Category Archives: Health

5 Ways to Improve Your Sleep, Tips for Men

Research shows that poor sleep habits can have immediate and long term effects on your well-being. It can affect your hormonal balance, exercise performance, and brain function. Besides, poor sleep habits can have a severe toll on your daytime energy, productivity, emotional stability, and even weight.

The problem is that you may find yourself tossing and turning, struggling to get the sleep you need. Well, if you have been struggling to get a good night sleep, then we have a few tips that can help.

Tips to better your sleep habits

Exercise during the day

If you exercise regularly, you will have a better sleep and will feel less sleepy during the day. Regular exercise improves the symptoms of insomnia and sleep apnoea. It also increases the amount of time you spend in the deep, restorative stages of sleep. While exercising, try to finish moderate to vigorous workouts at least three hours before bedtime.

Also, consider relaxing, low-impact exercises such as yoga or gentle stretching in the evening as they can help promote your sleep.

Be smart about your diet

Your daytime eating habits play a role in how well you sleep at night. Consider the following simple eating hacks to improve your night sleep:

Limit caffeine and nicotine– caffeine can cause sleep problems up to ten to twelve hours after drinking it. So is smoking. To have a better sleep, consider avoiding stimulants that can disrupt your sleep close to bedtime.  

Avoid alcohol before bed. This may interfere with your sleep cycle.

Avoid heavy meals at night. Eating heavy might cause you stomach discomfort, therefore, interfering with your sleep.

Avoid waking up to pee

If you get your sleep interrupted because you have to wake up at night to pee, then you need to find a solution for this. For starters, try as much as possible to avoid taking drinks shortly before bed. Depending on your age, your bladder might struggle to hold urine during the night. In this case, you can use authentic prostate supplements to help avoid waking up to pee. A good example is ProstaGenix which can help improve your prostate health. It can help you achieve more control over your sleep habits as you can minimize the number of times you get to visit the washrooms.

Improve your sleep environment

A peaceful bedtime routine sends a powerful signal to your brain. It informs your brain that it is time to wind down. You can make your room ready to support your sleep by observing the following simple steps:

– Keeping noise down

– Lowering the temperature of your room to keep it cool

– Make sure that you have a comfortable bed and mattress. This will prevent sore back and neck aches.

Stick to a sleep schedule

The recommended amount of sleep for a healthy lifestyle is 7 to 8 hours. Make sure that you go to bed and wake up at around a set time each night. Being consistent with your sleep schedule reinforces your body’s sleep-wake cycle. It will take you a short time before your body adapts to the schedule, and you will be able to enjoy sound sleep that will keep you healthy!

Final remarks

Sleep plays a crucial role in your overall health and well-being. If you are struggling with sleep hygiene, then you ought to find the root cause of the problem. You should also seek help from a doctor if the sleep problems persist.

Men’s Skin Care Routine: 7 Steps To Healthier, Younger-Looking Skin

Most of the emphasis when it comes to our health is what’s on the inside. We try to eat right, take multivitamins and get plenty of exercise. All of this is hard enough to fit into our schedules when we have kids, but many of us manage to do at least a little.

However, there’s a crucial aspect of looking and feeling good that we tend to ignore. It’s what’s on the outside — specifically, taking care of our skin. As the largest organ in the human body, our skin requires a lot of special attention to keep it in good condition. That’s why it’s important for all men to remember some key steps for creating a successful skin care routine.

For example, teaching their sons to shave is a big moment for fathers. Unfortunately, the methods they teach aren’t always the best for healthy skin. The recommended technique is to let the shaving cream sit on your face for a few minutes, then shave in the direction the hair grows.

Applying moisturizer after rinsing your face is necessary for keeping skin from becoming too dry. In fact, moisturization is more important than most men are willing to admit. Hydrating daily can reduce the appearance of lines or wrinkles, so you don’t look older than you really are.

Protecting your outside is just as big a part of living a healthier lifestyle as caring for what’s inside. Even if your schedule is loaded with work, parenting and other responsibilities, it doesn’t take long to establish good habits that can make a difference.

To learn more about how to take better care of your body’s biggest organ, look at the accompanying infographic. It contains simple measures that can lead to a more youthful appearance.

Infographic provided by Blume Skin & Body

Author bio: Sandra Caldwell is Chief Operating Officer for Blume Skin & Body, a company specializing in nonsurgical cosmetic skin treatment procedures. She has more than 20 years of experience in the industry and focuses on medical aesthetics, laser treatments and retail operations.

Coronavirus Myths Busted_ What You Should Know

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Pixabay (CC0 Licence)

There is no doubt that people’s views are divided on the crisis facing the world right now. Some of that division – though not all – is along political lines, while some is based on little more than hope or instinct. One thing that is, however, definitively true is that if anyone tells you they know how things are going to go from this point, they are misinforming you. At this stage, the smartest epidemiologists have a range of confident predictions, but they don’t know how things will end up – so neither do any of us.

One thing that we can say, though, is that there is a propagation of myths that is far from helpful when it comes to staying healthy during this time. These myths are not a matter of opinion; they aren’t about trusting your instincts. They’re simply things that have somehow become understood as true by some individuals. If you see them shared on Facebook, and you feel up to correcting them, go ahead – but most importantly, just know that they’re completely and dangerously untrue.

We just need to wait it out into the summer – the virus will die in the heat

This is a myth based on a certain amount of knowledge, but not enough to really understand epidemiology. Yes, viruses classically like cooler weather; this is why you don’t get as many colds in summer. However, this detail is not uniformly true. Ebola, one of the most aggressive viruses known to man, lives and thrives mostly in Africa in temperatures well above what Americans will live with this spring and summer. The MERS coronavirus spread in Saudi Arabia in August – when the average high is 108 degrees.

The truth is, we don’t know how Covid-19 will behave in the summer, because it was only identified in December 2019. We haven’t lived through a summer with it. And even if it does die down, that doesn’t rule out a nastier second wave in autumn, and self-isolation over the holiday season.

Don’t buy anything from China – the packages will be contaminated

Leaving aside, for one moment, the fact that China has more successfully “flattened the curve” than most countries, this myth ignores that the survivability of a virus is limited outside the body of a host. While it is true that inspection of plastic surfaces has detected the virus up to 72 hours after the item was last touched by an infected person, any delivery you receive from that part of the world will take a lot longer than three days to reach you. You’re genuinely at greater threat if you shake hands with an old friend you haven’t seen in a while.

Bleach will destroy the virus inside the body

Let’s just deal with this one swiftly. If you drink bleach, coronavirus will very rapidly become the least of your worries. This is also true if you inject it. Bleach has no place inside the human body, and it’s not even necessary should you wish to kill the virus on the outside of the body – washing your hands or any contaminated area with soap and water will destroy the virus’ structure perfectly well. At the moment, the truth is that there isn’t a cure for Covid-19; it simply needs to be treated per doctors’ advice.

It’s easy to get carried away with a condition that has spread so fast and affected so many – Covid-19 has had an impact we could never have imagined back in January – but it’s vitally important to stick to the facts. Myths catch the attention in a way that mere facts can’t possibly hope to match – and that’s why, like the virus itself, you need to be vigilant in spotting and flattening them.