All posts by R.C. Liley

I'm an ex-mutual fund accountant who left the cubicle world to be a stay-at-home dad to my beautiful little girl, Avery, who entered our life on 11/15/13 and handsome little boy, Wes, who joined our family on 11/19/17. Also happily married to my wife, Kelley, as of 8/17/07. Sorry ladies... :) Fitness and nutrition is of the utmost importance in our family and we strive to reflect this in our daily life. I always prepare our meals at home and only go out if it's a special occasion, and even then I tend to not get much. Food should be fun and a joy to eat, not something quickly consumed from a fast food chain or scarf down before the next meeting. I have come from strictly logging high miles to train for the next marathon to keeping exercise varied and focusing more on strength. I still enjoy going for a run when I can, but nothing crazy, and I prefer hill sprints while pushing my daughter, Avery in the stroller. She loves it and I get a great workout! I want to show the world how to appreciate their body and feed it real, wholesome food while moving more throughout the day. In doing so, everyone would be healthier, happier, and we'd all live in a better place as a result. I blog mainly about my life as a stay-at-home dad and frequently include reviews, participate in campaigns, and share my thoughts on fitness and nutrition. If you ever have any questions or thoughts to share, please reach out as I'm always open to listening or helping others however possible. That is, when I have free time since Avery is and my wife are the number one priorities!

Our Toddler’s Dance Video & A Bottle Trick

Avery has been dancing for a couple months now, and I shared a dance video of her getting down with Jay-Z trying to get that “Dirt Off Her Shoulder” in the past.

A video posted by RC Liley (@going_dad) on

I love watching that over and over, it never gets old, but I’ve been wanting to capture another version of her dancing for a while, and was finally successful. No matter what she’s doing in the house, when the intro music to a podcast I’m listening to comes on, she’ll stop and just bust a move wherever she is.

There have been many failed attempts at getting this on video, but here is my short, but successful video capture of Avery getting down.

I love it! Just another thing that will never get old and I’m happy to be able to share it. Go ahead, watch it again, I bet you’ll laugh harder than the first time. If not, go away, it’s cute and I don’t care what you say!

Today’s post is short and quick since we’re at the DFW Family Expo along with our Dallas Dads Group to be part of a Car Seat Safety Workshop put on by Britax. Going Mom and Avery will have plenty to do and see as I help with our group, but I hope to spend time with my girls too. I’ll fill you in on how it went.

Before I leave, Avery wanted me to show you her new picking up a bottle without hands trick.

First, you have to have it on a flat surface. Or the curved seat of daddy’s indoor rower sitting in the kitchen. Make sure to angle yourself just right before going in for the latch.



Then, with full concentration, latch on to the bottle and bite down hard so it doesn’t drop! Side note: do not do this when actually nursing from your Mommy!


That’s it! Once you’ve accomplished the trick (if you’re good like me), go ahead and reward yourself with a good drink of Mommy’s milk; the best stuff on earth for growing kids!


Annnddd back down to do it all over! One more time after that and it’ll be a successful hat trick!


That’s for the NCAA March Madness followers out there. 😉

Speaking of, I filled out my first bracket ever and had no idea what I was doing. I thought I’d have beginner’s luck, but so far, I suck.

Meh, not a big deal to me.

Are you following March Madness?

How’s your bracket doing?

Any dancing kid videos you’d like to share?

16 Month Photo Session: Mad to Glad in a Second

I completely lost track of Avery’s photo session posts with the last one being her 10 month photos. But, hopefully this will get me back on track to capture her growth month by month.

Let me play catch-up and post at least one photo for each month missed.

10 Months


11 Months

11 Months

12 Months / 1 year


13 Months

13 Months

14 Months

14 Months

15 Months

15 Months

Yeah, so we botched her birthday and never took a pic of her in the chair with the bear. Ha, I love unconscious rhyming!

She turned 16 months on March 15, but we were a couple days late at taking the photos. As usual, it was late and she was cranky for the shoot, as you can see at the beginning. Luckily, her bear knows how to instantly cheer her up! She went from mad….


… calm/kind of smirking with her bear….


… full on giggle-fest 2015!


And she even stopped and smiled for a good picture. This is very rare!


But, just like most monthly photo sessions, the bear got the shaft.


Annndddd off you go, bear!


“Oops, did I do that?”

We set the bear back on the chair several times, but Avery finds a way to make kick him off every time.


All in all, the session went better than I expected. One thing’s for sure, our girl is growing, fast, and we need to make the most of each day with her while we can. From what I hear, kids grow into unruly pre-adolescents that are embarrassed to hang out with their cool parents. What gives?!

Glad to play catch-up and get Avery’s monthly progression published for the world to see! It won’t be long until I’m posting her 17 month photos…..shhheeeesh!

Soft Star Shoes RunAmoc Moc3: An Active Dad’s Review

I’ve been wearing minimalist shoes for over 5 years now and will never go back to cushioned unstability shoes again. Vibram Five Fingers or New Balance Minimus have been my shoes of choice, but since the kind folks “Elves” at Soft Star Shoes sent me a pair of their RunAmoc Moc3 barefoot running shoes to review, I have a new favorite.


Here a few key details on the running “moccasins”:

Soft Star RunAmocs

– Superior flexibility and ground-feel.
– They weigh less than 5oz!
– Breathe-O-Prene® liners wicks moisture and keeps dust and dirt away!
– Genuine leather uppers, perforated for breathability.
– Zero drop 2mm Vibram® soling.
– Can be worn with or without socks.
– Extremely odor resistant.
– Reflective strips for nighttime safety.
– Handcrafted in Oregon, USA.
– See more by clicking this link.

Although they’re marketed as barefoot running shoes/moccasins, the RunAmoc Moc3’s are perfect for so much more. Lifting weights, walking, high intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise, chasing crazy toddlers, tasks around the house, shopping, and, when your kid lets you, relaxing.

I hear that last one is nice, but Avery has yet to allow this thing called “relaxing”. However, the shoes helped me block her path of destruction when they stopped her in her tracks to take a closer look.


The Moc3’s instantly appealed to me since they are slip-on and as minimal as you can get without just actually being barefoot. Give me a slip on shoe, I’m happy, but give me a high quality slip shoe made for performance, I’m ecstatic! And that’s exactly what the Soft Star RunAmoc Moc3 offers.


At first, they looked a little funky to me, but as I studied them longer…they still looked funky. It’s true, they’re basically an upgraded sock, but that’s what I love about them. Even compared to the Vibram Five Fingers, the Moc3’s just tend to grab more attention.


Maybe because they look as if they are some sort of business casual shoe when you first see them, but then you notice you can see the person’s toes poking through the thin leather uppers. Not to mention how thin the whole shoe looks/is.


The looks have actually grown on me, and I’m completely happy with their design. Besides, barefoot/minimal shoes aren’t meant to fit in and they shouldn’t, they deserve to stand out from the rest!

Fit and Feel

No half sizes here, but for the Moc3’s I recommend you round down from your regular shoe size. I usually wear a 10 1/2 and got the size 10 Moc3 which still had some room inside. Note that these shoes can be worn with or without socks, and wearing socks can make your foot slip around more than if you were barefoot. I tried both ways and prefer going without socks as the shoes hug my feet better and don’t slip.

Whether you have socks or not, the shoes slip on easily and are extremely comfortable. I love being able to feel the ground beneath me, and the RunAmoc Moc3’s allow me to do just that. It’s almost therapeutic to walk or run in the grass when wearing these shoes since you can feel the blades under your feet with every step.

At less than 5oz, it truly is as if you’re just wearing some thick socks. But since they’re handmade by Elves who are actually passionate about what they do, you don’t have to worry about getting any holes like you would socks! My feet feel free in the shoes, and they basically are with their soft yet sturdy construction.



These shoes are rock stars! I may not be running high mileage like back in my marathon days, but know that I could in the Moc3’s if I wanted. Instead, I’ve gone on daily long walks and runs with Avery and even incorporated “stroller hill sprints” in the shoes.


The Moc3’s offer the best barefoot running experience I’ve ever had, hands down. Even the Vibram Five Fingers seem less minimal after wearing the Soft Stars. Don’t get me wrong, I still like and enjoy the “VFF’s”, but Soft Star is my new go-to shoe.

I tried running with and without socks, and prefer no socks the best. When I did wear socks, my feet would slide around and the heel would slip every so often like they were going to come off. Without socks, the shoes hug my feet better and feel more like they are just a part of me, not something loosely attached to the end of my limbs.

Running is a liberating movement, and the Moc3’s allow me to take things a step (ha ha) further by making everyday activities liberating too. Like, for instance weightlifting.


When lifting weights, ideally we would be barefoot to connect better with the ground and be more stable. Think of all of the cushioning on standard shoes like standing on pillows when trying to squat heavy weight. The end result would NOT be pretty!

Thankfully, the zero drop, super flexible, and high quality construction of the Moc3’s make them perfect for any weightlifting session. I normally wear a minimal shoe with a 4mm drop, and after lifting in the Moc3’s, I could feel my leg muscles activating more which surprised me at first. I didn’t think it would be a big difference, but these are now the only shoes I’ll use on leg day.


The Vibram soles provide plenty of traction which comes in handy when performing any of the Olympic lifts or HIIT exercises. CrossFit type of workouts is another area where the shoes shine as their grip and light weight instill confidence from kettlebell swings to burpees, to box jumps.



I’ve worn the Moc3’s for several weeks now, and never wore any other shoes in that time besides when it was raining. Side note: the ultra minimal nature of these shoes means they are not water resistant, so they WILL NOT absorb water when stepping in puddles. I found out the hard way, but they do dry out and clean up easily!

In wearing these shoes all day every day where I spend most time on my feet, going for walks/runs with Avery, cooking in the kitchen, playing on the playground, lifting weights, and performing high intensity interval training, the shoes still look great! I managed to scrape my toes going over an obstacle when running, and all I have is a scuff, but besides that, these things hold up well!


Seriously, it’s hardly noticeable. After dealing with stitching coming undone on my Vibram Five Fingers, I am completely happy with how well the Soft Stars are constructed and absolutely love that they are handmade right here in the U.S.A!


Their light weight, high durability, and zero drop are key factors making the Soft Star RunAmoc Moc3’s my new favorite shoe. The fact that they’re slip-on is what I love, but can see this being a drawback to some wanting a more snug fit. That said, ditch your socks and you should be just fine.

I love how you can feel so much under your feet in these and it makes me feel more connected to the earth. Call me a hippie if you want, but nothing compares besides actually going barefoot…..just beware of sharp objects! Being able to quickly slip these shoes on to go workout or just go to the local coffee shop makes them perfect for anyone looking to get a minimal shoe that is multi-functional. Oh, and, absolutely necessary for any parent with little ones running around!

Soft Star Kids Shoes

As a Soft Star Shoes Ambassador, I’ll be talking more about these shoes for a while. I have confirmed I love them for myself, but they also make children’s shoes by hand and I’m thinking Avery needs to have herself a pair soon! Check out all they have to offer on their site and have fun with the create your own feature.

Hopefully this review will have you ordering your first pair soon and you’ll be opening a package to find this glorious sticker with your new foot huggers carefully wrapped inside.
