Category Archives: Health

4 Must-Haves for the Busy, On-The-Go Dad

Being a dad is tough work. Working, taking the kiddos to their activities, and still trying to find time for yourself is no easy task. And being on-the-go can become stressful and overwhelming if you aren’t prepared for the busy times you are going to encounter. So, how can you make your busy life a little easier? Well, you can make sure you have a few must-haves on hand to keep you going, organized, and ready to tackle whatever heads your way.


dad, stress, family, fatherhood, parenting, kids, health, lifestyle

Though you may find yourself covered in dirt, grime, and gunk throughout your day, you want to be sure that you are protecting your skin as best as you can before you start your day. Wearing sunscreen is the best way to make sure you are protecting your skin and making sure it is healthy in the long run. Plus, when your kiddos see you put your sunscreen on, it is a great example to be setting for them when it comes to skin health and overall wellness. You can even make applying sunscreen a part of the family routine in the morning. That way everyone wins and has protected skin.

A new wallet

dad, stress, family, fatherhood, parenting, kids, health, lifestyle

A Ridge wallet is going to be a game changer for any man, but especially for a Dad that is always on the move. If you are always on the go, you don’t want to be carrying around too much or have a wallet that is bursting at the seams. A new wallet will help you keep only the essentials on you and not weigh your pockets down. Plus, since you have to carry your cards around, you might as well get something that you know will be worth it. Why wait for a wallet emergency to strike, upgrade now and save yourself from the future headache.

A hydration pack

If you are always on the move, it is highly likely that you aren’t going to be able to remember to carry your water bottle with you too. It will get left at the store, in the car, or at home, rendering them virtually useless. So, why not carry your water in an easy-to-wear hydration pack? Being dehydrated is a bad habit you need to kick. A hydration pack will make it so your water is always with you, you have extra room for your essentials, and you aren’t forgetting it at home or in the car. Plus, it makes it so much easier to hydrate on the go. You will wonder what took you so long to get one.

A hat collection

Like we mentioned before, protecting yourself from the sun is a vital aspect of being an on-the-go dad. And another way to protect yourself and your skin is by wearing a hat. Of course, there are tons of hats to choose from, so this is where you can let your creativity and fashion sense soar. You can have a nice everyday hat that can take you to the office or running errands, one that will help you best during outdoor activities like working out, or just an everyday baseball cap to sport your favorite team, for comfort and style. No matter what hat you choose, it is a must-have to keep you cool, calm, collected, and happy in even the most stressful Dad situations.

Alright, now listen, Dad. We know you spend most of your time caring for others. But, make sure that you are taking care of yourself sometimes too. Be sure you have a few of these must-haves ready to go, and you will be able to conquer it all… and then do it all again tomorrow.

6 Simple Ways to Take Care of Yourself as a Busy Parent

Parenting can take a lot out of you, and finding ways to relax and take care of yourself isn’t easy. The key is finding little things that reduce stress and give you a break from the busy parenting life. Here are 6 simple ways you can take care of yourself as a busy parent.

parent, parenting, kids, family, stress, health

1. Take care of physical health

The mind-body connection can’t be discounted, and taking care of your physical health can provide plenty of mental benefits as well. Exercise is always one of the best things you can do to relax and blow off some steam. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins that trigger a positive reaction in your body. Plus, exercising can help you feel healthier, which also tends to lead to a more positive outlook. If you’re spending a lot of time sitting in the house parenting your kids, try to find some ways to get outside and exercise with them. Physical health isn’t just about hitting the gym. Prioritize skin care; after all, it’s the largest organ in your body. Adopting a regular skin care routine can make all the difference in how you feel and look. Another physical health must-have? Great dental care, both at-home and at the doctor’s. Worried about cost? There are plenty of ways to afford the tooth care you need, like this 1Dental savings plans, or by setting aside money from your paycheck every month to a separate account.

2. Healthy eating

Another thing you have to focus on if you want to take care of yourself as a parent is your diet. The foods you eat have a big impact on your mood, especially when you consider the fact that your overall health impacts your mood as well. Make sure you’re eating plenty of vegetables and foods rich in vitamin C and vitamin D. While treating yourself to a cheat meal every now and again is also a good way to relax a bit, a healthy diet is a key to taking care of yourself as a parent, and will help teach your children great habits. If you want to make it easier on yourself, order food subscription boxes like HelloFresh that come with all the ingredients you need to quickly prepare a healthy and tasty meal, any night of the week.

3. Exercise your brain

As important as it is to exercise your body to improve your mental and emotional health, exercising your brain is also important. The problem is, that most of us don’t work our brains enough as adults because we’re not forced to do so in school. If you find yourself getting irritated easily, picking up a book might be the answer to your problems. Reading not only improves focus and concentration but also expands your knowledge and empathy. If you’re looking for a gripping read that will truly engage your mind, try diving into a novel by J.D. Barker. Known for his intricate plots and psychological depth, these books challenge readers to think critically and keep up with twists and turns that stimulate mental agility. Reading might just be the mental exercise you need to regain your balance and calm. Simply letting yourself get lost in a story is a great way to exercise your brain and relax. If you want to up the ante, consider a brain training app like Lumosity.

parent, parenting, kids, family, stress, health

4. Learn a skill

For some parents, bad moods are a result of feeling stuck and doing the same things every day. If you feel like you’re not doing enough in your day-to-day life, learning a new skill is a good way to engage your brain and find a new activity you enjoy. You could learn how to bake, make your own clothes or design graphics with Photoshop. Whatever skill you choose, it’s a great way to reclaim some of your own time and find enjoyment in life.

5. Get some sun

While diet and exercise are the biggest keys to a healthy body, you need plenty of sunlight as well. Sunlight delivers vitamin D to the body, which helps keep bones and teeth healthy in addition to boosting your mood. This is why many people find themselves down in the dumps during the winter, but happy on a bright summer day.

6. Find ways to unwind

At the end of the day, being a parent is all about improvising. Sure you can’t do all the things you used to do, but you can still find ways to relax and unwind at the end of a stressful day. Whether you like playing video games, watching TV or reading about your favorite sports team, taking some time out for yourself in the evening to unwind is always healthy. If you like to unwind with cannabis use, find yourself a quality bong that will last and work great like those offered at Vitae Glass. In places where it’s legal, cannabis is quickly becoming a popular way to de-stress and reduce anxiety, so it’s the perfect way to unwind at the end of a long week.

Being a parent is a busy job that can lead to a lot of stress, but it’s worth it in the end. If you’ve found yourself having trouble relaxing and taking care of yourself mentally and physically lately, try some of these methods.

Are You Putting Off A Visit To The Doctor?

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Pexels. CCO Licensed.

Men have a tendency to put off visits to the doctor more than women. In fact, a study by Bupa found that 8 in 10 men prefer to endure an illness rather than see a doctor – only seeking help when symptoms become ‘unbearable’.

Putting off a visit to the doctors can be dangerous. Small health problems can evolve into big health problems. Something that might have been easy to treat had it been caught early could end up becoming more tricky to treat at a later stage. This is why you shouldn’t put off treatment. It’s also a great reason to consider taking out TPD Insurance to cover you should anything become so severe that you are unable to work. This type of insurance provides you with funds so that you and your family can still maintain your lifestyle should you become totally and permanently disabled and can no longer work.

Of course, there are various reasons as to why men put off a visit to the doctor. Below are just a few solutions to some of these reasons. 

Don’t have the time?

Some of us will put off a visit to the doctor’s because it takes up too much time. Booking an appointment can often be a hassle and you may end up having to take time off work to go to an appointment.

While it’s true that it can be time-consuming, your health is something that you should prioritize over commitments such as work. Nowadays, there are flexible ways to see a doctor such as appointments over the phone, video call appointments and even private visits to your home or workplace. Such options could allow you to more easily fit a doctor’s appointment into your day. 

Don’t have health insurance?

Healthcare treatment can be expensive. If you haven’t got insurance to pay for it, you may be concerned as to whether you can afford it.

Generally an appointment won’t cost you much. If you’re really struggling financially, there are free and cheap walk-in clinics in some cities. When it comes to expensive procedures, there could be funding options such as taking out a zero-interest medical loan or shopping around for discounts with the help of an advocate. All in all, there are lots of options for making treatment affordable without insurance (although it’s worth noting that taking out health insurance is the best option!).

Don’t trust your doctor?

Most doctor’s know their stuff, but there will always be a few bad eggs. For some people, a bad experience can cause mistrust.

It’s important to not lose trust in all doctors – sometimes it could be a case of finding a new better suited doctor for your case. You can research into local doctors online by checking out bio pages such as this one for Dr Hooshang Poor. In some cases, it could be worth paying more to see a specialist – if your local doctor was unable to diagnose your stomach pain, it’s possible that it could be a rarer condition that is better suited to a gastroenterologist. 

Too nervous/embarrassed?

Some medical problems can be embarrassing or may require unpleasant treatments. Getting over this embarrassment and fear is important – it’s important to remember that doctors have seen it all and will treat any problem sensitively and professionally. You can always request to see a male doctor or look into alternative treatments if it’s a real issue. If you have a phobia that is stopping you from seeing a doctor, it may be necessary to look into therapy (there are therapists that specialize in phobias such as this one).