Category Archives: Health

Putting Your Life Back Together After a Serious Injury

Maintaining your health is never easy, especially as we’re all getting older and having to face new challenges. But one thing that can make it even more difficult is getting seriously injured. Even if you’ve done your best to live healthily and look after your family, it can only take one accident to cause a catastrophic injury that impacts your life.

Putting your life back together and knowing what to do after a major injury can take a lot of work, but it’s more than worth doing what you can to achieve a good standard of living. Here are some tips to help you through the process.

injured are and hand with medication, pills, pain med, injury, recovery, healing, health, mental, stress, anxiety

Image Credit.

Be Patient With Yourself

An injury is frustrating, both physically and mentally. It’s tempting to push yourself and try to rush recovery, but this isn’t how healing works. Your body needs time to recover. If you push it too far, then you risk hindering your recovery or even causing more damage.

Instead, you need to rest your injured body part and listen to your body. Instead of concentrating on what you can’t do, try to work around the injury and figure out what you can do. Once you’ve reached a certain point in your recovery, then you may need to start using your injured body part again. This can be slow, painful, and upsetting, but if you keep at it, you’re more likely to recover more functionality.

Your Mental Health

Often, a serious injury is caused by a traumatic event. This alone can result in mental and emotional problems, such as PTSD or other anxiety disorders. But you also have to deal with the strain of being injured and facing new limitations. 

You might be worried about your recovery, as well as how you will support yourself and your family. You could also face depression or frustration and anger as you cope with pain and the sense that your body is failing you.

If you are struggling with this adjustment, no matter where you are in your physical recovery, it’s important to speak to someone. Talk to trusted friends and family, especially if you know someone who has gone through something similar. 

You may need to consult a mental health professional for counseling or medication to help you cope. Existing mental health problems can be exacerbated by physical injury, making this even more important. 

Moving On

Sometimes, an injury is severe enough that it leaves you or a loved one with a long-term or even permanent disability. While this is upsetting, it doesn’t mean that you can’t move on and still put your life together.

One thing that can help families, especially if you are unable to work as you once were, is to get compensation. If your injury is the result of an accident that wasn’t your fault, possibly due to negligence or some other error, then you should reach out to GKBM to start building a catastrophic injury case

Nobody wants to go through a court case, but if you are eligible for compensation, then the best way to help your family is to make sure they are supported financially.

Tips on being the best version of you

Man sitting and smiling on bench against outside wall, happy, laughter, health, new years, resolutions

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

If you spend a lot of time socializing, you’ll want to feel like you are being the best version of yourself, in order to impress others. Feeling like you are being the best version of yourself can help with your confidence, it can help you engage with others more easily and improve your mental health

It’s important to always be working on yourself – after all, nobody is perfect – and by being aware that you are trying to be your best self, you can make subtle changes that can make a big difference. 

From dressing your best to looking after your wellbeing – such as drinking enough water, visiting your dentist, eating correctly – and ensuring your attitude is positive, below are our top tips on being the best version of you. 

Looking after your wellbeing 

Your wellbeing is an extremely important part of being the best version of yourself. If your wellbeing isn’t being looked after, you may feel sluggish and unmotivated. There are many ways in which you can look after your wellbeing. You can ensure your health checks are up-to-date, make sure you are eating a healthy diet, get the correct amount of sleep and make sure you drink plenty of water on top of other bits. 

Look After Your Teeth

Quite a few people don’t look after their teeth well enough, with this making them look worse and worse. If you want to be the best version of yourself, then it’s more than worth looking after your teeth. You’d be surprised how amazing your smile looks once you’ve put even a little bit of work into it. Whether that’s brushing properly and regularly or getting All-on-4 in Australia, there’s more than enough you can consider with this. Your smile more than deserves it.

Dress your best

There is a lot to be said about dressing your best. Dressing your best can have a big impact on how you feel about yourself on the day. By putting your best outfit on and being proud of your appearance, you will radiate positivity and feel better about yourself. Often when making an effort, others will compliment adding an extra tick to your confidence box. You don’t have to do this every day, however, try to do it once a week – even if you are working from home. 

Try to have a positive attitude 

Just like dressing to impress, your attitude that day can have a big impact on being your best self. If you are smiling and being positive to others, this can help improve your mood and present a more positive self. If you are feeling down, this will put your overall mood down, including your body language. Tips on having a positive attitude are to surround yourself with positive people, try to be aware of your responses and allow yourself to have bad days and good days – it’s impossible to be happy 100% of the time. 

We hope the above tips give you some help in being the best version of yourself. As mentioned above, it’s ok to have bad days as everyone has them. Be kind to yourself and reach out to others if you are struggling. Don’t try to make drastic changes, instead make several small ones, master them and then apply some additional changes – you don’t want to overwhelm yourself. 

What tips do you have for being the best version of yourself? Are there any tips that you would like to add to the above list? Which of the above tips do you most agree with? Let us know in the comment box below.

How Can You Live A Healthier Life?

When it comes to being healthy, it’s easy to get mixed up. Even experts with a lot of knowledge often seem to have different ideas, which can make it hard to figure out what you should do to improve your health. Even though people don’t always agree, research backs up a number of health tips. Here are some of the many scientifically proven health and nutrition tips.

Plate with vegetable sticks, carrots, celery, red pepper, crudites, healthy eating, snacks, health

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch

Eat Lots Of Fruit And Vegetables 

When it comes to getting enough vitamins, minerals, and fiber in our diets, fruits and vegetables rank high on the list of priorities. Aim for at least five servings per day. You could start your day with a glass of fresh fruit juice, nibble on an apple or a slice of watermelon for snacks, and fill up on a variety of veggies at each meal. In this way, you can be sure you’re getting as many good foods as possible in your diet. 

Eat Regularly And Have Smaller Portions 

A healthy diet is one that consists of a wide range of foods eaten on a regular basis and in healthy-sized portions.

Skipping meals, especially breakfast, can send your appetite spiraling out of control, which can lead to binge eating. It’s helpful to have something to eat in between meals to keep hunger at bay, but snacks shouldn’t take the place of full meals. We might have yogurt, some fresh or dried fruit or vegetable sticks (like carrots), some unsalted nuts, or some bread with cheese as a snack.

Consciously controlling your calorie intake through portion control allows you to enjoy all of your favorite foods without giving any up, and that makes bingeing a lot less likely. 

Prioritize Sleep

Never underestimate the power of sleep. Getting the recommended 6 to 9 hours of sleep each night lets our bodies and brains repair and recover. A good night’s sleep boosts your immune system and helps you keep a healthy weight. It also makes you more fertile and improves your mental health. If you don’t get enough sleep on a regular basis, you are more likely to get diabetes, heart disease, cancer, obesity, depression, and so on.

If you don’t think you currently make the most of your potential sleep time, try going to bed just half an hour earlier than you usually do and keep moving the time back until you’re getting the full 6 to 9 hours. You can also go outside. Being in bright light during the day can make us feel sleepier at night and improve the quality of our sleep. For better sleep, try to spend as much time as possible outside during the day.

Get Regular Health Checks 

There are so many things you can do to ensure you are living a healthy life. As well as everything mentioned above, you can also maintain a healthy weight, meditate, drink plenty of water, exercise, and keep company with positive people. Something else that can help hugely is making – and attending – regular checkups with your doctor, dentist, optometrist, and other healthcare experts. By getting checked once a year or so, you can ensure the measures you are taking to stay healthy are actually working and learn more ways to take care of yourself at the same time.