All posts by R.C. Liley

I'm an ex-mutual fund accountant who left the cubicle world to be a stay-at-home dad to my beautiful little girl, Avery, who entered our life on 11/15/13 and handsome little boy, Wes, who joined our family on 11/19/17. Also happily married to my wife, Kelley, as of 8/17/07. Sorry ladies... :) Fitness and nutrition is of the utmost importance in our family and we strive to reflect this in our daily life. I always prepare our meals at home and only go out if it's a special occasion, and even then I tend to not get much. Food should be fun and a joy to eat, not something quickly consumed from a fast food chain or scarf down before the next meeting. I have come from strictly logging high miles to train for the next marathon to keeping exercise varied and focusing more on strength. I still enjoy going for a run when I can, but nothing crazy, and I prefer hill sprints while pushing my daughter, Avery in the stroller. She loves it and I get a great workout! I want to show the world how to appreciate their body and feed it real, wholesome food while moving more throughout the day. In doing so, everyone would be healthier, happier, and we'd all live in a better place as a result. I blog mainly about my life as a stay-at-home dad and frequently include reviews, participate in campaigns, and share my thoughts on fitness and nutrition. If you ever have any questions or thoughts to share, please reach out as I'm always open to listening or helping others however possible. That is, when I have free time since Avery is and my wife are the number one priorities!

From Gym Time to Playtime with Rhone Activewear

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions about Rhone Activewear are mine alone. #RhoneFever #CollectiveBias

Do you find the clothes you wear affects how you feel physically and mentally? When I worked in the wild world of accounting, the business casual attire of slacks, a polo, and dress shoes never suited (pun intended) me that well.

Immediately after arriving home from work, I’d change into my workout apparel and feel an instant increase in energy and motivation. Now that I’m a stay-at-home dad, I wear athletic apparel practically all day because, well, why wouldn’t I? Plus, it’s especially helpful when I have to pick up my boss’ slack, or just pick her up!


I have worn many kinds of fitness apparel over the years, and find that it’s mostly useful for one  or two things which means changing is a must. For example, running shorts that show off my white thighs are not the best for chores around the house or to go to the store with Avery, plus they usually stink afterward. Besides being the first guy to prove you can embarrass a 16 month old, I would be without much needed pockets for keys and portable snacks anyway!

Luckily, I found Rhone Apparel, stylish activewear for men on the move. With Rhone, I’m able to avoid the dreaded “transition” time associated with changing into clothes for the task at hand! No more going through several types of outfits in one day just to find what helps me perform the best or because I smell bad.

Donned with Rhone’s Bullitt Shorts and General Short Sleeve shirt, I can move freely and functionally during my workouts without the common after-stench. Whether it’s doing hill sprints while pushing Avery in her stroller or kettlebell clean and press, Rhone’s athletic apparel keeps me comfortable and is up for any task!

Rhone Athletic Apparel

Anyone who has spent time in a gym or home gym knows, proper form/movement can make or break a great workout. I love how the General short sleeve and Bullitt shorts allow me to perform without getting in the way or catching on each other when I’m lifting heavy weight or performing complex moves like the kettlebell swing.


When I’m finished with an exhaustive workout, that’s just the beginning. Now that Spring is here, we have a yard to tend to. Before, this would mean changing out of my sweaty clothes into something dry so I don’t have grass sticking all over me. But with Rhone Apparel, I stay dry even during intense exercise, and save time by not having to change for the next task, which is mowing the lawn with our new EGO Cordless Lawn Mower!


Not that I’m always strapped for time, but I don’t want to spend it changing in and out of clothes for each activity I do in a day. I need clothes that are highly functional and preferably stylish at the same time. Rhone fills that need by motivating me to push the limits when working out and not worry about how bad I sweat or stink afterward. Especially when I need to hold my daughter close while teaching her how to mow!


Known as the Rhone Edge, Rhone creates high quality athletic wear with superior anti-microbial, moisture-wicking fabric that keeps you fresh and dry in style. Perfect for when you want to play with your kids and not have them asking “What’s that smell Daddy?” Not that Avery talks yet, but the look on her face says it all when I’m sweaty and smelly. But when I’m wearing Rhone, I get all smiles all the time!


From their website, here’s Rhone Apparel’s story:


As a group of busy professionals and passionate athletes, our team became perplexed by the tremendous gap in activewear. Rhone was created to fill that void, speaking directly to how men live, work, and sweat. We wanted clothes that stand up to the test of everyday “transition” times. Whether running errands, jumping on a flight, or pushing hard in the gym, Rhone feels good, looks good, performs better. Ultimately we want to capture that which inspires all of us. Our belief is we can push each other and our product forward each day.


We are American guys who believe in producing a great product (and where possible made domestically). But we also have been inspired by the places we have traveled. A collective favorite of ours is the Rhone Glacier and Rhone River in Switzerland and France. As an important trade route for the Greek and Roman empires, the Rhone is not only aesthetically beautiful, but was also highly functional for surrounding civilizations, as they grew based on trade. There is something about that current that resonates with us. We want our brand to reflect that strong and classic inspiration: a handsome line that is highly functional, always flowing, and moving #ForeverForward

I’d say they are living up to their name and delivering on their beliefs for sure! I just feel cool with their activewear, even if I’m only lounging around the house. Plus, I never know when I’ll have to chase down a rampant toddler or just show her a few moves in the gym.


When moves alone won’t cut it, I have no problem turning playtime into part of my workout. Bonding with Avery while lunging at the same time demands I have clothes that will work with me, not against!

Ordering from Rhone’s website is simple. First, I browsed their entire line, and then checked out their new Spring Collection to buy what I wanted.


There’s plenty more to choose from, and I will have to get more to add to my dadrobe very soon!

Head on over and check out Rhone’s high performance selections for yourself or the active man/dad in your life and let me know what you like best. It’s okay if you say everything, because I do too!

How much time could you save by not having to change for different things like working out and yardwork?

Do you feel renewed with energy after changing out of work clothes that wear you down?

Are We Dumb Parents With Smart-Phones?

If you’re a parent reading this, chances are you’re just as guilty as I am for staring at our smartphone with our kids around.

A recent post from shared the results of a study recording the behavior of 55 adult-child groupings at a fast food restaurant and captured how often the adult used their smartphone.

Don’t Text While Parenting — It Will Make You Cranky

A new study from Boston Medical Center reveals that parents who get absorbed by email, games or other apps have more negative interactions with their children, making them feel like they’re competing for attention with their parents’ gadgets

First off, any adult is not that smart for subjecting their kids and themselves to fast food, but that’s just how I feel. Poor nutrition aside, the interactions captured between the parent-child groups showed how damaging smartphone use can be when with your kids.

Before this was published, my wife and I had already stopped all technology use at the dinner table, but we are far from innocent when it comes to using our phones as Avery runs around our feet wanting attention. And she deserves it, poor girl, nothing is more important than giving her our love!

Since reading the article, we have become more aware of our use when Avery is around, but I know we’re still not perfect. Just look at my Instagram or aother social media accounts and it’s easy to see I have my phone practically shoved in her face A LOT! Sorry, Avery, please forgive me.

Maybe it’s different if you’re using your smartphone with your kid, but I know simply setting the tech aside and just playing is always the better option. Does this mean I’m going to stop capturing pics and videos of her? Nope, but scrolling through Facebook or Instagram feeds will be limited when our sweet girl is begging attention from now on. I mean, just look at that sweet face!

Get off your phone swing kettlebells with me!
Get off your phone swing kettlebells with me!

Are you guilty of using your phone or other device and not paying attention to your kids?

Do you have certain rules or guidelines on when/where you can use your tech devices?

10 Throwback Thursday Posts from March 2014

Looking back at just a year ago is crazy! Our little girl was, well, littler, and I was still adjusting to the stay-at-home life. Now that it’s almost the end of March, I thought I’d dig through the archives and share 10 of my favorite posts from March of last year for a little Throwback Thursday action. Enjoy!

1. Ninja Turtle Pizzas At G-Ma’s – This was our second time bringing Avery to stay the night at G-Ma’s (or anywhere), and she let us all know her distaste for not sleeping in her crib.

Avery showing her Liley lip curl with G-ma
Avery showing her Liley lip curl with G-ma

2. Our Nightly Routine and I’m Inventing a Water Swaddle – Always fun to look back at what our routine was like a year ago. She was crazy then and beyond crazy now! This also features me wearing Avery in the Baby Bjorn front facing; what I now know better NOT to do for many development reasons.

I want a Water Woombie! Whaaaa!
I want a Water Woombie! Whaaaa!

3. How to Tell Your Baby They Are Getting Shots – I made more “conversations” with Avery back then and need to work on more. It’s always fun writing these posts.

Hold me, dammit!

4. A Talk With My 4 Month Old About Teething – See? I did this a lot compared to now. Love reading them over and over, and man how she’s changed!


5. A Walking Revelation, Darth Vader Sweat, and Avery in a Zippy – This was the month where I received our first Onya Baby baby carrier and haven’t looked back since.

The force of sweat is strong with this one - Darth Vader
The force of sweat is strong with this one – Darth Vader

6. Hanging With My Daughter in the Dad Cave – Before baby gates and toys were needed, she just laid there. But I made the most of it!

Could be a good workout!

7. Weekend Recap: Breaking Bad, She Rolled Over, 4 Month Shots Delayed, and Teething – The title says it all.

Roll over success!
Roll over success!

8. Sleeping on the Nursery Floor and Onya Outback Progress – We had our fair share of sleeping on the nursery floor, here’s one account.

Boppy's are good for more than just breast feeding!
Boppy’s are good for more than just breast feeding!

9. A Hissing Goose and An Ass Woke My Baby – Another self-explanatory title and picture. We still have the goose and ass hanging around too!


10. Explaining Exercise to a Baby – Seriously, I’m going to create a post to gather all of my conversations with Avery. This one should be no surprise to those that know me.

Sleeping while daddy works out in the garage

I started writing this thinking I’d only share 5, but there were too many I wanted to share in March. Maybe I’ll do 5 for April.

What do you think, do you like seeing a recap of posts from a year ago?

Do you ever have “conversations” with your baby….before they can actually speak?