Category Archives: Health

How Healthy Are Your Kids?

The world has never been more unhealthy than it is at the minute. Why do you think so many supermarkets and brands are promoting healthy living as much as they can? The world evolved from one that used to put cocaine into sugary drinks, to one that promoted sugary drinks and fatty foods to parents and families, to one that’s desperately trying to reduce it all. Although the world will never go back to putting drugs into a popular fizzy drink, there is the risk that kids aren’t being raised right. They’re being raised on a diet of junk and technology, which is why there are now more obese children than there have ever been in the world before. Kids health is just so important, and your children’s health should be at the top of your list of things to focus on. There are so many things that can go wrong with the human body if it isn’t properly nutritioned and exercised, and there are emerging health issues that are now far more common. So, how healthy are your kids? Let’s explore it a little bit more.

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Junk Food & Technology Diet?

This applies to children who are a little bit older. The junk food and technology diet is one that most teenage boys are living on at the minute. As soon as they get over the age of ten, their likes and dislikes change. All of the sudden they don’t want to play with toys and do what you say, they want to be their own man who is locked away in their room all day. But it seems that children are now getting younger and wanting this. So, to keep them away from junk food diet, you simply need to cook amazing healthy food. Show your children that healthy food is not vegetables and salad leaves, it can be burgers and pizza when cooked right! Make sure you’re planning days out every weekend that gets the whole family outdoors, and try and get your kids involved in a local sporting team. The more you guide them towards a healthier lifestyle, the more it’ll be the norm for them as they get older.

Small Health Issues

Everyone has a little something wrong with them, but when it comes to your kids it can get so worrying. However, there are now so many treatments and cures for small health issues that mean the future generation is going to live longer than ever before. But those small health issues need to be addressed, and one common issue children get is with their hearing. Grommets ear, ear infections, and backed up ear wax can all lead to long term hearing problems. Learn more about what would be required if your children did need the support of a hearing aid. Make sure you’re always looking out for signs that children don’t show obviously. Loss of balance and asking you to repeat yourself all of the time are two obvious signs!

Food Aversions & Allergies

This is so common among children, and it’s one of the reasons why so many have a poor diet. It can easily be solved however, simply by working at it week by week and introduce foods that they like!

Are You Taking Good Care Of Your Hearing?

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Our lives are filled with sound. Stop and listen right now to what is going on around. Even when you think that there is no sound you may hear the faint hum of your fridge or a distant dog barking. Every day we hear many different sounds, some useful, some irrelevant. Many of the sounds that we hear bring us happiness, some inform us, and some alert us to danger. We bring in so much information from the world around us through our ears, we should do our best to avoid hearing loss.

Hearing loss is not just something that is limited to older people, it is something that can affect you at any point in your life. Whether you are young or old, rich or poor, there are things that can have an adverse effect on your ability to hear and you should do everything that you can to look after your hearing.

Here are some things that you really should be doing to look after your hearing. 

Visit An Audiologist If You Are Worried About Hearing Loss

Paying a visit to the audiologist can be very helpful if you are in any way concerned that you may be experiencing hearing loss. An audiologist will be able to run some tests on you to find out about the range of hearing that you have.

If you and experiencing hearing loss, there could be many reasons for this including an accident, an infection, or exposure to loud noises for a prolonged time. Some things can be treated using medication or by clearing out ear wax, but where this is not the cause, a hearing aid may be worn to bring back your sense of sound. 

Many hearing aids these days even work with your smartphone to make life easier for you. Click here to learn more about the different types of hearing aids and the many benefits of them. 

Looking After Your Hearing

There are many ways that you can take care of your hearing but you should start with avoiding exposure to loud noises. If your job rechinery or you work in a noisy place like a nightclub, then speak with your employer as they should provide you with protective gear for your ears. 

Listening to music at full blast will have a negative effect on your hearing, particularly if you listen to music through headphones. Keep the volume set below the manufacturers safe recommended levels. Learn more here.

Finally, if you have an ear infection or ever notice that your ears feel blocked, visit your doctor and get it treated. Don’t let it become something more serious.

Does My Baby Have Hearing Loss?

It can be difficult to tell if young children have hearing loss, but it’s important to know. Hearing is an essential part of social, emotional and cognitive development in young children. Even mild hearing loss can be enough to have an effect on your child’s ability to develop speech and language. Luckily, if you can catch problems early on, they can be overcome before they cause a problem. What signs should you be looking for?

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Causes of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can be a birth defect or it can be caused later on. Hearing loss can occur in premature babies, babies born with newborn jaundice or babies with a family history of hearing loss. Some medications can cause hearing loss, as can birth complications, loud noises or infections. Hearing health is important to protect, so know the causes and try to avoid them. 

Symptoms Of Hearing Loss

All newborns should have a hearing test before they leave the hospital. If they don’t pass, then they should be tested gain within three months, in case debris or fluid in the ear caused the failure, rather than hearing loss. After these tests, there are signs to watch out for yourself, although children should continue to have hearing tests at regular intervals between the ages of 4 and 10 to learn more about their hearing. 

For newborns, note their reaction to sudden loud noises, as even newborns should jump at these. By 3 months, they should be able to recognize your voice. At 6 months, most babies will be able to turn their eyes towards the sound of a noise. By 12 months, they should be imitating sounds and starting to produce a few words, like ‘Dada’ or ‘bye’. 

For toddlers, you can look out for limited speech or difficulty learning. Your toddler might be appear to be attentive, or frequently ask for music or the television to be turned up louder. They might fail to respond in conversation, or to their name and might become easily frustrated when there is a lot of background noises. 

If you notice these signs, don’t want for child’s next hearing screen and make an appointment with your Doctor. They can refer you to a pediatric audiologist who will test their hearing to identify if there is a problem and how best to deal with it. If there is hearing loss, don’t panic. There are lots of ways to help. 

There are some surgeries and medical treatments that can help with hearing loss, but the most common solution is hearing aids. Technology in hearing aids is improving all the time, so they are now even smaller than ever, making them suitable for even very young children. They can be fitted comfortably, helping your child to hear properly, allowing them to catch up to their peers with their learning and development. 

Make sure to protect their hearing, by not exposing them to prolonged loud noises, and using earplugs and ear defenders when appropriate.