All posts by R.C. Liley

I'm an ex-mutual fund accountant who left the cubicle world to be a stay-at-home dad to my beautiful little girl, Avery, who entered our life on 11/15/13 and handsome little boy, Wes, who joined our family on 11/19/17. Also happily married to my wife, Kelley, as of 8/17/07. Sorry ladies... :) Fitness and nutrition is of the utmost importance in our family and we strive to reflect this in our daily life. I always prepare our meals at home and only go out if it's a special occasion, and even then I tend to not get much. Food should be fun and a joy to eat, not something quickly consumed from a fast food chain or scarf down before the next meeting. I have come from strictly logging high miles to train for the next marathon to keeping exercise varied and focusing more on strength. I still enjoy going for a run when I can, but nothing crazy, and I prefer hill sprints while pushing my daughter, Avery in the stroller. She loves it and I get a great workout! I want to show the world how to appreciate their body and feed it real, wholesome food while moving more throughout the day. In doing so, everyone would be healthier, happier, and we'd all live in a better place as a result. I blog mainly about my life as a stay-at-home dad and frequently include reviews, participate in campaigns, and share my thoughts on fitness and nutrition. If you ever have any questions or thoughts to share, please reach out as I'm always open to listening or helping others however possible. That is, when I have free time since Avery is and my wife are the number one priorities!

Kettlebell Training for Toddlers

Hey there, fellow Toddler cohorts! Walking yet?

toddler, kids, parenting, funny, humor

No worries if you’re not there yet, it took me longer than expected too. At least Mommy and Daddy seem to think so. Whatevs. Remember how I revealed my resolution for 2015 was to master the kettlebell? I’ve been practicing and even have my very own now.

toddler, kids, parenting, funny, humor

I like it much better than Daddy’s since I can actually lift this one, plus it’s more colorful with a pretty blue handle and red base. See?

toddler, kids, parenting, funny, humor, kettlebell

Now that I have my own, I figured I’d share a couple quick kettlebell moves you can use to start exercising with your Mommy and Daddy. Or, maybe you can help them kick any bad habits and teach them a thing or two about training. Like drinking, have them knock it out or threaten to do it for them. Like this….

toddler, kids, parenting, funny, humor

There, problem solved. Let them know they can buy a new kettlebell with the money they save from not drinking, or at least skipping the next purchase. Toddler Tip: Parents seem to really like their drinks, so only use this approach as a last resort. Back to the training; use the grooves on the handle to align your fingers for a good, firm grip like so.

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Then stand up making sure you keep good form throughout.

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Now, from a standing posit…..ahhh, blasted teething, must chew something quick! Hummmmmm, nom, nom….

toddler, kids, parenting, funny, humor

Holy diaper rash, the pain just comes out of nowhere! Anyway, holding your kettlebell by the handle, begin a swinging motion by……Gahhhh, not again!! Lets take a quick break.

toddler, kids, parenting, funny, humor

Okay, had to leave the gym/our garage and go inside to let the pain subside. The benefit to kettlebell training is that you can do it inside or out, making it perfect when the weather is like my morning diaper….crappy. C’mon, you other tots know what I’m talking about. Eh?

toddler, kids, parenting, funny, humor

Picking up where we left off, hold your kettlebell and ahh, aaHHHH….seriously?! How many teeth are in there? This is worse than…..well, I don’t have much to compare to yet, but it hurts! For those of you going through the same thing, forget swinging, just do this with your kettlebell.

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No hands! Yeah, I’ve been practicing for a while now, so don’t feel bad if you aren’t advanced enough for the kettlebell mouth swing. Well, my training is not going as planned today, so just try closing your eyes, grabbing your kettlebell, and running/swinging blindly.

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Hey, it gets the heart going and just feels good sometimes.

*Next Day*

Hi again……it was a long night full of what Mommy and Daddy call ducking teething. I have no clue what ducking has to do with it, but my mouth sure does hurt.

toddler, kids, parenting, funny, humor

Before “it” happens again, let me just show you the basic kettlebell swing. Yesterday, after my ducking teething, Daddy showed me how to do it right.

toddler, kids, parenting, funny, humor

I took plenty of notes, and can give you the key things to remember for a proper swing. Standing with you feet at least shoulder-width apart, hold your kettlebell with both hands and swing it between your legs back up to eye level. That’s one rep/swing.

toddler, kids, parenting, funny, humor

Some versions have you bringing it over your head, that’s the American style, but we tend to do the Russian swing in our house. That might change after I just knocked that vodka bottle over though! Oops.

One last thing, when you’re training at high intensities with the kettlebell, you’re going to have an increased appetite. Make sure you feed your body quality nutrients to help it grow strong and fuel your workouts to allow you to perform. Along with plenty of fresh veggies, Daddy always has a delicous NuttZo creation to feed me and I can already tell I’m ready for a heavier kettlebell!

nuttzo, ambassador, healthy, food, nut butter

Oh, and one more last thing, for real this time; you can save 15% off your total NuttZo order by using code liley15 at checkout on their website. Since us toddlers don’t have a credit card, make sure to put on your best cheese-face and get your parents to order now!


I Survived the 1st Year As a Stay-At-Home Dad!

More importantly, we/us/our family has survived a year having me as a stay-at-home dad. Nerves were high for all of us a year ago as my wife was returning to work from her maternity leave, and I was leaving work to stay home with our daughter, Avery.

It was obvious how unsure I was looking back at my first post from my first day at home. The world revolved around nap time and I heavily depended on Kelley’s breast milk soaked shirt laying in Avery’s crib to provide comfort and help with keeping her asleep.

babies, nap time, sleeping, parenting

Poor wife, I wouldn’t dare let her have that thing back for quite a while! On the second day, my confidence-o-meter was still in the negatives, as well as many subsequent days after.

If you checked out the links I provided from my first and second days as an at-home dad, you might notice a common theme that’s present with most parents, especially new ones; a difference in parenting styles. Yep, it’s a big one, and doesn’t matter if one is staying home or both are working, parents tend to disagree on one thing or another a miliion, and that’s just how it is.

Kelley and I still have our own ways of dealing with Avery and we’ll sometimes argue over how the other is handling a situation. Damn wife, she’s usually right (at least I admit it…..eventually), but sometimes I get the 1-up. Not often, but sure does feel good when I do! Parents, don’t you agree?

Fighting Arguments Quarrels Misunderstandings aside, Kelley and I make a great team and have learned a lot along the way. Is anyone ever done learning when so much is changing every day? In parenting and relationships, I vote NO! But that’s part of the fun, right? 🙂

In my year as a stay-at-home dad, I’ve made many mistakes and figure I’ll make many more. But from the ones I have made, I have learned and grew stronger as a result. For instance, babywearing, something we fully support and love in our home, took me a bit before realizing I was doing it wrong at first. I was wearing Avery all over with legs dangling and front facing.

Too cool for school...or anything.
Too cool for school…or anything.

As I shared on my post about Why I Wear My Baby, there are many studies showing the problems with a baby’s development when worn like this, especially the dangling legs!

And there are plenty more (I’m picturing my wife nodding her head as she reads this) mistakes that I’ll share in a separate post soon. Hopefully other parents, whether at-home or at-work, will learn from my mistakes and avoid making them their selves.

Today I want to call attention to making it an entire year with our arrangement and to express my deep, deep appreciation to my lovely wife, Kelley, for working so hard for our family. Some times are extremely hard with work, keeping up with breastfeeding, and dealing with an unruly husband (me!) and she is great at keeping everything together.

Kelley, I can’t thank you enough, and just want to say I love our life together and having such a crazy, yet sweet, daughter to raise with you.

Are you currently or can you remember being a parent to a baby/toddler?

What are some ways that you and your significant other pushed through the tunnel of stressful times to emerge from the other end, happy and sane? Okay, maybe a little crazy. 😉

Does Your Toddler Have a Super Bowl Pose?

They may not have a clue about football, but toddlers can still rock an awesome cheering pose for the Super Bowl. My wife and I have captured several action shots of Avery practicing her pose during the Big Game.

super bowl

Some are blurry, but we wouldn’t dare delete them because….cute, duh. Don’t tell me you’re not like that with you kid or kids….c’mon, you can’t fool a fellow parent. Okay, you can, but not when it comes to saving more pictures than you will ever need. Imagine if they were the old-school Polaroids. Yikes!

Since we have quite the collection, I’m asking you to help us decide what Avery’s best pose is so she is prepared to cheer for…..don’t get mad, Seahawks fans, the Patriots! We’re Cowboy’s fans first, but for this game, we’re rooting for the Pats.

Please help Going Mom and me out and tell us one or two of your favorite Super Bowl poses. We will then commence with blowing up the winning picture of her pose and train Avery to duplicate that exact stance with each scoring drive by the Patriots. Maybe we won’t go that far, but makes for a good visual, huh?

Whatever Avery chooses to do, I expect to see plenty of Patriot touchdowns to make the Seahawks wilt (Get it? Birds….wilting? No? Damn.)! Hopefully, just like the Super Bowl ticket prices, the balls stay inflated. Sorry, had to. 🙂

And now for the poses…

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  2. super bowl, baby, toddler, kids, parenting, touchdown, score
  3. super bowl, baby, toddler, kids, parenting, touchdown, score
  4. super bowl, baby, toddler, kids, parenting, touchdown, score
  5. super bowl, baby, toddler, kids, parenting, touchdown, score
  6. super bowl, baby, toddler, kids, parenting, touchdown, score
  7. super bowl, baby, toddler, kids, parenting, touchdown, score
  8. super bowl, baby, toddler, kids, parenting, touchdown, score
  9. super bowl, baby, toddler, kids, parenting, touchdown, score
  10. super bowl, baby, toddler, kids, parenting, touchdown, score

These 10 are the best we have so far, and I’ll be damned if it’s not hard to pick just one. I mean, look at the happiness, not to mention skill in some, of these poses!

Oh, and I would ask for help choosing a good pose for when the Seahawks make a touchdown or do anything good, but we already have that one figured out….

Avery Flipping Off Camera

Yeah, seems appropriate, right? Hope you’re having a great weekend, and remember, try to stay somewhat healthy during the game and, well, always! Try dipping some baby carrots and apple slices in NuttZo, or eat right from the spoon. And if you must have something with bacon since that’s the trend lately, NuttZo + Bacon makes a delicious treat!

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Who are you cheering for tomorrow?

Are they the regular team you usually cheer for, or just your favorite between the two?

Do you even care about the Super Bowl?