, is this will be a multi-repeat creation in our house.

Now, how about a little WIAW action! Thanks as always to the wonderful Jenn from Peas and Crayons, for creating this fun link-up for foodies everywhere!

To join in the fun, head over to The Big Man’s World for this week’s party!

what I ate wednesday, WIAW

I started the day with an entire French Press of black coffee and a packet of Pyure Sweet Organic Stevia. Great, simple combo that never lets me down!


Meanwhile, Avery turned a NuttZo banana happy face into no face rather quickly.

After finishing my workout for the day, I downed an un-pictured leftover green protein smoothie I made the night before. It never tastes as good as fresh, but I’m not trying to savor anything post workout anyway.

Lunch was steamed zucchini and mixed veggies with chicken sausage and spaghetti squash with a pat of butter. Veggies + butter = delicious happiness!


On the side was my non-pizza pizza crust smeared with black garlic, avocado, and a sprinkle of sea salt.


I made a large batch of slow-cooker shredded chicken and 2-bean stew for dinner and it did not disappoint!


When you cook every meal for everyone in the house (okay, that’s just my wife and daughter), slow-cookers are a life saver! This gives us meals for a few days. I think it even tastes better after everything has sat overnight to let the flavors marry.

The day ended with a few NuttZo topped NuttZo Banana Frittata wedges.


I enjoy eating them cold, but I’m sure warmed up would still be outstanding. It’s hot enough in Texas now, so cold food just sounds better.

Have you ever made your own pizza crust? Was is a fail or a win?

Do you make everything for your family? Tell me you love the slow-cooker too!

Just want to mention I love NuttZo and you MUST try it at least once forever! Plus, if you go to their website and enter code liley15, you can save 15% off your order. 😉

Brilliant blog posts on

10 Ways Toddlers Are Like Zombies

Only 2 4 (we watched 2 more after I wrote this!) episodes in to The Walking Dead and I’ve got zombies on the brain (ha ha) mostly all day. Even my wife has been asking zombie questions which is something I thought she’d never speak of, so I know she’s thinking about them too. As I’ve been pondering the wonder of zombies, I found that they bare a frightening semblance to our little tykes!

I bet you seasoned Walking Dead viewers are laughing at me thinking “You have no idea!”, but as a boy who grew up loving horror films, I’m not stranger to the living dead. That’s probably why it bothers me when I can’t answer Going Mom’s zombie questions, which isn’t often, mind you!

With 5 seasons concluded as of March 29 of this year, and a sixth season in the works, we have a lot of catching up to do, but I’m looking forward to spending the time watching something with my wife. Kelley has a lot to learn about the undead, and I figure she’ll quickly agree that these 10 zombie tendencies are all apparent in our practically 17 month old daughter, Avery.

  1. One is usually manageable, but they are powerful in numbers. Even alone, Avery is a handful at times, but usually not too overwhelming. Add a handful of kids in a group setting and chaos is sure to ensue. No matter the other parents around to deal with their own kids, they somehow manage to get to us adults most of the time.

    What can we destroy next?
    What can we destroy next?
  2. All they do is grunt or make undecipherable word-like sounds to communicate. It’s a constant guessing game trying to figure out what Avery wants most of the time. We ask if she wants milk, we get a blank stare or a whine/short grunt. “Are you hungry?” Eeeeemph! Ummm, okay, is that a yes? Geez, at least zombies go right for what they want! Also, the word “No” means nothing. Tell a toddler “No” and they do exactly what you told them not to do, and they’ll stare right at you while doing it. I’ve never been in a situation where I need to tell a zombie “No”, but something tells me they too will defy your demand, as they eat your face.
  3. They stink. It’s not fair to say our kids smell all the time like zombies do, but when they fill that diaper, you could swear something dead is close by. Luckily, a quick spray of her cloth diaper and fresh one put on its place, and Avery doesn’t smell so bad…..until poop #2 or #5 or more happens.
  4. They’re biters. Poor Going Mom knows this more than I do because of breastfeeding, but Avery has bit my fingers many times while feeding her. I hear this happens a lot with toddlers, and same goes for zombies!DSC_4914
  5. They drool….a lot. Usually because of teething (which might be the reason for #4), toddlers drool like a dog in a Milk-Bone factory. Although probably not from teething, zombies are constant droolers because they never seem to have their mouth fully shut.
  6. They suck at sharing. If you are holding something, could be anything, toddlers usually want it and will get upset if you don’t let them have it. In the same fashion, if one zombie is the brains from something they just caught, a whole hoard of zombies will come acting like it’s all for them. No manners, either one of them!
  7. The are messy eaters. Do I even need to explain this one? Guts and brains are instantly messy, and toddlers have the inept ability to turn even the cleanest of foods into a messy new paint design on your floor or walls.DSC_1406
  8. They NEVER sleep. What we call nap time is actually just Avery jumping around her crib and throwing everything around her out. Nighttime is the same, everything gets tossed out of her crib as she proceeds to talk to herself, or maybe the zombies that also aren’t going to sleep.

  9. They can’t sit still. No matter what they’re doing, our tots seem to constantly move. Sit down to watch a movie, even the best one for kids, and you might have them calm for 10 minutes, tops. At least this is our experience with Avery, and don’t get me started about when she’s in her highchair! I haven’t tried getting a zombie in a highchair or watching a movie with them, but they are always on the move, shuffling around the streets in search of flesh.
  10. They are clumsy and uncoordinated. Even with all of the moving practice they get, kids are always falling and never seem to walk straight. You’ll see this trait in any zombie movie/show, they are lumbering forward in a diagonal direction and fall over things easily.DSC_4543

There you have it, it’s freaky how similar our toddlers are to the living dead. Actually, maybe we need to check just to make sure we’re not housing a little zombie! Be careful out there!

What zombie traits do your little ones possess?

Anything you’d like to add to the list?