Category Archives: Health

How Disciplining A Child Can Be A Healthy Process – If You Let It Be

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Pexels – CC0 License

It’s important to discipline our children as they grow up, not because it’s fun to do, but because it helps them understand the certain boundaries they need to live within in order to be healthy and happy. The standards you set now will carry with them throughout their whole lives. Of course, many people consider ‘discipline’ to be a reprimand, but that’s not always the case. Discipline is simply making a value judgement and going for the best option, making sure you’re able to get to it, or that your children are.

For instance, brushing our teeth before bed every night is a discipline, and bestowing that on our child is important. As you can see, discipline is more than a stern word or punishing a child. It is a very healthy process. So – how can we keep it healthy? Well, of course, first and foremost it’s important not to raise our voice, or to get emotional, or to let on any bad impressions or examples if our child is misbehaving. You’d also be forgiven for making a mistake in this regard from time to time – parenting is extremely tough. 

But how else can we discipline our children to help them learn important and foundational life lessons? Let’s consider:

Staying Consistent

Staying consistent in your discipline is important because children often realize if they are being held to different standards from week to week. If there’s a bedtime you set – keep it. Make sure that you don’t allow them to jump around some nights, even on the weekend. If they’ve been mean to their sibling, don’t handwave it one day and reprimand them the next. This can take some work and none of us are perfect at applying it, but consistency can be the biggest aid to discipline in the best possible sense.

The Proper Environmental Feedback

In some respect, certain environments teach social discipline no matter what. For instance, placing your child in the best possible daycare can help them come into contact with other children, as well as responsible adults that know what children need. In this way, they begin to learn social boundaries and how to better work with other children – even if that means sharing a toy or simply being polite. In this way, your lessons at home are given credence in an environment you use to aid your own life convenience. That can be a great win-win for all parties involved.

Teaching Temperance & Patience

It’s important to teach our children patience and temperance. For instance, it might be that instead of purchasing that toy because they have asked for it in the store, you tell them that if they make their bed and eat their vegetables for a week straight, you will happily buy it for them. This helps them learn that earning something is more valuable than simply having it, and they learn patience through this, or a refusal of the reward if they fail to keep up with their tasks. Of course, not everything should be a harsh negotiation, but sometimes employing methods to help them understand what patience is (even if you don’t expect them to be patient as a child), will help the develop the foundational knowledge for later.

With this advice, you’re sure to discipline your child healthily, not punitively unless absolutely warranted. In this sense, you’ll go from an already great to an amazing parent.

Key Things to Integrate Into a Healthy Lifestyle

You’ve all heard it before, “it’s not a diet; it’s a lifestyle.” The simple reason for this is that it’s true! Fad diets simply don’t work, and the reason you either snap back to your natural weight setting or put on more weight than before is that you’re not permanently changing anything. Your body tries to get back to what it considers normal.

But there’s more to life than weight, and more to your body, too. A healthy lifestyle can improve your energy levels, organ functions, skin elasticity and appearance, hair thickness, bathroom habits, oral health and most importantly, happiness. After all, if something happens and you need your wisdom teeth removed, you’ll be in a better and happier state than if your health was simply left to deteriorate and you didn’t have the dental procedure. It is a simple fact. Plus, being healthier will make your dentist happy too. So, here are the keystones of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which are all very doable.


It’s free, and it’s easy to do. You might have heard that drinking 8 glasses a day is the ideal amount, but really it varies from person to person. Using your body weight in pounds, calculate 2/3 of that to give you the amount of water in ounces you should aim for.

Our bodies are made up of mostly water, and keeping a good balance of H2O can improve your energy levels, organ functions, and the appearance of your skin and hair. Water keeps headaches at bay and can even curb food cravings. Sometimes if you get a hunger pain, it’s actually a pang of dehydration. Have a glass of water and see how you feel.


Any exercise is good exercise, and walking is my personal favorite. It’s so easy to do, and you don’t have to be an athlete or wear special clothes to do it. You don’t get sweaty or need to get changed, and you can integrate it into your day and use it for getting to and from places you need. Park a little further away, get off the bus a few stops early, walk to the shop if you don’t need to drive, take the stairs instead of the elevator. There are lots of simple ways to add more steps to your day if you look for them.


Eating fiber every day maintains a healthy gut, and more importantly, a healthy bowel! It’s clear if you haven’t been eating your bran or fibrous fruits when you’re feeling bloated or constipated, which is a pretty horrid feeling. Eating a bowl of fiber-filled cereal every morning is my way of ticking it off for the day.

Protein and Fats

Proteins such as meat, eggs, nuts, dairy, soy, tofu, and plant-based sources are important for repairing muscle and keeping the body going. It’s incredible how filling a little protein can be and should be part of your main meals.

5 a Day

An easy rule to follow is to consume at least five portions of fruit and veggies every day. This doesn’t mean five servings of blueberries, of course, but a good balance of various produce, with more veggies than fruit.

Less Refined Sugar

Sugar is a modern invention and an addictive one. While it’s almost impossible to avoid all sugar, keeping refined sugars down is beneficial to your health. This means everything from candy and chocolate to junk food, chips, and processed foods. Don’t be fooled by ‘low fat’ labels, which just means they add more sugar, which then turns to fat in the body anyway. Similarly, with ‘no added sugar’ labels, which means there is still sugar in them, just no ‘added,’ whatever that means! Keep an eye out for this, and your body and your teeth will be thankful for it.


Everything in moderation, including moderation, it’s okay to have cheat days or indulge yourself once in a while. Even the pediatric dentist’s office from this website practices moderation by offering free ice cream. This is for the rest of your life, after all. Don’t think of it as a punishment, but as a way of feeding and nourishing your body. As long as any unhealthy habits are done in moderation, you’ll be on the right track!

The Tips To Look After Mental Health for Better Memory

Memory is crucial for us. It could record the journey of our life, bring back the beautiful time that we share with the others, and help us learn new things. Could we imagine what life would be like if we could not remember things? There are plenty of factors that affect how well our memory works, especially mental health. For example, individuals who suffer from depression and anxiety will usually also endure poor memory. It is why people will sign themselves into places like the Honey Lake Clinic and similar facilities to get help on this, or other matters. This article discusses the tip to look after mental health for better memory.

Exercise Regularly

Physical activity could increase the blood circulation in our bodies as well as our brains. Thus, it could help our mental health and our memory stay sharp. Also, the studies showed that exercise could release chemicals in our brain that make us feel good. Besides, exercise regularly could boost our self-esteem and help us concentrate, sleep and feel better.

According to the Department of Health & Human Services, we should have aerobic activities, like taking a walk, 30 minutes a day, and five days a week. Also, there is a tool on the Department of Agriculture’s website, called SuperTracker, which provides a free physical activity tracker. We could take advantage of it to help us monitor our exercise.

Eat Healthily

A healthy diet is good for our mental health as it is good for our physical health. Our brain needs a variety of nutrients to stay healthy and functioning, as the other organs in our bodies. We should eat vegetables, fruits, legumes, fish, skinless poultry, eggs, nuts, and olive oil. Also, we should avoid packaged and processed foods. More importantly, we should limit the intake of red meat, sugar, and alcohol.

Sleep Well

People tend to overlook the importance of sleep. When we are sleeping, our brain gets cleansed and refreshed. Sleep plays a large role in helping us keep our mental health and consolidate the memories so that we could recall things down the road. Studies have shown that we should sleep 7-9 hours a day, and it is not considered a luxury but is essential for having a healthy life. Make sleep 7-9 hours a day as our priority of life.

Talk and Stay Connected With People

Some research shows that even 10 minutes of socializing a day could help our mental health as well as maintain our cognitive functions. We should talk to people and share our feelings with others. We could get involved in clubs, organizations, or religious communities. As a whole, positive social interaction could stimulate our brain, help our mental health and keep our memory to stay sharp. The studies showed that talking and connecting with people could protect us from depression, anxiety, and distress, which could have negative impacts on our cognitive functions.

Drink Wisely

We tend to drink alcohol when we are in a bad mood, trying to change for a better mood. Some of us even drink alcohol to deal with our loneliness or fear. Keep it in mind that the effect from alcohol is just short and temporary. When the alcohol wears off our bodies, the bad feeling gets worse due to the way that the alcohol has affected our brains and bodies to cause more negative feelings. Drinking alcohol is surely not a positive way to deal with our difficult feelings, and it is harmful to our mental health and cognitive functions.

Do Something We Are Good at

It makes sense that when we are doing an activity that we are good at and enjoy, it could make us feel like we are achieving something and boost our self-esteem. It stands to reason that enjoying ourselves helps beat stress and depression, and it keeps mental health for better memory. Think of what we love doing and what activity we can lose ourselves in. Concentrating on a hobby, such as gardening or music instrument, can help us forget our worries or loneliness for a little while and change our mood.