“I’m not that old”, you’re probably thinking “There’s no way I’m losing my hearing!”. But this denial is actually extremely common in those whose hearing has begun to deteriorate. All-too often, we’re the last people to learn that we’re losing our hearing. After all, rarely does it happen overnight. It takes place slowly and gradually over the course of years (and even decades). And while you may be a good few years away from collecting your pension, you may still be afflicted by hearing loss, even if it’s not age related. Genetic conditions such as Meniere’s disease, and even a stressful lifestyle (which leads to high blood pressure) can cause you to start losing your hearing early.

Take the time to look for them, and you may find that the signs add up. Your kids or your partner rolling their eyes when they have to repeat themselves. Complaints that the TV is on too loud. Misunderstandings at work or at home. There comes a point where the facts cannot be denied. Check out this link to find out more about the signs of hearing loss. In this post, we’ll take a look at how hearing loss can affect your ability to be a great Dad, and how to nip it in the bud.
It can add to your stress
Being a Dad is stressful enough as it is. But hearing loss can actually exacerbate your stress. It can cause you (and those you’re trying to communicate with) great frustration, leading to frayed nerves all round.
Unfortunately, stress can, in turn, elevate your blood pressure and exacerbate issues with your hearing.
It can lead to mistakes and misunderstandings at work
As a Dad, you feel that it’s your responsibility to provide for your kids. And that means that you need to be firing on all cylinders at work. But if you don’t take steps to improve your hearing, it can result in misunderstandings and mistakes that may not get you fired, but could harm your chances of promotion or progression.
It can cause those you love to feel ignored
Hearing loss can result in heartbreaking consequences for the people you love the most in the whole world like your partner and your kids. Especially if it goes undiagnosed. If they don’t know that you’re having trouble hearing them, they may assume that you’re ignoring or dismissing them. Which can have terrible repercussions for their self-esteem, and cause them to feel unloved and undervalued.
It can cause your kids embarrassment
Okay, so outwardly our kids act as though we’re super embarrassing anyway. Still, when we keep asking people to repeat themselves in public and mishear them, your partner or (worse still) their friends, it can lead to embarrassment and resentment.
It’s time to take action!
The good news is that there’s always something you can do to mitigate hearing loss. The first thing you should do is find a local audiologist who can determine the cause and extent of your hearing loss and prescribe a solution. Whether it’s a thorough cleaning of your ears, a hearing aid or even referring you for surgery, you can enjoy better hearing and less stressful conversation. As the years advanced, there are now smaller hearing aid models that are comfortable to wear all day. They can also be paired with your smartphone using a Bluetooth connection to make phone calls and play music. You should also try and exercise regularly, even under lockdown. Not only will it help you to control your stress and blood pressure, it can help you lose weight and feel better about yourself.