Category Archives: Health

Here’s How People In Canada Are Waving Off BP Issues

There should be no more shame in acknowledging (mental illness) than in acknowledging a battle with high blood pressure or the sudden appearance of a malignant tumor.”

  • Jeffrey R. Holland

The World Health Organization says that there are more than 1.13 billion cases of blood pressure globally, if not more. This problem is quite common in countries and areas with low or middle-income graphs. In 2015, 1 in every 5 women and 1 in 4 men suffered from hypertension. In such conditions, some may suffer hypertension for a lifetime while others bear premature death.

If we narrow down the stats to Canada, there are more than 4.6 million people suffering from high blood pressure issues. Further, Statistics Canada Reports say, almost every 1 in 5 Canadians suffer from BP problems. This makes the total of 19% of the population in Canada the patient of blood pressure.

There are countless reasons for imbalanced blood pressure. Generally, it may include – medicine, overall health issues, age, diet, lifestyle, genetics, and regular exercising. When talking about high blood pressure reasons, it includes – high cholesterol, hormonal changes, family history, stress, diabetes, etc.

Whereas low blood pressure is easy to tackle, on the other hand, high blood pressure can prove dangerous for the sufferer. It makes the heart work harder and pump blood to the entire body aggressively. This is the reason why the world sees an increased number of kidney disease, heart failure issues, and stroke cases.

How do people in Canada control BP?

Many practitioners in Canada often suggest eating low-fat dairy products, whole grain meals, fruits, and vegetables with high fiber count. However, it may show impeccable results on your overall well being but may take some time to deliver results. As a result, the CBD experts and doctors in Canada recommend going for CBD-enriched products. Talking about instant and effective results, you can buy full spectrum CBD Canada products via online stores or dispensaries in Canada.

Those who don’t know, CBD, also known as cannabis or cannabidiol, is a complex compound or herb having many medicinal properties, antioxidants, and goodness to make you fit as a fiddle.

Bringing some notable changes in your lifestyle, overall behavior, and lifestyle can help you see a remarkable difference in blood pressure management. And there is a complete line of CBD products to top it all. Cannabis is available in different forms and types to be consumed. There is a full range of CBD-enriched products, including – edibles, oil, tinctures, skin care products, capsules, pills, soft gels, etc.

How does it work for blood pressure?

Cannabis has anti-anxiety, anti-inflammation, and rich antioxidants, which effectively improves the health of the cardiovascular system. Many studies show CBD as an excellent vasodilator. This means it initiates the healthy blood flow in the body to stabilize the blood pressure. As a result, the sufferer can witness an immediate impact in low or high blood pressure issues. For someone who has never consumed CBD before must start with a dosage of 2.5mmHg to 5mmHg only. The dosage and consumption type can be upgraded with time.

Conclusion –

Blood pressure can give rise to other health problems if not treated at the right time. This makes it important to address low, and high blood pressure issues timely. However, there are countless medicines and treatments available to neutralize the blood pressure, but those are temporary results. On the contrary, CBD leaves a long-lasting impact, ensuring no side-effects on the sufferer’s health.

Tips for Staying Healthy as a Dad

healthy, fatherhood, parenting, health, dad
Image Credit: Maria Lindsey Multimedia Creator from Pexels

Being a dad can be quite demanding. You would have to keep an eye on the little ones even if their mom is at home too.

If you are the dad with lots of responsibilities, you might sometimes overlook your health issues with the hope that they would all go away on their own. Your kids look up to you to stay fit and healthy, so here are some tips to push you to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Maintain a Proper Diet

Everyone has to be cautious about what they eat after attaining adulthood. Eating a balanced diet and staying away from carbs, tin foods, fried foods, red meat, and sometimes salt helps develop your chances of staying healthy.

Unhealthy eating can cause severe health conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, and among others.

If you want to be a dad for a long time and maybe a granddad, you should maintain a proper diet at all times to stay alive.

Have Regular Health Checkups

As a working dad, you are exposed to various activities that make you exhausted each day, from working at the office to taking the kids to school, mowing the loan, and so on.

You should have regular health checkups; this helps the doctor identify silent killing illnesses like hypertension, cancer, and diabetes growing in your body before it develops to a state that cannot be controlled.

If these life-threatening conditions can be identified at their growing stage, they can easily be cured without affecting the quality of your life. Visit your doctor for a suitable routine health checkup timetable to remain healthy.

Get Enough Rest

healthy, fatherhood, parenting, health, dad
Image Credit: Pixabay from Pexels

The effect sleep has on the general advancement of the body cannot be overemphasized. Getting the required amount of sleep as a dad allows you to become more active, accomplishing tasks effectively. Experts advise a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 9 hours of sleep per day to stay active.

Having enough sleep is almost impossible for dads who work two shifts in a day or close work at very late hours. Nevertheless, strive to make sleeping a priority to stay healthy and fit as a working dad.

Besides sleeping, have some quiet time or nap after performing a tedious task that leaves you exhausted. If you are close to home, have a shower and a nap to ease the tension in your body for an hour or two before going back to your activities; this helps to keep you fit as a busy dad.

Keep Stress Away

With tons of work to handle at home and the office, you get worn out before the day begins. When the kids look up to you, you wouldn’t want to let them down; so you hustle to pay the bills, fees and make sure everyone feels comfortable. While doing this, you go the extra mile by stressing yourself.

To overcome the stress, try meditating or performing breathing exercises regularly. If you are stressed at work, take a walk, avoid working while at home; try to spend time with your family, and do things that make you relaxed.

Work Out Always

It might sound cliché, but the importance of working out for busy dads cannot be overemphasized. Going to the gym isn’t necessary—you can be innovative, trying out some home workouts suitable for you and your schedule. What is vital is consistency, continuously challenging your body in various ways to achieve the best results.

Pushups, squats, sit-ups, pulls are some exercises suitable for your home workout plan. Aside from conventional workouts, you can try yoga. Get a good yoga instruction video and join the training; yoga helps to relieve stress while keeping you fit and healthy as a working dad.

Workouts and yoga also assist in maintaining your body mass index, or BMI, for short. Over 30% of the world’s population do not know their BMI. It costs nothing to ask your doctor like—what is my BMI? Visit your doctor frequently to know your BMI—this allows you to track your health progress.

Stay Away From Alcohol, Smoke, or Narcotics

People mistake alcohol use, smoking, or narcotics use as suitable ways to fight stress, exhaustion, and depression. While these methods may boost your ability, the end effects are very harmful to your health.

Most times, you might be pressured by peers to indulge in narcotics consumption. Take steps to stay away from them as much as possible, seek help if you are addicted to it—this would increase your health by over 40%. Smoking and narcotics use can cause stroke, cancer, liver disease, to mention a few.

As for alcohol, it is okay to hang out with friends and have a bottle or two—but moderation is key. Take less to keep healthy and fit. If you are exhausted, take water. If you’re depressed, do what makes you happy or seek expert help.

Protect Yourself from STDs

There are hundreds of sexually transmitted diseases out there, which cause several damages to your health as a working dad. From human papillomavirus to hepatitis B and the conventional Human Immunodeficiency Virus, these can lower your chances of living a healthy lifestyle.

The best way to protect yourself from these STDs is to stay committed to one partner or use a condom.

If your partner is available, always seek intercourse with her and none other. You can also vaccinate your kids against the human papillomavirus.


Being a dad is arguably the best job in the world and perhaps the most demanding one. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can assist you in becoming a successful dad.

Making healthy choices isn’t that easy. It is also challenging to squeeze out time for workouts from your already hectic schedule. Nonetheless, with dedication and consistency, you should have an improvement in your health. This post outlined detailed steps to give busy dads a healthy lifestyle at the office and home.

The Health Benefits of THC CBD to Know

The legalization of cannabis and hemp in most states and countries has brought numerous changes in the health sector. Many people have come to understand the health benefits of THC CBD. They react with your body’s endocannabinoid system, hence creating a relaxing feeling. 

THC is responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis. However, there is less to be said when it comes to the health benefits of THC alone. Whether you are looking to smoke a vape and relax and ease stress with some THC carts, or whether you are looking for relief from chronic pain, below are some of the health benefits of THC CBD. 

Pain Relief 

There are those body pains that you just cannot ignore. Headaches, muscle pain, arthritis, you name it. THC CBD products, like those sold by, are known for relieving such pain. You can incorporate THC CBD oils in your meals or take them as gummies. When consumed, they send signals to receptors in the body. This creates pain relieving effects. 

For Stress Management 

Lifestyle is one of the most common causes of stress especially being under lots of pressure at work or being financially unstable. Every day one or two people commit suicide just because of PTSD. Sometimes, prescription stress medication can be addictive, hence damaging your body. Therefore, you need to think of alternatives such as delta-8 THC carts and other THC CBD products, which can help in stress management. You can consume them orally or vape them.  Royal CBD offers both forms made only with the highest quality, lab tested ingredients.

Reduced Chances of Cancer 

The human body can function better with the help of a plant. The body has an endocannabinoid structure waiting to be activated. When you consume thc cbd products, the plant endocannabinoid activators interact with the body’s receptors, which actually reduces the chances of tumor cells developing. 

Treatment of Glaucoma 

There are a variety of research studies that claim THC CBD can aid in the treatment of glaucoma, improving your eye health. Glaucoma leads to an increase in pressure, which can damage the optic nerve and retina. If not treated early, it can lead to blindness. When THC CBD is consumed, pressure is reduced within the eye. 

More research has yet to be done on precisely how THC CBD helps with glaucoma. Therefore, you should consult your doctor first before considering using THC CBD for glaucoma. 

Anxiety and Depression Relief 

Depression has claimed the lives of many people, but most people fail to recognize and treat it. The endocannabinoids found in THC CBD help to improve mood, reducing anxiety and depression. 

Helps with Skin Conditions 

Another health benefit of THC CBD is that it promotes good and healthy skin. If you are suffering from acne or other skin conditions, then THC CBD products are ideal for you. You can use CBD oil directly on your skin or take THC CBD capsules. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory properties and lack of harsh chemicals in THC CBD skin care can nurture the health of the skin.

How can I use THC CBD?

The combination of THC and CBD is powerful, and there are more studies and research done all the time. Medical options are becoming more prevalent, too – one thing that puts people off is that they don’t like the idea of rolling and smoking. There are so many other options though, like gummies, dabbing, vaping, baking, and tinctures. You can find the right option for you, from Cheap Dab Rigs to an under-the-tongue tincture.


CBD and THC both have health benefits to individuals. They are both considered safe for medicinal purposes. However, before considering using them, review the laws on cannabis. You do not want to end up on the wrong side of the law. Also, consult your doctor first before using any THC CBD product. He or she will give further information on the subject.