Category Archives: Going Strong

Going Strong: 3 Moves to Work Your Core During Playtime with Baby

Babies are demanding little people! When you’re not feeding, changing, or rocking them to sleep, they require constant attention. Take your eyes off of them and try to do something for yourself? No way; you’ll only get this…
Hold me, dammit!
Hold me, dammit!

If you don’t have a baby that’s demanding of attention, well, maybe you’re just boring; or I’m jealous. Either way, if you’re like me and need to be active every day or you feel like slush, you need to get creative. Creative parenting is a must to keep your baby and yourself healthy.

So, if you’ve already been through Peek-a-Boo Push Ups and Burpees with Baby, why not try working your core? I have 3 moves you can do to strengthen your abs and keep (most) babies entertained. You can even make it educational too!

The first move is the plank. If you want to make it more challenging, add press ups, but be careful with your baby under you!


The second and third moves are crunches and ab twists, respectively, and I combined their demos on one video. Of course, baby safety always comes first, so make sure you are in a safe area and physically capable of holding your baby securely.


I apologize for having to look at my face more than Avery’s, but I only had a stack of children’s books acting as camera man. At least she makes some cute coos for all to hear!

And now I want to show you all three together as a routine.


Try doing 3 to 5 rounds of:

  • 60 second planks or 10 plank press ups over baby (count time or reps)
  • 20 crunches holding baby
  • 10 baby ab twists per side

Most babies, depending on age, won’t understand what the hell you’re doing, but they will still be entertained. As I mentioned in the videos, count your reps out loud to add an educational component to your playtime workout. Anything you can do to stimulate your baby’s brain is a plus!

Hope you and your baby can enjoy this together. Let me know how you liked it if you do!

Does your baby cry the second you set them down or are the just fine not being held?

Update: I added this post to the #FitFamilyFriday link-up. Check it out by clicking the button below and share your own story on living a healthy life or read how others are doing so. You might find something you’d like to try!


Going Strong: Peek-a-Boo Push-ups

I am always trying to figure out ways to fit in exercise should the time come when I can’t actually do as laid out in my current routine. With Avery, this happens more often than before, and it can just be difficult when you’re a tired parent to baby.

Being my stubborn self, I will be sure to find a way to work something in for the day. And hey, when there’s a will there’s a way; right?

That said, I wanted to share a pretty simple, but fun way to get some exercise and entertain your kid or kids. We all know the game Peek-a-Boo where we cover our face, ask “Where is (insert name or daddy/mommy)?”, and then uncover our face saying “Here I am!”

Sure, it’s fun for the kid (usually), and us parents/friends/relatives love to see their smiling faces. But, why not try to make it more fun for the both of you and get a little a exercise to boot? Enter “Peek-a-Boo Pushups”.

The thought just came to me today, and although I’m sure it’s not hard to figure out what to do, I made a little video to demonstrate with Avery…


Yeah, I’m great at cutting my head off, huh? I could say I planned it like that, but I’d be lying. Hey, at least you get to see the cute baby. Avery is still not too sure about peek-a-boo, so hopefully her lack of enthusiasm will change as she ages.

Doing just push ups may not seem like much to some of you, but at least it’s something, and that’s better than nothing. Plus, with a little creativity, you can put together a good routine to work your whole body.

Try making it a great learning and playing time for your child, and a full body workout for you by doing burpees, lunges, push ups, and thrusters together.

Here’s a sample routine that includes burpees and baby thrusters as I demonstrated in videos from a past post.

Do 3 – 5 rounds (however many your kid will allow) of:

  • Burpees x 10 – counting out loud to teach numbers
  • Lunges x 10/leg – while holding your kid or having them watch
  • Peek-a-Boo Push ups x to failure or however long your kid keeps interest
  • Baby Thrusters x 10

There, by counting your reps you can teach your kid numbers and how to count, and playing peek-a-boo provides entertainment. I get this a very dependent on your kid being cooperative, but I am sure most will get a kick out of this. Plus, they’ll see their parents being active which will hopefully wear off on them!

Would you be willing to give this a try? Let me know your thoughts if you do or don’t do it, I’d love to hear results!

Going Strong: Burpees, Babies, and Learning to Count

Babies and Barbells; both perfect for fitness!
Babies and Barbells; both perfect for fitness!

I’m a guy who feels the need to do some sort of exercise on a daily basis. If I don’t do something active, I feel lazy and stressed. A little obsessive, yes, but it’s the truth. I know rest has a very important role in fitness, and this is my weak link.

I used to just run, a lot, and have finished several marathons as a result. This was very satisfying and very hard to train, and took a lot of time. I don’t run so much anymore, but do so on occasion. Now my training is more geared towards strength.

Although I am reluctant to stop running after training so hard and long to get to where I was, I didn’t like not having strength. Now I can squat, bench, dead lift, overhead press, and run! But, Now that we have Avery, my structured exercise routines have gone by the wayside and I just hope that I’ll be able to do something close to what I would normally do.

Not one to accept just doing nothing, I try my hardest to muster motivation to get in a work out during Avery’s usually longer morning nap. Sometimes, that doesn’t always work out (ha ha, see what I did there?), and I have to go with Plan B; exercise with Avery!

I started by doing calf-raises while standing and feeding Avery a bottle. I’d tell her what I’m doing and count to 100. Perfect, I thought, teaching my baby to count and getting in some sort of activity. This led to me holding her and doing lunges all around the house while counting out loud. I’d even lunge to our closet, gather dirty clothes, and lunge to the washer to start a load. Teaching, washing, and exercise; that’s basically killing three birds with one stone!

Here’s a video a put together of doing lunges and a great full body move I call Baby Thrusters. It’s just doing thrusters (squat down holding a weight and thrust up with the weight overhead) while holding your baby as the “weight”.


As I mentioned in the video, babies are perfect for increasing strength as they have built in progressive overload by constantly growing (i.e. gaining weight).

When she’s in a good mood, I’ll put Avery down and do burpees while counting out loud to her. Check out my video of her watching in bewilderment wondering what the hell daddy is doing.


Since the day we returned from the hospital with Avery, I have been doing 30 burpees every day. Some days I have zero energy or motivation, but I knock them out, all at once. In the closet, our garage, in the middle of our walk, the kitchen, wherever; just gotta get them done.

Give it a shot, commit to a set number and make yourself do that many burpees (or any other exercise) every day. So, when the day is over, you can say that at least you did something. Sadly, that’s more than many people can say.

A few more months, and this won't be easy!
A few more months, and this won’t be easy!

The main thing I’m trying to stress is, although becoming and being a parent is tough all on its own, you can still find a way to keep fit with a little creativity. Even better, telling your little ones what you are doing and counting sets/reps out loud will help them develop their constantly growing brains. Plus, parents leading by example is a sure way to help your kids grow to appreciate being active just like their parents.

Do you have any special ways of keeping active with your child?

If you have any questions on other exercises or fitness in general, please message me and I’d be happy to help however I can.

This post is part of the #FitFamilyFriday link up. Make sure to go there and check out other fitness inspired posts by other great parents!
