Category Archives: Health

The 3 Simple Ways To Focus on Your Health When You’re So Busy

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Focusing on your health when you are such a busy parent isn’t as easy as it sounds. As parents, we have to wear many hats, and when we are trying to sneak in time to look after ourselves so we can have the energy to juggle everything in a day, we’ve got to remember that focusing on our health should be the priority for us to thrive in every other area of our lives. So how can you weave health into your life when you are so busy? 

Preparing Breakfast the Night Before

Whether it’s overnight oats or green smoothies, if you prepare breakfast the night before, at the very least you know you’ve got a great breakfast down you to get you ready for the day. Some people don’t like having breakfast as soon as they wake up, in which case, you can easily prepare yourself a great brunch instead. A lot of people are benefiting from reducing their meal intake, but you’ve got to remember that if you are running around a lot, you need to make sure you have enough energy while also making sure that you are healthy. 

Making Time for Fitness

When you’re a dad life is going to get pretty hectic, especially if you are a single parent. So looking after your health is essential so that you are fit enough to take care of your children. A good way to ensure you look after your own health is to undertake exercise. This is good for lifting your general mood, getting your heart pumping blood around the body and to keep any weight off. Heart care is very important when you have a family to look after so you want to ensure that you keep yours in the best possible condition. Exercise and a healthy balanced diet will help to make sure that your heart is as healthy as it can be, and it will set a great example to your children as well to follow.

Fitness is one of those things that we believe have to take hours of our day. The reality is that you can sneak in exercise while getting things done. And in fact, there’s a benefit to having a little bit of exercise here and there. Doing some quick press-ups while you’re waiting for the kettle to boil or isometric contractions are all little things that you can do to improve your strength. As parents, we can run the risk of overdoing it when it comes to our fitness, which is why we have to focus on building up gradually. Rather than trying to do a mega workout three times a week, doing a little here and there will not eat into your recovery. 

Ensuring You Feel Relaxed and Refreshed

The biggest battle we all have when it comes to our health and fitness is actually ensuring that we are able to tackle the day. And this means that we’ve got to minimize stress in the right ways and focus on relaxation. If you are a single parent and you’ve got the kids to sleep after a long day, you may feel that you owe it yourself to have some time on your phone and some Netflix, but making sure that you stick to a rigid bedtime and wake up time means that you are winning the battle against your circadian rhythms. Having a good bedtime routine is very important for your children, but it’s just as important for you. 

When we learn to focus on our health as busy parents, it doesn’t just mean that we start to live the healthy lifestyle we crave but we also set that example for our children. It’s not easy to be healthy in any way, but it’s about making sure that you focus on the right aspects of health for you.

How Your Family can Reduce Waste at Home

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Image Pixabay CC0 License

Every parent wants to instill positive values in their kids during childhood. Helping your children to grow up in a way that allows them to understand the value of money and the need to reduce waste is an excellent way to prepare them for adulthood and living independently. 

Limiting waste at home will help kids understand how to save money and play a part in protecting the planet. Demonstrating these values to your kids through your own actions is the best possible way to ensure that they understand the role they can play in using their money and the earth’s resources in the most responsible manner. Here are some examples of opportunities that you can use to reduce waste at your home, saving yourself money and protecting the planet while also being a strong role model to your kids:

Groceries: Reduce Food Waste

Food waste is a significant problem and one that is an issue throughout many of the world’s wealthiest countries. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), approximately 30 to 40 percent of the nation’s food supply goes to waste. This is a significant figure and equates to billions of dollars of food that is discarded without being eaten. There are various reasons that food waste occurs, some of which happen at the production stage, but consumers are also responsible for a large portion of wasted food. So, taking action to reduce the amount of food that your household wastes is crucial and a great way to prevent wasting money spent on groceries. 

If you are keen to begin reducing your food waste, there are a few ways you can make this happen. Firstly, check the use-by dates on everything you buy to ensure that you have time to use it before it expires. Secondly, you may find it helpful to start meal planning. Meal planning enables you to shop specifically for the groceries you need and minimize waste. Finally, it is beneficial to find ways to use leftovers while they are still safe to eat to ensure they do not get thrown away. Reducing your food waste may seem like a small act. Still, it can actually make a significant difference to the cost of your grocery shopping while also helping to tackle a much broader issue.

Clothing: Buy Less, But Buy Better

Nowadays, fast fashion has become the go-to choice for many people looking to keep up with the latest trends without spending much money. But, fast fashion comes at a price. Spending money on clothes that are not designed to last can mean that you buy lots and don’t manage to get much wear from each item before it goes out of fashion or breaks. Purchasing cheap clothing in this way means that your closet becomes full of poor-quality garments that you no longer wear and need to be replaced frequently when their quality fails. Shopping for clothing like this is bad news for your finances, and the planet, plus adds clutter to your home. Taking an alternative approach and buying functional, stylish clothing that is designed to last will mean that you get better value for money and years of wear while preserving valuable closet space. Buying clothing from brands such as Over Under Clothing will ensure that you get the best quality and can enjoy many years of comfortable wear.

save water, waste, planet, earth, recycle, energy

Image Pixabay CC0 License

Electricity: Conserve Power to Pay Less

As every homeowner knows, powering a home is an expensive task. Running gadgets, appliances, along with cooling and heating systems, can mean that your electricity bills escalate quickly. Making an effort to actively reduce your household’s energy consumption is an effective way to lower your home’s running costs and its carbon footprint. Reducing electricity use is also something the entire family can get involved with and take responsibility to manage. 

When trying to reduce your home’s energy consumption, you may find it helpful to start with the smaller changes first. Simply changing all of your light bulbs to Energy Star alternatives can make a significant impact on the cost of illuminating your home, and further savings can be made if everyone remembers to switch off lights when leaving each room. As well as switching off lights, it is also helpful to turn off appliances (where safe to do so) when they are not in use, rather than leaving them on standby. Additional energy-saving benefits can be gained from having your HVAC system regularly serviced to ensure that it is working efficiently and not having to work too hard to heat and cool your home. These changes may seem small, but the cumulative effects throughout the year can make a marked difference to your electricity consumption.

Water: Actively Conserve Water

Conserving the amount of water that your family uses may seem challenging at first; after all, everyone needs to be able to wash and drink. However, making a conscious effort to reduce water consumption can be achieved without your family needing to forego their basic needs. Harvesting rainwater to keep your plants hydrated is one way to save a lot of water and prevent drinking water from being used outdoors. Further water-saving measures can be implemented inside the house to reduce water waste. Getting leaks and dripping faucets fixed as soon as you notice them is a great place to start.

Other water-saving activities include switching your toilet flush and shower head for varieties designed to use less water. Taking showers rather than filling up the tub can also be an effective way to reduce water use, especially if you time your showers to make them just a few minutes long each time. One great way to save water is turning off the faucet while you brush your teeth. A vast amount of water is wasted every day by people keeping the tap running while they brush their teeth, and doing this twice a day only increases the amount of water that is wasted. So, this simple act can help to prevent a lot of waste.

A Bereaved Father’s Commemoration to Late Daughter: Baby Aviva Orangutan Diva (Children’s Book)

A father’s life is completely changed the moment he holds his child for the very first time.  Fathers receive a new outlook on the fragility of life while he cradles his tiny child in his arms.  Time becomes a precious commodity and the things we thought were important are re-prioritized. A father’s new priorities entail a well-nourished baby, clean diapers and a schedule that accommodates for naptimes. Even though we get less sleep, we are awestruck by the miracle that is life, and we start dreaming about our child’s future: her first words, her first day in kindergarten, her college graduation and watching her grow up into a thriving adult.

But what happens when that dream ends? What does a father do for his child when the unthinkable happens?  After enduring the catastrophic tragedy of my daughter’s death at 10 months of age due to an undiagnosed illness, I held her in my arms and promised that I would share her story with the world.  Losing my precious daughter at such a tender young age has cut short that future I had envisioned for her.  Aviva was full of life, love, laughter and had a contagious personality that lit up the room.  Her story was cut too short.  Knowing that such a force of life was taken from my hands far too soon has been beyond devastating.  However, as a father who still believes in giving his daughter the best possible future, I’ve been motivated to share her life’s story with all the children that never got a chance to meet her with the hope of inspiring others.  

The main orangutan protagonist in the book, Baby Aviva Orangutan Diva, embodies my daughter’s personality and characteristics including courage, joy, charm, fearlessness, teamwork and grace.  Relying on her vivacious spirt, musical melodies and can-do attitude, Aviva the Orangutan Diva’s quest for golden bananas leads her to confront dangerous encounters and overcome obstacles for the benefit of her community.  The uplifting children’s book on jungle animals teaches kids many important lessons including overcoming fears, adapting to new environments, the importance of teamwork and staying true to oneself.  By remaining true to own’s most authentic self and finding strength from within, almost anything in life can be accomplished and anything is possible.

As a heartbroken father and first-time author, my simple goal for the book is to spread my daughter’s joy, charisma, personality and love with all the children she would have met around the world.   Although I can no longer hold her in my arms, I look forward to the day this book brings smiles and joy to children reading it with their parents all over the world.  Perhaps it will even bring fathers closer to their own daughters, knowing nothing should be taken for granted in this life.  Through this, my daughter Aviva will live on, and her legacy will continue.  Even though she’s no longer physically here, it is my simple hope that her legacy can have an enduring impact on many others around the world.  As a father who has lived through the unthinkable, my dream for my daughter never ends:  I still believe she can have a positive and impactful future and I’m excited to see how Aviva’s story unfolds. 


Author Bio:

Hans Kullberg is an Author, specializing in Children’s Books, Grief and Parenting Books. Hans is a loving father of 4 wonderful children and prides himself on being a father first and foremost, cherishing every moment of his fatherhood journey. Also a serial entrepreneur in the non-profit and for-profit sectors, greatest pleasures of parenthood are bringing smiles and joy to his children and he loves watching them learn and grow.  Making up silly, fantastical tales of dragons, race cars, flying unicorns and laughing llamas at bedtime every night is just part of his parenthood duties.

Due to the unexpected tragedy of losing his daughter Aviva at 10 months old, Hans is motivated to share her fearless character, fun-loving spirit and vivacious personality embodied through an orangutan in Baby Aviva Orangutan Diva. Even though she is no longer here to meet friends, Aviva can still change lives and create positive impact through the messages of this book including overcoming adversity by using your inner strengths, never judging a book by its cover and staying true to yourself. That is her Dad’s ultimate hope and motivation for writing – to bring smiles to children all over the world while sharing his daughter’s beautiful story and turning sorrow into a wonderful legacy.

Knowing intimately how precious life truly is, his mission is to help other parents embrace the wonderful experience of parenthood to the fullest, always cherishing our children by leading with love. In addition, through sharing his story about the most difficult tragedy a parent can imagine, he hopes to bring attention to the often-overlooked grieving journey and how supporters of bereaved parents can provide comfort simply by showing up. Grief is a process that society in general doesn’t necessarily embrace well and, through an upcoming book on the grief journey, Hans hopes other bereaved parents will be adequately supported during the time they need it most.