Category Archives: Health

Discover Key Ways To Keep Your Health On Track Working At Home

During the pandemic, more people than ever before began to work from home. This was the only concrete way to ensure that social distancing could be maintained and to keep everyone safe. It’s worth noting that the pandemic isn’t behind us just yet and you could still be leaning into a home run business model. If that’s the case, then it’s important to know some of the key ways that you can stay healthy working from home. There are definitely some issues here that you need to be aware of.

at home, covid, corona, virus, work at home, health, lifestyle
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Screen Trouble

If you are working from home, then you’re probably going to be staring at a computer screen for a large portion of the day. This in itself isn’t a massive issue however it can still cause health issues. The main problem with staring at a screen all day is that it can impact your eyes. You might find that you experience eye strain a lot more if you are constantly staring at your computer. This could lead to severe headaches or simply cause you to feel tired throughout the day. 

There are a few ways to deal with this issue. For instance, you might want to think about investing in some blue light glasses. This ensures that you won’t be impacted as much by the intense light that shines from a laptop screen or a similar tech device. You could also think about the environment where you are working. It’s not recommended that you work in a dark room as this is going to make the impact of a computer screen light far more dramatic. 

One of the most common health issues that you definitely need to be aware of when working from home is RSI. A repetitive strain injury is caused by typing for long periods typically without breaks. While RSI will start off a minor pain, it can get more severe over time. It might impact your productivity levels at first before quickly leading to pain that’s severe enough you won’t be able to work at all. That’s why it’s important to know how to handle RSI the right way.

at home, covid, corona, virus, work at home, health, lifestyle
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If you are keen to avoid this health issue, you should think about ensuring that you are typing with the right posture. There are great guides online that will tell you the best ways to avoid issues here. 

You might also want to think about investing in some new furniture and technology. Ergonomic furniture is a great option as it will make it far easier to type. Sit-stand desks can be the perfect example of this. It will ensure that you are able to change your typing position if you do feel pain starting to develop. 

If you are already suffering from something like RSI, then you might want to think about pain management. You will probably need to take meds for your condition. We recommend that you think about using ibuprofen. A lot of people wonder about the ibuprofen vs paracetamol debate. Ibuprofen will generally be the better choice as it will allow you to reduce your inflammation considerably. This can be just what you need to keep your pain under control.

Remaining Still 

Finally, you might need to think about how you can avoid the health issues that are associated with staying still for too long. Research suggests that sitting down for long periods and doing next to nothing could be just as damaging to your health, if not more so, as smoking a carton of cigarettes a day. As such, you should think about how you can keep yourself moving through the day. You might want to explore options like desk yoga. This is a great way to keep active even when you are working from home. 
Alternatively, it could just be a matter of ensuring that you are taking regular breaks and walking around through the day. Even if you are working from home, you should make sure that you are taking trips out to places like the park. A walk around an area like this could do you a world of good.

at home, covid, corona, virus, work at home, health, lifestyle
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We hope this helps you understand some of the key ways that you can keep your health in check when you are working from home. It’s important to realize that just because you are working from home doesn’t mean that you are less vulnerable to health issues. There are plenty of problems that do need to be addressed here and if they’re not then they will ultimately begin to impact your quality of life.

Tried-and-Tested Tips For A Healthier You!

It is often said that ‘health is wealth’ and there is so much truth in that statement. There is no point of accumulating material wealth when you are too sick or unable to enjoy it. Similarly, your retirement years are among the best of your life, with all your responsibilities towards your children behind you, and all your work commitments completed. These are the years to reap the rewards of a lifetime of hard work, enjoy time with your grandchildren, travel the world, spend time with hobbies and things you love and relax with your other half. However, if you are too sick or weak, or worse still bed-ridden or in and out of hospitals, none of the above would be possible. Old age would be a pain rather than a boon.

But good health doesn’t come instantly; it takes effort, commitment and dedication throughout your lifetime. This doesn’t need to be as harsh as it sounds – you don’t need to be on constant diets or run miles and miles everyday. You can live a healthy, full life while enjoying life’s guilty pleasures. A few lifestyle changes to your day-to-day routine and it will become second nature to you. Below are a few tried-and-tested tips for a healthier you!

healthier, healthy, yoga, health, life, strength, balance
Pic Credit: Pixabay

Eyes – The Window To The World

We don’t realise the value of our eyesight until we need additional help in order to see! Our eyes are indeed the window to the world, the window to everything, in fact. Imagine how dreary (and difficult) life would be without eyesight. A few changes precautions can help us maintain 20/20 vision:

  • This is something most of us fail to consider. Or even think is a problem. When reading or writing, make sure there is good light falling on the page as opposed to on your face. 
  • This is common knowledge – minimize screen-time (tough in today’s world when most of what we do is on an electronic device), but where possible, make it a point. Read a book instead of an e-book. Let your child play a board game instead of a video game.
    And if it isn’t possible to do so, make sure you take regular breaks in between to give your eyes a rest. 
  • Wear sunglasses when it’s too sunny to protect your eyes from the sun’s UV rays. 
  • Use safety eyewear when working with hazardous materials, either at home or if your work requires it. 

Ears – ‘Ear’ To Help You!

Hearing loss can be prevented (or at least delayed) with a few precautions and care. 

  • This is a no-brainer – don’t listen to loud music or sounds for long periods of time, especially when listening with headphones.
  • Yoga is known to be extremely beneficial for your overall health and well-being, but did you know it also aids with your hearing? Certain yoga poses increase circulation in your ear and brain which helps improve nerve functions and removes waste and toxins. 
  • Maintain good ear hygiene and treat infections immediately. Untreated infections can lead to eventual hearing loss.

    And should you suffer from hearing loss, there are a range of hearing restoration aids available in the market now. You don’t need to suffer in silence and block yourself out – check out the best option for you and tune back in!

Heart – Keep The Love Flowing, Not The Fat!

Heart attacks and major heart operations used to be something only elderly people suffered; however, with today’s fast-paced, stressful and unhealthy lifestyle, even 40-year-olds are having heart attacks! This is serious and it’s important we keep our heart’s health in mind. 

  • Eating healthy is the number one thing we can do for our hearts – cut down on salt and saturated fats as both contribute to heart blockages. 
  • Quit smoking (or if you can’t at least reduce the amount you smoke daily). Chain smokers are almost twice as likely to have a heart attack than those who don’t smoke. 
  • Keep your weight and BMI in check. Obesity leads to high blood pressure and high cholesterol, both of which are major contributing factors to heart problems. 

Diabetes – Not So Sweet, Is It?

And just as you must keep your salt and saturated fats in check, so must you limit your sugar and unhealthy carbohydrates intake. Diabetes leads to a number of complications affecting various parts of the body.

Stress – The Silent Killer 

Stress is more than just a feeling of uneasiness and anxiety. It affects the smooth functioning of your body’s systems, reducing their efficiency over time. It is thus known as the silent killer. Meditation and mindfulness help reduce stress levels and keep one calm and focused.

Vitamins You Cannot Live Without

vitamins, citrus, orange, immunity, immune system, health, nutrients,

Vitamins are the lifeblood of our bodies. In order for us to function and to live healthy lives all of us need to ingest vitamins each day through food and drink. 

If you want to change your life for the better in 2021 and are looking for a lifestyle change; increasing your vitamin intake can do you the world of good and should be top priority. 

Today we are going to take a look at some of the vitamins you cannot live without and what their roles are in the body. Stay healthy this year and make sure you get enough of these in your diet. 

Vitamin A 

Vitamin A is the first of the vitamins we want to talk about today and it plays a lot of important roles in the body. Taking a multi vitamin every morning will help you get plenty of this vitamin as well as eat apples and carrots. Vitamin A is important for our health in a number of ways such as our eyesight, bone growth, and immune system. If you want to live a long and healthy life it is important to get enough Vitamin A and you may even benefit in terms of aging as this vitamin can slow the signs. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is incredibly important for the body and if you don’t get enough of it, you might suffer from something such as scurvy where the body is unable to develop bones properly. Vitamin C is essential for the health of our skin cells and helps to produce collagen. Collagen is the elastic material which keeps our skin supple and young and as we grow older this deteriorates causing wrinkles. Keep your skin young and healthy with Vitamin C and keep those bones strong. 

Vitamin D

It is so important for us all to get our daily dose of Vitamin D if we are to stay strong and healthy. Vitamin D is essential for bone strength and it also plays a role in the repair of tissue after injury or strain. Without this you might struggle to heal effectively and this will cause you to struggle in your life in a number of ways. Without this vitamin you may be more susceptible to injury and this can land you in a lot of trouble health wise. 

Vitamin B12 

Vitamin B12 is essential for the body as it helps to create new DNA in the production of new cells as well as keeping our nerves healthy and blood cells strong. This is a vitamin that can be found in meat and dairy and is essential for the diet. You can also see benefits in the strength of your hair and nails by having enough of this in your diet and it is a brilliant vitamin to have each day. 

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is often not talked about but it has some incredibly important roles in the body. For starters –  Vitamin K plays a role in blood clotting which is an essential part of the healing process. Vitamin K also keeps our bones intact as well as regulates levels of calcium in the blood which is important to avoid calcium build up that can lead to joint and bone issues. You can buy vitamin k drops combined with Vitamin D to maximize the beneficial effects of Vitamin D and bring it to where it is needed most.

Stay healthy and make sure to have all of these vitamins in your diet each day for a long and healthy life.