Category Archives: Health

A Hairline Comparison: Scalp Micropigmentation vs. Hair Transplants

Sometime in the future, I think baldness will be a choice rather than something you have to suffer. Any bald person will have chosen to be bald.” – Paul Kemp

According to global reports, there are more than 320 million people in the United States who have been suffering from hair loss problems. What’s more shocking is that 20% of the sufferers are below the age of 30. This shockingly surging number of people having hair loss is increasing and making it worse for people to bear it. Almost 1 in every 5 Americans is losing hair. Out of all, men are suffering from this problem the most.

The consequences of hair loss and other problems –

Be it dandruff or excessive hair loss, the consequence of all hair-related problems is baldness. This problem may be seen as an apparent impact leaving a major difference in one’s personality but when you wake up to the realities of this world, you tend to notice the amount of impact it leaves on your body. Hair loss often leads to social phobia, depression, stress, and anxiety making the sufferer anti-social. The one suffering starts to feel low, finds it difficult to indulge in different fun activities.

Treatments for hair loss –

There are multiple types of treatment for excessive hair loss. The kind of effective hair loss treatment to be implemented on an individual depends on an array of factors. At times a regular therapy is enough and in some cases, even years of treatment don’t show progressive results.

In such circumstances, one needs to undergo treatments like – hair transplant surgery or scalp micropigmentation. These are two widely popular treatment types trending in the market for hair loss issues.

Scalp micropigmentation –

It is a widely popular treatment for hair loss or complete baldness in people belonging to different age groups. The whole concept of scalp micropigmentation comprises crafting superficial injuries on the scalp to help the pigments extract on the desirable surface. It is one of the ancient treatments leaving an impeccable impact on the baldness of the sufferer in minimal time. The treatment involves fewer vibration strokes made with the help of a tool that comes with proper RPM.

Hair transplantation –

It can be referred to as a dermatological procedure that treats the bald area of the head with a surgical approach. A plastic surgeon removes the hair strands from the back of the head and implants them on the top of the head for the desired appearance and hair growth. The surgery is conducted after giving an anesthesia dose to the hair loss sufferer as the process is a bit painful.

The last word –

Hair loss is often known as alopecia where the individual experiences excessive hair loss on a temporary or permanent basis. This turns into complete baldness in some worse cases which makes recovery difficult and more challenging than usual. There can be multiple reasons behind it like – medicinal conditions, hereditary, or hormonal imbalances in the body. No matter what is the reason one needs to undergo the right treatment to deal with such conditions before the scalp reaches the topless stage.

CBD for your child; Using CBD to fight health issues of children

CBD or Cannabidiol is a rapidly spreading alternative to a lot of pharmaceutical drugs, especially for children. The health of children is fragile at a younger age and is susceptible to damage because of heavy doses of pharma drugs. Children face many problems like anxiety, depression, and epilepsy that are usually suppressed by giving heavy-duty drugs. Most people have now shifted to CBD oil because of its ability to organically help children with various problems. Many parents find using CBD gummies for anxiety and stress is easier when it’s for their child.


Epilepsy in children is very common and is something that can not be taken lightly. Parents go to huge lengths to help their children to suppress the seizures. Before the acceptance of CBD in society, most parents trusted only pharmaceutical drugs for such circumstances but because of some very severe side effects, they are now looking for alternatives. CBD which is organically obtained is one of the best alternatives to such drugs and is being used for drug-resistant epilepsy all over the world.


This is one of the most common problems not only in children but also in adults. Anxiety has only recently been acknowledged as a serious medical condition and is now being studied thoroughly. Like other health problems anxiety too has been fought with pharmaceutical drugs but those drugs have been showing some serious side effects in children. The use of CBD oil has shown a lot of promise in this aspect and research is in full swing to promote this alternative for anxiety.


Depression is not as common in children but not unheard of. It is usually not diagnosed before the age of 13 so if your child is older than that you should straight away get help at the first signs of depression. A few studies with CBD showed some amazing signs of fighting depression. For most parents, real cbd oil is turning out to be the ‘safer option’ compared to the dosage of pharmaceutical medicines. Cannabidiol is now being accepted by society and the taboo surrounding it is slowly disappearing.


A sleeping disorder, insomnia is not rare in children. You might find your child to stay awake at night and the cause is not always the mobile phone that you want to take away. If you get down to seeking professional help they might point out the problem of insomnia. Before you start taking the doctor’s prescription meds for your child just ask around or search the internet regarding the efficiency of CBD for curing insomnia.

Chronic Pain

There are many types of chronic pain that a child might experience and a lot of people simply ignore the pain hoping it will go away. The remaining small percentage who actually take the problem to a physician usually get a list of painkillers and muscle relaxants. Recent studies have shown the increasing cases of side effects and further complications in children and parents are now understandable skeptical regarding such medications. They are now shifting towards CBD for a more natural and efficient cure for such ailments.

The use of cannabidiol is a rapidly spreading topic among many parents as they constantly worry about their child’s health. Conventional medication, which is usually pharmaceuticals, being used to treat things like depression and anxiety has been showing reports of side effects. The use of CBD for the same cases and problems have surprisingly shown better results and that is why it is being recommended so vigorously.

How to Protect Your Child’s Hearing

As a responsible and loving parent, you want to give your offspring the best start in life. You’ll come across all kinds of handy hints and tips that teach you how to be a better parent or how to stop your child from making terrible mistakes in their formative years.

The truth is, your child will come across all sorts of challenges in their life. What’s important is that you’re there to support your son or daughter through the good times and the bad ones.

hearing, kids, child's, parenting, growing
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Of course, there are some things you should do to stop problems for your child occurring when they get older. One such example is damaging their hearing. The following will give you some practical tips and advice on how to keep their hearing sharp as they grow up:

Teach Your Child to Respect Their Hearing

It’s no secret that children will often do stuff first and think about their actions later. Unfortunately, some of those actions could result in irreversible hearing damage, which is why you should teach your child to respect their hearing.

As you may know, there are many life challenges faced by persons with hearing impairment, and you don’t want your child to face such challenges if you can help it. With that in mind, here’s what you could do:

  • Have your child to identify their most-favorite sounds and listen to them;
  • Ask how they would feel if they could never hear those sounds again.

When your child realizes the importance of respecting their hearing, they will appreciate the sounds around them and avoid situations that could jeopardize their hearing.

Gift Your Child Noise-Canceling Headphones

In situations where your child is traveling somewhere, for example, they might wish to listen to music or sounds from their favorite portable video games console. If they use standard headphones, they might need to turn up the volume loud to hear the desired sounds.

As you can imagine, prolonged exposure to loud noises and sounds can damage your hearing. Noise-canceling headphones allow your child to listen to those sounds at lower volumes because all the background noise around them will get blocked out.

Have Your Child Use Protective Ear Muffs

Is your son or daughter particularly sensitive to loud noises? If so, investing in a set of children’s protective ear muffs is a good idea. They can wear them if they likely get exposed to loud noises, such as walking past traffic or going on public transport.

Protective ear muffs can also work well if you and your child go to social gatherings where people are talking loudly, or there are loud outdoor activities taking place, such as concerts with music blaring from loudspeakers, or indoor ones like parties.

Keep the Volume Down on Electronic Devices

Finally, when your child watches TV at home or plays computer games, there’s no reason why they should have the volume set high. With that in mind, enforce a policy of maintaining low volume on all electronic devices.