With it being International Babywearing Week and all, I decided to take a look back at my babywearing journey thus far. Going Mom and I proudly started wearing Avery just weeks after she was born and haven’t looked back sense. Well, besides figuring out that our first carrier, the Baby Bjorn, was not an ideal option for parent or baby.
Luckily, I had the opportunity to try carriers from Onya Baby and Ergo Baby that they sent to me for review. You can read my review for the Onya Baby Outback here and the Ergo Baby Ventus here.
I still use both carriers with Onya being my go-to choice. I keep the Ergo on the car to use when we are out and about. I’ve mentioned many times on the benefits of wearing your baby, and would urge anyone to wear their baby as much as possible.
What started as a tiny, squishy baby pressed against me in a carrier, has transformed (and still going!) into a lively, albeit heavier, baby that I still wear every day for our afternoon walk. I know the time will come when she becomes too old/heavy to be worn, but that’s still a way’s away.
In celebration of International Babywearing Week, I wanted to post some of my favorite babywearing pictures with Avery. Hope this motivates you to get outside and wear your baby with loving pride!
First day as a stay-at-home dad. My new briefcase is always just hanging around….Bundled up for a cold walkOkay, nextGahhh! I’m wearing her all wrong!!Mommy-daughter loveDaddy kisses in the ErgoI can see!!Color-matching and mowing….win!!Family walk with Avery taking a nap.Elevation training mask + babywearing = not impressedGood to know my baby has my back!Petting the neighborhood ass.How to “wear” in style in Texas.Is it really just a “selfie” when you have your baby too?Great view.Splash pad in Fort Worth with the family for my birthday!Will someone please stop him from mowing?!
I tried to keep these somewhat in order. Hope you enjoyed the pics and are ready to go wear your baby if aren’t already.
Hey all, it’s Monday! Oh, sorry, I mean…..it’s Munnnnday….
Yeah, it’s not the most inspiring or motivating day of the week, but it does mean it’s International Babywearing Week! If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll know that babywearing is near and dear to my heart and something I support 110%!
I’ve been wearing Avery since she was 2 weeks old and still going strong today. I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon either. Which is perfect since that means Avery and I can celebrate International Babywearing Week (IBW, for short) in 2015 too!
It’s true, I’ve been in here for as long as I can remember!
International Babywearing Week is a focused opportunity to celebrate, promote and advocate the many benefits of babywearing. International Babywearing Week is also an occasion to focus media attention on this beautiful and beneficial practice. Nonprofit babywearing groups around the world are participating in International Babywearing Week by registering as Official Celebrating Organizations. These organizations will be hosting many exciting and educational events throughout the week, including presenting local awards and sharing information about babywearing with their communities. At the International level, Babywearing International and TheBabywearer.com will jointly present International Babywearing Week Awards, recognizing excellence in babywearing advocacy and education. There will also be a coordinated media outreach campaign to raise awareness about babywearing among the general public.
Since I already wear Avery on a daily basis, I will have no problem celebrating this week just like every other week. But, besides my babywearing ways, I hope to get others interested and active in wearing their baby as well.
Us dads have a lot of catching up to do bonding-wise since moms are 9 months ahead of us and have something we’ll never be able to replace. I think that’s wonderful and don’t want to take it away, ever, but I do want to ensure my daughter and I have a strong, everlasting bond. By wearing her as much as possible, I feel this helps to achieve my goal quite well.
This week, I would like to share several babywearing resources I find helpful on my blog and across my social media pages. If you have something you’d like to share, please do so without hesitation.
Make sure to keep an eye out on my Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram pages (links on the side of this page) for babywearing resources I plan on sharing throughout this week and please share them with others if you can!
Do you currently wear your baby or are you planning on it if you are expecting?
Before Avery, my daughter, was born, I knew I wanted to wear her in a carrier. But, I was uninformed about the actual benefits of babywearing, I just thought it would be a cool way to get some extra exercise! Do you know anyone who tries to turn anything into some form of exercise? Well, meet one more….me!
With zero research, my wife and I bought a Baby Bjorn and thought we were all set. Once Avery was born, I was wearing her in the Bjorn at two weeks as we went on and did chores around the house.
Like most new parents these days, I proudly posted pictures of myself wearing Avery on Facebook and Twitter.
In one of my posts, I mentioned how I had sore shoulders after a long walk and another dad commented saying to ditch the Bjorn and get an Ergo. Then several other dads chimed in giving full support of getting a better carrier. Thus, my baby carrier research began.
For days, I read and re-read fact sheets on baby carriers and reviews by other parents. I was surprised at how detailed and passionate so many parents are about babywearing. I finally concluded that I had been doing it all wrong; letting my baby’s legs dangle and even having her face outward! According to the International Hip Dysplasia Institute, dangling legs put your baby at a high risk of developing hip dysplasia.
Needless to say, I had to find a high quality carrier that would allow both Avery and me to be safe and comfortable wherever our adventures take us. Trying to figure out which one would be best was difficult; you’d think I was buying a new car! Then, I came across a review on Onya Baby and was drawn to their carriers. I know the other dads mentioned Ergo, but I had to make sure I didn’t rush into things like I did with the Bjorn.
I e-mailed Onya about possibly allowing me the opportunity to try one of their carriers and write a review on my blog. I received an upbeat response from Diana, who, after we spoke on the phone, kindly agreed to send their Outback model. Oh my gosh, I felt like I was getting a new car! I have since posted my review on our Onya Baby Outback carrier and am happily using it almost every day.
Ready to go on our first hike.
I say almost because Ergobaby recently sent me the Ventus carrier from their performance line to review and I use that as well. So far, Going Mom and I both enjoy it and it’s a good option for store trips. Having use several carriers now, I realize that there are many great choices out there and the best choice will vary depending on each individuals’ preferences.
Through all of this, I learned a great deal on the benefits of babywearing for both parents and their babies. For instance, if your baby simply hates “tummy time”, babywearing is said to eliminate the need for this exercise. Avery was part of the “tummy time” hate club, but she eventually learned to roll over without much time spent on her stomach. Was it from being worn in a baby carrier? I’m not sure, but I bet it definitely had a big role in her success.
Roll over success!
Babywearing offers a myriad of benefits over alternatives like strollers and car seats; here are several just to list a few:
It aids the baby in developing balance, motor skills, and mobility in general.
Babies who are worn are less likely to cry as much during the day and even at night!
Parents and their babies have a stronger bond when worn or carried and it will last all the way into adulthood.
Carried babies are happier and healthier.
Babies get a better view of the world around them when worn. Poor babies in strollers or car seats only know a world of knees and shins!
Babywearing parents also enjoy the freedom of both hands and to move around safely with baby happily close to you. Plus, my original reason for wanting to wear my baby, it really is great exercise!
I found these benefits of babywearing and much more on Boba’s website, Mark’s Daily Apple, and Onya’s blog. All sites are packed with useful information to answer all of your babywearing questions along with cites and sources to back it up.
The benefits listed above and on the websites add up to why I wear my baby, and can be explained in one word; love. Yes, I wear my baby because I love her more than I ever knew possible.
Skin to skin with dad!
The feeling that overwhelmed me as I watched Avery come into the world for the first time was a feeling of unconditional love. I only felt it one other time as I watched Going Mom walk down the aisle in her wedding dress. The air escapes from my lungs and I feel my heart stop in awe as happiness flows through my body; that’s true love!
As a dad, I will never be able to duplicate what my wife shares maternally with Avery, so I count on babywearing to get as close as I can. I wear my baby to help her grow into a happy, strong, confident, and loving daughter.
Heading out for a walk.
I am proud to have her close to me as I shop at the store, go on long walks, mow the lawn, or just move around the house. Everything we do and see, I tell what’s going on and I know she’s absorbing all of it in her constantly growing brain.
So, when asked why I wear my baby, I could pull out a list and go over the slew of reasons, but I will just say it’s because I love her. And, according to The Beatles, “All You Need Is Love”! I’m a proud dad to the most adorable girl and happy husband to the most amazing wife, and love is what makes us a happy, healthy family. Okay, and good food and exercise!
I want to express my deep gratitude to Onya Baby for giving me the chance to see what a real baby carrier is like which has turned me into a major advocate for babywearing!
Are you a fellow babywearer?
If so, what are your reasons?
If not, would you like to?
An at-home dad on a mission to keep it real when it comes to food, fun, and raising a healthy, happy family.