With everything going on with COVID-19, your family’s health has never been more important. Despite the risks to health right now, especially for vulnerable people, staying at home due to lockdown is actually encouraging some healthier habits among families.
How are your family adjusting to lockdown? Will it make you rethink your habits in the future once restrictions start getting lifted? Permanent changes to your lifestyle can help your family live better and longer, as well as boost your immunity against sickness in the future.
Whether you’re already making changes or you want to form better habits going forward, here are some ideas for 15 ways you can improve your health this summer.

1. Exercise daily
Daily exercise is important for keeping your body healthy. It not only helps you regulate your weight, but it can strengthen your heart and lungs, as well as your muscles. Exercise should consist of cardio, strength and flexibility to help ensure the best results.
There are some great exercises you can do at home to tone your whole body, making daily exercise easy.. Many people are looking forward to their daily exercise at the moment, so if you’re recently discovered a passion for running, cycling or walking lately – make sure you keep it up this summer!
2. Get some fresh air
Fresh air is important, and while a lot of people are making an effort to go for walks, etc., during lockdown, it’ll be easy to take it for granted again when restrictions are lifted.
Even if it’s just for a short time, a walk outside can do you a world of good. It can help you feel refreshed, get you some vital vitamin D and give you a break from whatever you’re doing.
Don’t forget you can enjoy fresh air at home too. Get involved in some garden games with your kids and enjoy some fresh air together.
3. Start each day with a hearty breakfast
A healthy, hearty breakfast is a great way to start the day. A lot of people grab something to eat in a hurry, which can often lead to some unhealthy choices. Even store-bought smoothies can be full of sugar, counterbalancing the added vitamins you’re taking in. Why not take it in turns to make breakfast each day so that it doesn’t all fall on one member of the household?
There are plenty of tasty make-ahead breakfast recipes to help you eat a good breakfast every day.
4. Make more meals at home
With most restaurants closed and takeout getting tired (and expensive!), more people are cooking from home right now. Some home cooking is ideal for preparing healthy dishes, without the processed ingredients that can be hidden in your food. Start getting into the habit of planning your meals for the week ahead, it’ll help you commit to eating healthier while cutting back on your food waste too.
One idea to get everyone excited about home cooking is to do theme nights. A simple theme like Mexican or Italian night can give you something to look forward to, and could encourage everyone to start helping in the kitchen.
5. Up your hydration efforts
During the summer months, hydration is more important than ever. Our bodies need water to function, and you’ll need even more of it when the weather is warmer and you’re losing more of it through sweat. There are plenty of ways you can stay hydrated, but drinking water throughout the day is the easiest and most important one.
Why not equip the whole family with their own water bottle and keep them close by to help everyone stay hydrated?
6. Take care of your skin
Taking care of your skin is important, and in the summer, when UV rays are at their strongest, it’s even more important. It’s easy to neglect your SPF, but by making it a part of your daily routine, you’ll be used to protecting your skin in all weather. Wearing SPF doesn’t just protect against skin cancer, but it can stop you experiencing premature ageing too!
7. Enjoy a break from tech
Technology can be all-consuming. We spend a lot of our daily lives on our phones, using computers, etc. That’s been even truer since lockdown restrictions have been put in place. Taking a break from technology is important, and when the sun is shining – why wouldn’t you want to get out and enjoy it?
Spending quality time as a family, away from tech, can be a great way for you all to bond and enjoy each other’s company. You might even find you don’t miss it as much as you thought you would!
8. Practice good hygiene
Practicing good hygiene is common sense. Washing your hands, keeping your home clean and showering often are things we should do anyway, but it might be time to turn things up a notch to help keep your family well.
There are steps you can take to keep your home germ-free, as well as practice better hygiene when you’re out and about. Carry hand sanitizer with you and use it regularly throughout the day – it could make a big difference to stopping germs from spreading.
9. Keep summer allergies under control
Dealing with symptoms of a cold can be miserable. But what if they weren’t caused by a virus, but by allergies instead? Hay fever and other seasonal allergies are common at this time of year, and can leave you feeling miserable. If anyone in your home suffers from common allergy symptoms during the summer, it’s worth making sure you have plenty of antihistamines and other medication to help ease your symptoms. It helps if you know what you’re allergic to, as this can make sure you treat your allergy symptoms accordingly. If you have air conditioning, use it instead of opening windows, but make sure to get the filters cleaned by an AC Repair company before you turn it on. The last thing you want is for pollen to be getting blown directly into your face!
10. Set some goals to keep you busy
Most of us focus on setting goals for the new year, but why not set yourself some part-way through the year instead? From making over your home to having a fitness goal, having something to aim for can give you some focus and put an end to those lazy summer days. By the time fall comes around, you’ll have achieved something amazing!
11. Walk more
Walking is one of the simplest forms of exercise, and it’s an effective way of keeping active. Staying at home recently has likely meant that daily walks are a part of your routine, and is something you can easily maintain when you’re at work or on weekends. A short walk at lunchtime or before dinner can help you make up for a day spent sitting down, while also boosting your cardio health.
If you find walking boring, why not try some fun walking apps that will be sure to get you moving?
12. Cut down on snacking
Snacking is many people’s go-to for relieving boredom, but all of those salty or sugary snacks could be contributing to weight gain, as well as making you feel tired and sluggish. Instead of reaching for the chips or chocolate, try a healthy snack instead. If you are snacking because you’re bored, you could take your mind off things by reading or finding a hobby that keeps you occupied.
13. Take some time to yourself
It’s important to take some ‘me time’ now and again – life gets busy, after all. When you’re working and taking care of a family, it’s easy to become exhausted. If things start getting too much, make sure you ask for some help – friends and family might not realize that you’re struggling.
Treat yourself to some time to do the things you enjoy – it can help you rest and recharge ready to face a new day.
14. Get plenty of sleep
Sleep is important, but do you ever find it’s harder during the summer months? There are many reasons for this. The sun rises earlier and it’s hotter – making sleep uncomfortable. Learning to sleep in the heat will help you get your 8 hours, so try everything you can to keep cool at bedtime.
15. Don’t forget about your mental health
While it’s easy to just think about your physical health, it’s important to focus on your mental health too. You can take care of your mental health by following many of the steps above, especially by exercising and taking a break from time to time. If you’re concerned about your mental health, or anyone in your family, make sure you book an appointment like you would for a physical problem. There’s help available to you, you just need to seek it out.
Taking care of yours and your family’s health should always be a priority, even during the carefree summer months. It’s a great time to form new habits and enjoy being outdoors, as well as spending time together as a family. Use the time you have at home to help your family become healthier and stronger – when restrictions are lifted, you’ll be able to keep up your self-care habits ready to enjoy your time together.