Pinterest is addicting! I try to not click on a picture, but it looks so interesting and/or funny! Eventually, I give in and click. Two hours later and I’m sitting in the same spot wondering what in the world just happened.
Pinterest happened. It’s addicting, it’s uncontrollable, and I like it! Because of Pinterest, I now have a plethora of things to do with Avery for now and when she’s older. Educational, fun, and active; yep, they all fit what I look for.
Since there are too many “Pins” to share in one post, I am going to start a series of my top ten Pinterest Picks across several topics of interest. Today will be all about puns because they make me smile and well, what other reason do you need?
I hope you enjoy these and please be on the lookout for the next top ten Pinterest picks on activities to do with your baby!
We are being graced with great weather here in Texas and making the most of it! This Tuesday was my first day back on the job since Going Mom had to Go (ha ha ha, I’m corny) back to work today.
I was hesitant about today since Avery hasn’t been the best the past couple of days and basically had been refusing the to take a bottle. But, to my surprise she did a complete 180 and it ended up being a great day!
The morning started out a little rough, but she finally finished her bottle and, more importantly, pooped! She later pooped again, and then again tonight. Three times in one day? Guess that makes up for the past two days of nothing. Look at me, blogging about my baby pooping…….I’m cool. But seriously, no shame here, I believe babies pooping relieve parents just as much as the baby.
After crying about mommy going back to work, Avery helped console me, and then I returned the favor and put her down for a nap. She slept great and allowed me to get my squat day workout in as well as a good steamed veggie and egg white breakfast. I even made Kelley’s breakfast ahead of time; score!
You know your baby is sleeping good when YOU have to go and wake them from their nap, and this was the case twice today. For the first nap, I came in with camera in hand to try and capture a smile from this sleeping beauty…
Good Sleep; check
But then I startled her with my voice which led to this….
Next time I won’t pop the balloon!
Luckily, she was quick to forgive me and then finished another bottle. Things were going pretty good, so I figured a nice ride in the stroller should be attempted. Avery usually gets fussy at first, and I have to start running with the B.O.B. stroller before she’ll calm down. But, she didn’t make any sounds of protest as I strapped her in and put Abby,our Golden Retriever, on the leash.
I started off at a steady run in the nice weather and settled into a good pace. Mind you, a good pace with a dog and stroller creating drag in the stupid wind is nothing fast, but it’s still a run. I kept checking on her as I ran, but she never let out a peep, and I could see she was asleep. How? I have no clue since there were bumps all along the way, but I didn’t want to stop until she had a good nap.
5 miles later and Abby was panting and dragging pretty bad, so I had to bring her inside for water. I let her in, Avery not budging, so I went back at it for some more running. By the time she finally woke up, we had run 6 miles and walked a little extra. Breaking new ground feels great! Avery even awarded me with a smile as we returned home.
Avery finished another bottle as we watched the Nordic Combined Olympics and then had a little play time. Well, I thought it would be play time….
Hey, she holds herself up pretty well though, so that’s something.
I put her down for her afternoon nap and again, I had to wake her up. Something just felt too good about today. I made sure not to abruptly come in with a booming voice like the first time, and I’d say she was happier about that….
From Sleepy to Bashful.
Not sure how, but she finished her fourth bottle of the day right as mom walked in. Man was I happy to report on the good day, and even happier that Avery stayed that way for the night. I love having a happy baby for Kelley to come home to and I strive for this every day.
We enjoyed each other’s company for a while and “talked” with Avery until her bath time and then she was down for the night. I can only hope for another successful day tomorrow. Oh please Avery, please!
Do you ever have what seems to be a completely different baby than what you had the day before? Any good stories?
I know I complain about Avery not playing and being impatient, but I can’t believe she’ll be three months tomorrow, February 15th. And today is her first Valentine’s.
Avery with Mommy at less than 2 weeks old.
Yeah, not really a big deal, but as I’m sure all parents know, a first anything is a landmark we MUST get excited about.
I’m running short on time today, but I wanted to post my V-day wishes to Avery and hope we can have a great one. Tomorrow we’ll be visiting her grandparents from her mom’s side, and it’s supposed to be beautiful weather. Hoping for some nice sunshine and a great visit. I am always a little hesitant to throw her off of her routine since that makes nap time and therefore nighttime harder. Sometimes it’s not a big deal though, we’ll see.
Speaking of sleep, instead of the normal swaddle with snaps that we have been using, we tried the Woombie we bought a while back. I also used the advice from this video on YouTube for the inside layer to keep her arms down. This is a perfect combo! No more snaps coming undone either since the Woombie zips up!
Keeping those crazy arms down is a chore, and so far so good. Avery even slept in her crib from 9pm to 5am, that’s the longest yet! High five us! But I won’t get too excited until it’s consistent.
Crazy arms in action. So freakin’ cute though!
Well, that’s it for today, I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine’s Day and great weekend ahead. I’m excited we’ll have Kelley at home for an extra day, we sure do miss mommy around here!
Do you get overexcited about counting 1st’s for your baby? What’s the most random first you can remember?
An at-home dad on a mission to keep it real when it comes to food, fun, and raising a healthy, happy family.